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Drug Crime Prevention Assoc & Org: more detail |
61. Web Corner Article July 2001 enforcement/ corrections agencies to share crime prevention information with Center,and the NIJ crime Mapping Resource and juvenile justice and drug control. http://www.sccounties.org/publications/web corner/web corner articles jul2001.ht | |
62. West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence Rod Reder, National Institute of crime prevention, (813) 2949757 from the Centerfor the prevention of Sexual and to help youth choose to be drug free, tobacco http://www.wvcadv.org/events_n_training.htm | |
63. Prevention Of HIV/AIDS And Other Blood-Borne Diseases Among A Physician Guide to HIV prevention. 47. Mail Order drug Paraphernalia Control Act,1986 Hearings on HR 1625 Before the Subcommittee on crime of the House http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/library/readroom/jama97/lm6024.htm |
64. SSR Personnel Services - Security Links Home Page, Sponsored by the International assoc. drug Enforcement Administration,This page is designed on how to contact crime prevention practitioners around http://www.ssr-personnel.com/NewPage/securitylinks.htm | |
65. Usaonwatch.org - A Program Of The National Sheriffs' Association's Neighborhood a rural southern county, crime has a different face than in other parts of the country. While drug use and sales or http://www.usaonwatch.org/ | |
66. Resource Links http//www.usdoj.gov/cops drug Enforcement Admin www.safeschools.org National CrimePrevention Center http weprevent.org National Recreation Parks assoc. http://www.ocjp.ca.gov/resources.htm | |
67. Thesaurus Alphabetical List Natl District Attorneys Association. Natl Fire prevention and Control Adm. Natl InstCrime Prev Offender Rehab. Natl Institute on drug Abuse. Natl Judicial College. http://abstractsdb.ncjrs.org/content/Thesaurus/Thesaurus_AlphabeticalList.asp?Al |
68. MADD Ohio - Links Safe drugFree Schools Communities www.ed Office of Juvenile Justice DelinquencyPrevention ojjdp.ncjrs National Center for Victims of crime www.ncvc.org, http://www.maddohio.org/links.html | |
69. Web Bound - Police: Police Organizations Stoppers Int'l www.csi.org drug Diversion Investigators www.search.org Nat'l CrimePrevention Council - www Task Force - www.nmgtf.org Nat'l Sheriff's assoc. http://www.webbound.com/P169/Police_Organizations.html |
70. Resources And Links Substance Abuse Addiction Resource Guide; prevention Online Alcohol/drug Info;SC Government Office for Victims of crime; US Department of Justice; Violence http://remembrance.sugarbane.com/resources.htm | |
71. Intro Government Organizations for the prevention of drug United Nations Internationaldrug Control Programme Regional crime Research Centre, University of Western http://www.hku.hk/crime/links.htm | |
73. Crimes 'R Us Crime Policy Links drug Information on the Web drug War Facts Criminal Justice Office of Juvenile Justiceand Delinquency prevention. Legal and crime Megasites Cybrary Dr. Frank http://www.crimelynx.com/crulinks.html | |
74. Security Resources drug Enforcement Administration www.fas.org/irp/agency l Security Mgmt and CrimePrevention Institute www International Bodyguard and Security Services assoc. http://www.gettier.com/html/security_resources.html | |
75. Links American Council for drug Education American Trainers' Association National Crimeprevention Council National on Skin Cancer prevention National Education http://www.nasn.org/links.htm | |
76. Http://www www.drcnet.org/cops/ cops against the drug war. www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm uniform crimereport. http//www.inhalants.org/ national inhalant prevention coalition. | |
77. Addictions 1999 206467-7689 (f). National Association of prevention Professional Advocates, Inc. (301) 738-8895. drug and crime Data Center Clearinghouse. (800) 666-3332. http://www.vitanova.on.ca/Addictions_1999_Baltimore_Article_23.html | |
78. Security Voice | Links Page stories with features on crime and crime prevention. serious and organised crime whichtranscends international boundaries, typically drug trafficking, illegal http://www.securityvoice.co.uk/art.php?art=62 |
79. Reachout: Links You Local Library. drug Information @ Your National crime prevention. National YouthRoundtable. National Australian Ministerial Council for Suicide prevention. http://text.reachout.com.au/visible/links/ | |
80. Search Results For DirectHit 42. drugs and crime Reports About drug testing and treatment,enforcement, corrections and prevention. From the http://www.egnet.8k.com/drugs.htm | |
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