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41. Geology - North Carolina (1:250,000) Faults South_Bounding_Coordinate 33.843 Keywords Theme Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus NoneTheme_Keyword General geology Theme_Keyword faults Theme_Keyword Dikes http://cgia.cgia.state.nc.us/cgdb/geol250f.html | |
42. Geology - North Carolina (1:250,000) Faults NCCGIA digitized the geology features and faults from mylar stable basesidentifying boundary and name attributes of geologic features. http://cgia.cgia.state.nc.us/cgdb/geol250ff.html | |
43. Geology Class Notes University of Colorado geology 1010 Class Note 10. A thrust fault is a lowanglereverse fault. Reverse faults are the result of compressional stress. http://ruby.colorado.edu/~smyth/G1010-10.html | |
44. Active Faults Of San Francisco & Hollister and more. Great for anyone with an interest in geology, earthquakes andthe active faults in Northern California. Windows 3.1, Windows http://www.hoptechno.com/faults.htm | |
45. References 8 Buck, WR, Effect of lithospheric thickness on the formation ofhigh and low-angle normal faults, geology, 21, 933-936, 1993. http://earth.agu.org/revgeophys/bird01/node11.html | |
46. Death Valley Geology The path of these springs often follows faults or fractures in the rocks geology ofDeath Valley and the LOM model The formation of the Death Valley basin is a http://earthview.sdsu.edu/dvgeology/dv_geology.html | |
47. Geology Data Inc. MONTANA geology Southwestern Area, Stereo-Picture Guidebooks.Thrust faults - A guide to some of Montana's thrust faults. http://www.earthmaps.com/data.htm | |
48. Structural Geology Some of the more informative sites on the www for structural geology inclusive;faults, Folds, Thrusts, Tectonics, Crustal Deformation; also see Plate http://www.geologyshop.co.uk/struct~1.htm | |
49. Pennsylvania - A Keystone Geology: Faults And Folding PENNSYLVANIA A KEYSTONE geology Index send email. INTERNAL PROCESSES/ faults and Folding. PA PLACE, If you have an idea for a http://www.outoftherock.net/pageology/internal/faults.html | |
50. Faults And Fluids People BS, University of Oklahoma; MS studies in progress, geology, New Mexico Tech.Thesis topic Structural evolution of smalldisplacement faults in poorly http://www.ees.nmt.edu/Geol/Faults/Faultsflow/Fluids_People.html | |
51. Faults And Earthquakes; Rockhounding Arkansas pressure results in strain energy accumulating in the buried faults, a very To bea seismologist you need an undergraduate degree in geology, geophysics,or http://rockhoundingar.com/geology/fault.html | |
52. Geology Of Mesa Verde National Park, Cortez Quad - Faults (in UTM NAD 83) National Park Service Originator Mesa Verde National Park GIS Operations Publication_Date2000 Title geology of Mesa Verde National Park faults (in UTM http://www.nps.gov/gis/metadata/meve/meve_cortflt.html | |
53. Joshua Tree NP/Faults http//www.nps.gov/jotr/nature/features/geology/faults/faults.htmllast modified 03/27/02 web editor Sandra kaye. http://www.nps.gov/jotr/nature/features/geology/faults/faults.html | |
54. Earthquakes And Faults Try searching on subject headings such as geology, faults, EARTHQUAKES,SEISMOLOGY. If you are researching earthquakes or faults http://www.csupomona.edu/~library/publications/guides/Quakes/quakes.html | |
55. Webshots Community - Structural Geology (Faults And Folds) 1 Structural geology (faults and Folds) 1. Structual geology (faults and Folds)2. Community Scenery Nature Structural geology (faults and Folds) 1. http://community3.webshots.com/album/1572530ZHJVxjldaF | |
56. Bay Area And California Geology Links Region Coastal and Marine geology. California Coastal Mountains; California geology a class; faults in the General Bay Area SF Bay faults; San Francisco/Bay Area http://lpc1.clpccd.cc.ca.us/lpc/hanna/locllinks.htm | |
57. Geology And Archeology The hypothesis relies extensively on the fact that faults and structures in thebedrock transmit groundwater to the alluvial valleys. 1) Do the faults exist? http://www.eggi.com/ken/peru/geology_and_archeology.htm | |
58. DRAFT Folds And Faults - Structural Geology Lab #1 DRAFT ESCI 111 Folds and faults - Structural geology Lab. Horizontal RocksUse the geologic map and the cross-section of the Grand Canyon. http://www.homepage.montana.edu/~esci111/111Struct1/FoldsFaultsLab.html | |
59. Faults Fault Contacts. Determining slip directions on faults. Fault gouge. To thecourses Structural geology or geology of the National Parks. To Slide Index. http://www.uoregon.edu/~millerm/faults.html | |
60. StructureF98 Syllabus lecture text Structural geology of rocks and regions, Davis and Reynolds, 1996. faultsI Fault rocks, recognition, classification of faults and fault surfaces http://www.uakron.edu/geology/mcconnell/structGeo/syllabus/ | |
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