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81. Welcome To CEC - National Campaign On Labour Rights - Documents (Sources Marine Products Export Development Authority Ministry of Agriculture,Department of Animal Husbandry fisheries, government of India). http://www.labourfile.org/cec1/cec/Campaign/cmpndocs2.html | |
82. Government Orders Of Animal Husbandry And Fisheries Department Üó꣬íè government Orders of Interest to Citizens. è£ï¬ì ðó£ñK¹ñÁ e¡õ÷¶¬ø Animal Husbandry and fisheries Department http://www.tn.gov.in/gorders/ahfgo.htm | |
83. Magnuson Fisheries Conservation And Management Act (1996): Government: Oceans: G government. Magnuson fisheries Conservation and Management Act (1996) Afteryears of debate, the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act was http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/oceans/mfcmatext.htm | |
84. Recreational Anglers Seek Government Recognition In The Fisheries Act Review Advisory Council Inc. MEDIA RELEASE. 19th December 2002. RecreationalAnglers seek government recognition in the fisheries Act Review. http://www.sarfac.com/media/media12.htm | |
85. Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Local Government 242 - 322 Ministry of Agriculture, fisheries and Local government, 242 322-1767.242 - 325-7502. Contacts V. Gray, Minister of Agriculture, fisheries http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/bahamasweb/addres0.nsf/agencies/Agriculture, Fisheries | |
86. Nova Scotia Online: Nova Scotia: Government: Federal: Dept Of Fisheries And Ocea Nova Scotia government Federal Dept of fisheries and Oceans. HalifaxRegion (1), Page 1. Province Wide By the Sea Post Review Report http://nsonline.com/Government/Federal/Dept_of_Fisheries_and_Oceans/ | |
87. Department Of Fisheries & Wildlife, OSU - US Government Biological Resources US government BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE National Biological Service NMFS fisheries ServiceNational Climactic Data Center National Oceanographic Data Center National http://fw.oregonstate.edu/html/resources/usgov.htm | |
88. PSMFC - Links Government of fisheries and Oceans Congressional Directory, includingEMail Addresses, phonenumbers, etc. EPA Shut-down Notice FedWorld government resources available http://www.psmfc.org/other_sites/government.html |
89. Lawyerment - Malaysian Government Sites - Agriculture And Fisheries Guide to Malaysian Agriculture and fisheries Ministries,Federal government Departments and Statutory Bodies. http://www.lawyerment.com.my/guide/gov/Federal_Government/Agriculture_and_Fisher | |
90. Andalusian Government Prospects Fisheries Joint Venture With Morocco Andalusian government prospects fisheries joint venture with Morocco,Morocco, Economics. ArabicNews.com Your the Arabic world. http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/010612/2001061226.html | |
91. Spanish Local Government Plays Down Fisheries Agreement With Morocco, Prepares A Spanish local government plays down fisheries agreement with Morocco, preparesalternative activities for professionals, Morocco, Economics. http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/010331/2001033122.html | |
92. Governments Support And Incentives In The Fisheries Sector Equipment and materials, For ease of start and ease of operating, the governmentthrough the fisheries Departments Supplies Centre, to some extend, also http://www.brunet.bn/org/bsmehp/invest/fishsec/smefsupp.htm | |
93. 3. POLICIES TO DEVELOP THE FISHERIES SUB-SECTOR - GOVERNMENT VISION 3. POLICIES TO DEVELOP THE fisheries SUBSECTOR - government VISION.3.1 Plans envisioned by the government. The government's avowed http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/004/Y2876E/y2876e0g.htm | |
94. City Government : Admn. Stru. : Fisheries fisheries The Finance Secretary is the overall Incharge of the Department of fisheries. SukhnaLake is the main water source for fisheries in Chandigarh. http://chandigarh.nic.in/adm11.htm | |
95. Government Expenditures On Fisheries And Fisheries Management In Iceland, Ragnar government Expenditures on fisheries and fisheries Management in Iceland. By RagnarArnason, Palina M. Hafsteinsdottir and Asgerdur Ragnarsdottir ABSTRACT. http://oregonstate.edu/Dept/IIFET/2000/abstracts/arnason2.html | |
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96. NW/AFSC Library - Government Agencies government University Links. WA DFW. Regional / International. BC Ministry of Agriculture,Food, and fisheries; BC Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection; http://lib.nwfsc.noaa.gov/winnebago/govt.shtm | |
97. How Government Works: Conserving Our Fisheries Resources with consistently monitoring the fisheries resource and making timely and appropriatepolicy advice on all aspects of fisheries management to the government. http://www.decisionmaker.co.nz/Guide/Government/Government.asp?Int_PageID=239 |
98. Havbruk : Government, Public Service, And Links To Aquaculture, Fisheries And Se Norwegian government, DEPARTMENT OF fisheries Web odin.dep.no/fid/eng/index.html,DIRECTORATE OF fisheries Web www.fiskeridir.no, http://www.havbruk.no/dir2eng/governmt/govmain.html | |
99. Department Of Fisheries And Aquaculture Aquaculture Species Statistics Publications. Navigate Our Site! http://www.gov.nf.ca/fishaq/ | |
100. Fisheries And Oceans Canada Splash Page Look over the Pacific Salmon Treaty and statistics on recreational fishing, international trade and licensing. Review reports and publications. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/ |
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