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21. MSRO > Miombo Forests -- An Example Of Tropical Fire Ecology Miombo forests An example of tropical fire ecology A seminar paper by Maria Haanpää (1998) Seminars on Agriculture and Forestry in Developing Countries (MH31) 15th April, 1998 http://www.lodestone.org/users/maria/misc/miombo.html | |
22. Domain Of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald Und Artenschutz (ARA) E.V./ Germany Consultant in tropical ecology, with applications to development projects. Offers knowledge in agroforestry and ecophysiology of rainforests, pressures on ecosystems, indigenous people and forests. Based in Hamburg, Germany. http://hometown.aol.com/araoffice | |
23. Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda A nonprofit group concerned about the ecology and people of the Sierra Gorda region in Queretaro. Includes ecotours, environmental education, community improvement, and protection and regeneration of forests. http://www.woodrising.com/gesg/homepage.htm | |
24. COSTA RICA INSIDE / The Best Adventure On And Off Line Natural history tours in the protected forests lead by professional naturalist guides. These highly trained and experienced guides will provide you with a knowledgeable interpretation of the surrounding ecology. http://www.costaricainside.com/ | |
25. Eco-Portal: Forests/Forest Ecology Home forests Forest ecology. the entire directory only this categoryMore search options. Categories Biodiversity (108) Bioregionalism http://forests.org/links/Forest_Ecology/ | |
26. TRN - Taiga Rescue Network - The Boreal Forest Information on boreal forest ecology and biodiversity, the cultures of the boreal regions, threats faced by boreal forests worldwide. http://www.taigarescue.org/ | |
27. Introduction History, summary, ecology and details on this largely undeveloped landscape consisting of extensive, diverse habitats, such as saltwater and brackishwater marshes, maritime forests, upland pines, and bottomland hardwoods. http://www.csc.noaa.gov/acebasin/ | |
28. Plants, Trees And Forests , Importance.......Plants, Trees and forests. Factors Affecting Plant Growth. Herbaceous Plants. Lichen. Aspenforests Importance, Succession. Aspen forests http://www.alienexplorer.com/ecology/topic27.html | |
29. Ferry Beach Ecology School: Ecology Education On The Coast Of Maine Provides residential ecology education for grades 38. Ecosystem-based lessons teach students about forests, ocean beaches, tidepools and estuaries. http://www.fbes.org/ | |
30. The Encyclopedia Of Southern Appalachian Forest Ecosystems Information on the ecology and management of southern Appalachian forest ecosystems. We have synthesized literature from thousands of sources to provide resource managers, land owners, researchers, students, and the public easy access to scientific knowledge about the forests of the southern Appalachians. http://www.forestryencyclopedia.net | |
31. EEB Faculty: Robin L. Chazdon (2001) Forest structure, canopy architecture, and light transmittance in oldgrowthand second-growth tropical rain forests. ecology 82 2707-2718. http://www.eeb.uconn.edu/faculty/chazdon/chazdon.htm | |
32. Per-Anders Esseen - Personal Web Page ecology and conservation of epiphytes in boreal forests. Publications, Lichen ecology Group study species, sites, and methods, and links. http://www.eg.umu.se/eng/staff/per-anders_esseen.htm | |
33. Maxie's Magnificent Guide: Keeping Our Planet Green Lesson plans, activities, clip art, and other resources for teachers.Category Society Holidays Earth Day Children and Youth Classroom...... Other Resources The Environmental Index (from the UK). Trees forests. EndangeredSpecies More Great Sites ecology, Conservation, Earth Day Awesome Library. http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/Green.html | |
34. Wilderness Ecology And Ancient Forests This is a unit of the Lasting forests website describing the Rich Hole Wilderness,a US Forest Service area of the Jefferson and George Washington National http://fwie.fw.vt.edu/rhgiles/richholewild/ | |
35. Wilderness Ecology And Ancient Forests Ancient forests, Future forests Comments on a Paper Before the Virginia Chapterof the Wilfdlife Society, 1998. We have 67% of the forests we had in 1600. http://fwie.fw.vt.edu/rhgiles/richholewild/speech1.htm | |
36. The Ecology Of Delta Forests The ecology of Delta forests The Mississippi areas. For more information aboutthe ecology of Delta forests, click on the following links USFS http://www.deltalandtrust.org/ecology.html | |
37. Ecological And Economic Benefits Of Mountain Forests {short description of image}, International Symposium Ecological and EconomicBenefits of Mountain forests September 1518, 2002, Innsbruck, Targets, http://fbva.forvie.ac.at/iym/ecology.html | |
38. The Ecologist Magazine: Ecology News Online forests. The Woodland Trust, Future forests, Part of the Future forests plan isto create a carbon reduction scheme for your household, lifestyle or business. http://www.theecologist.org/links.html?section=26 |
39. The Ecologist Magazine: Ecology News Online Christmas is coming advert 2. Articles Related to forests. TITLE, DATEPUBLISHED, Countryside at risk from Romanian theme park, 22/02/2002. http://www.theecologist.org/archive_articles.html?category=54 |
40. UW-SU: Research: Forests . Forest ecology...... the forests Group Page for group members, a message board, and other informationabout this portion of the project. General Project http://depts.washington.edu/global/uwsichuan/forests.html | |
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