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21. Forestry Links Certification. OSU College of Forestry, Forest Landowners Tax Council.OSU forestry media Center, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Forested http://www.ccffa-oswa.org/links.html | |
22. Removing The Constraints - Media Advisory Consultative Group Meeting on Indonesia Seminar On Indonesian Forestry Jakarta, January26, 2000 Government, Donors Focus on forestry media Advisory January 21 http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/eap/eap.nsf/680c5352d463b70a852567c900770e56/cc3117 |
23. Southern Hemisphere Forestry Your window on the world's most dynamic forestry countries. Southern Hemisphere forestry is a site allowing you to select a range of products and services provided by Trade and media Services Ltd. Yearbook's "Big Bang" focus http://www.southernhemisphereforestry.co.nz/ | |
24. Society Of American Foresters (SAF) - Welcome Contains information on education, policy and media, publications, forestry science, marketplace, events calendar, about forestry, and member only links. http://www.safnet.org | |
25. Etago | Home The search engine for Otago industry and commerce. Links to accommodation, agriculture/forestry, education, hospitality/entertainment, media, online shopping, professional/public services, retail, sport/recreaction, technology, the arts and tourism. http://www.etago.co.nz/ | |
26. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF POLISH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES Journal covering the following subjects Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Environmental Development, Fisheries, Food Science and Technology, forestry, Geodesy and Cartography, Horticulture, Timber Engineering, Veterinary Medicine. Currently the access is free of charge. http://www.ejpau.media.pl |
27. Welcome To The McGregor Model Forest Association Information on sustained forest management programs, forestry research, and strategic planning initiatives. Discussion forums and multimedia presentations available. http://mcgregor.bc.ca/ | |
28. Dynamic Directory - Business - Agriculture And Forestry - News And Top BusinessAgriculture and ForestryNews and media (83) http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/N |
29. New Strategy To Increase Indigenous Involvement In Forestry - Media Release New Strategy to Increase Indigenous Involvement in forestry. Joint mediarelease with Senator Ian Macdonald. IPS 062/2002. The Commonwealth http://www.atsia.gov.au/atsia/media/media02/r02062.htm | |
30. Media Releases - Minister Warren Truss This page contains media releases issued by Warren Truss, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries ad forestry. http://www.affa.gov.au/ministers/truss/releases/home_wt_releases.html | |
31. New Research Boosts Dryland Farm Forestry - Media Release RIRDC media Releases Index. New research boosts dryland farm forestry.24 May 1999. Australias Joint Venture Agroforestry Program http://www.rirdc.gov.au/pub/media_releases/25may99.htm | |
32. Media Release: Expansion Of Farm Forestry Must Be Managed To Benefit Smaller Com media release Expansion of farm forestry must be managed to benefit smaller communities.Rural Industries Research Development Corporation. http://www.rirdc.gov.au/pub/media_releases/31may01.html | |
33. 00 00 2000 Certification Coillte Forestry / Media The Statesponsored forestry company, Coillte, should not be granted an internationallyaccepted eco label certifying that its management of forests is http://www.friendsoftheirishenvironment.org/Site Areas/Press Room/coverage/coili | |
34. Certification RTE Debate Coillte 14 June 2000 - Forestry / Media t. RTE RODNEY RICE. 14 JUNE 2000. Gerry Egan, Head of Public Affairs GE. TonyLowes, Coalition for Sustainable forestry TL. Rodney Rice, presenter RR. http://www.friendsoftheirishenvironment.org/Site Areas/Press Room/coverage/coill | |
35. Australia's National Association Of Forest Industries A comprehensive library of forest facts and statistics about Australia's forest industry, its employees Category Business Agriculture and forestry Oceania......About NAFI media Releases Facts Figures Industry Issues News Newsletters forestryEvents Contact NAFI Classifieds Links. Forest Giants of the Styx Valley. http://www.nafi.com.au/ | |
36. NAFI |Media Releases 31 Jan 1997, Joint Position On Farm forestry. 1996. 12 Agreements. 20 Aug1996, Independent Panel media Must Challenge Environment Lobby claims. http://www.nafi.com.au/media/ | |
37. The Hon Minister Warren Truss MP - Homepage Banner The Hon Warren Truss MP Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheriesand forestry, You are here Home, Last updated media Office. http://www.affa.gov.au/ministers/truss/ | |
38. Departmental Media Releases Senator The Hon. Judith Troeth Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture,Fisheries forestry. Australian Federal Government media Releases. http://www.affa.gov.au/content/mediareleases.cfm | |
39. Yale's Environment School: For The Media F ES home For the media home Faculty Experts F ES Globe . Copyright© 2001 Yale School of forestry Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT 06511 http://www.yale.edu/forestry/media/ | |
40. Global ForestSearch, LLC - Media Forestry Study These views are not necessarily exhaustive of the deeprooted anduneasy perceptions by the forestry world about media reporting. http://globalfor.com/html/medforstudy.htm | |
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