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61. 18.4.11 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS DRUG EDUCATION, TESTING AND COUNSELING PROGRAM c. The athletes parents, legal guardian(s), or spouse may be informed have receiveda copy of the UNT Intercollegiate Athletics drug education, Testing, and http://www.unt.edu/planning/UNT_Policy/volume3/18_4_11.html | |
62. DEA Resources, For Parents & Teachers, Guidelines For A Drug-Free Workforce assume a positive civic responsibility, including involvement in, support of, andcontributions to drug education and awareness programs at local schools and http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/demand/dfmanual/04df.htm | |
63. DEA Resources, For Parents & Teachers, Red Ribbon Campaign As this tribute spread across the nation, the Virginia Federation of Parentsand the Illinois drug education Alliance called on members of grassroots http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/demand/ribbon.htm | |
64. Smokedot || Comments || DARE To Change Drug Education DARE to change drug education 8 comments (8 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden) PostA Comment parents (none / 0) ( 5) by tedismean on Wed Aug 21st, 2002 at 07 http://www.smokedot.org/comments/2002/8/20/213053/248/5 | |
65. The Parents' Centre - Health And Welfare given advice and information from people that they trust parents, teachers, family Inaddition, drug education has been shown to have an impact on delaying http://www.dfes.gov.uk/parents/health/home.cfm?fuseaction=doc6 |
66. Welcome To PRIDE Surveys to be revised for fall 2003 For parents revised for No Child Left Behind (HR1)Better education for Students designated as measure of illicit drug use by http://www.pridesurveys.com/ | |
67. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Drug Education And Awareness Program Moreover, through the Mobile drug Exhibit , a joint with the Quebec Health and EducationDepartments and 14,000 Secondary I and II students and 1,500 parents. http://www.grcquebecrcmp.com/pages/english/con_p_v_e/pag_vert_e.html | |
68. Drug Education | Joint School District No. 2 Students' negative consequences may be reduced if parents agree to optionsincluding drug education and a drug and alcohol assessment. http://www.meridianschools.org/family/parents/drug_ed/drug_ed.htm | |
69. EMQ - Training/Education/Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention Education available for Children's and parents' training. Continuing education Units (CEU)are available for Registered Nurses and Certified Alcohol and drug Counselors. http://www.emq.org/TrainingEducation/DrugAlcohol.html | |
70. 000711a-hss FUNDING BOOST FOR PROJECTS TO COMBAT DRUG ABUSE Department Of Health It will provide drug prevention and education programmes to young people, as wellas education for parents on drug issues and the pressures on young people to http://www.ni-executive.gov.uk/press/hss/000711a-hss.htm | |
71. Student Information Consequences a. 1st offense written social warning to student, mandatory attendanceat a twohour alcohol/drug education program, notification to parents. http://www.su.edu/studaffs/drug.asp | |
72. Star-Telegram.com | Hell Of Heroin: Some Parents Question Schools' Role In Drug Some parents question schools' role in drug education (Published 11/1/98) By KarenBrooks StarTelegram Staff Writer Red Ribbon Week conjures up positive http://www.star-telegram.com/specials/98heroin/stories/1101/parents.htm | |
73. Erowid Psychoactives & Families Vault American Council for drug education Facts for parents (ACDE/Phoenix House) AmericanCouncil for drug education Facts for Youth (ACDE/Phoenix House) National http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/families/families.shtml | |
74. Other Resources For Drug Abuse Prevention - IPRC INFOsite Foundation); Partnership for a drugFree America; PRIDE USA - parents'Resource Institute for drug education; drug Strategies, Inc. http://www.drugs.indiana.edu/resources/other_resources.html | |
75. VPIRC: Parents' Center: Excerpts From Growing Up Drug-Free: A Parent's Guide To first wave of drug experimentation knew more about drugs than our parents did. Theantidrug education our children are getting in school today only begins to http://www.vpirc.net/parents/articles/drugfree.shtml | |
76. EdNA Online - Search The pamphlet provides information for parents on the in schools across Australia toprevent drug abuse by the Commonwealth Department of education, Science and http://www.edna.edu.au/go/browse/0:15500:15932:15987 | |
77. Department Of Criminal Justice New Guide Helps parents Talk To Their Kids About drugs. American Councilfor drug education. http//www.acde.org/acde/Pressrel/letstlk.htm. http://cstl.semo.edu/coned/Medfels/additional_links.htm | |
78. Newsroom 2002 - Media Campaign uses the newspaper as an education tool in antidrug education while supporting the KeepingYour Kids drug-Free A How To Guide for parents and Caregivers http://www.mediacampaign.org/newsroom/newsroom02.html | |
79. Resources for drug education is a substance abuse prevention and education agency that developsprograms and materials for a range of audiences, including parents. http://www.nick.com/all_nick/everything_nick/kaiser/resources.html | |
80. Children Who Learn To Make Good Choices Are Less Likely To Use The education we give parents about educating 2year-olds is notspecifically drug education, but on the other hand it is. One http://www.marshfieldclinic.org/cattails/02/mayjun/home.asp | |
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