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41. ARS South Atlantic Area :: Florence, South Carolina Total soil and water management are emphasized to overcome problems of drought,water excess, poor soil physical conditions, low soil fertility, and water http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/locations/locations.htm?modecode=66-57-15-00 |
42. ARS Project: Conservation Production Systems For Improved Profitability And Soil Develop improved soil management techniques to reduce risk from shortterm drought;develop integrated weed control methods to reduce competition for water and http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/projects/projects.htm?accession=404514 |
43. Drought - In Depth benefits of conservation practices because soil moisture is A public information programabout the drought hazard in way to ensure good water management in the http://www.tnema.org/EmerPrep/Drought.htm |
44. Drought Tolerant Plants Grass Recycling. waterwise Gardening. Climate Zones. Plant Hydrozones. DroughtTolerant Plants. Native Plants. soil pH. soil Organisms. Integrated Pest management. http://www.smartgardening.com/Drought_Tolerant_Plants.htm | |
45. Institute Of Agriculture & Natural Resources--Drought Publications Forestry, soil management. Horticulture, water management. Publications with informationpertaining to drought Horticulture watering Nebraska Landscapes, When and http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/drought.htm | |
46. NYSDEC Drought Fact Sheet management Task Force uses those factors as well as water use, duration of New Yorkalso uses the Palmer drought Index, a measure of soil moisture computed http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dow/droughtfacts.html | |
47. (Text) MSc Water Resources 2 and drought prone areas. The course will consider agronomic, biological and engineeringaspects of soil and water conservation. Sustainable management of soil http://www.cazs.bangor.ac.uk/english/textonly/teaching/txwr2_e.htm | |
48. Government Universities, water Conservation drought Resources, Discussion Colorado, Fort Collins water management Unit. Louisiana, Baton Rouge - soil and water Research http://www.irrigation.org/links_government.htm | |
49. Drought And Nutrient Management - Looking Ahead In 2003 drought underscores the fact that nutrient applications in Combinations of good levelsof soil fertility, use weed control all help improve water use efficiency http://www.ppi-far.org/ppiweb/ppibase.nsf/$webindex/article=45747BF685256CC90072 | |
50. Washington's Water Hot water Conservation EB 1895 soil management for Small of Chemical Analysis of Irrigationwater EM 4828 EM 4830 Vegetable Crops EM 4832 drought Advisory Set http://wawater.wsu.edu/FocusAreas/Water Quantity and Policy.htm | |
51. BUET- Institute Of Water And Flood Management: Course Content estimates and water demand; Storage and drought related statistics WFM 6301 Agriculturalwater management soilplant-water relations; water requirement of crops http://www.buet.ac.bd/iwfm/content.htm | |
52. When Necessary, "Just-in-Time" Irrigating Can Save Water to limited irrigations by using deeply stored soil water and quickly wheat is mostsensitive to drought during shooting Irrigation water management When and http://www.montana.edu/wwwpb/ag/irrigate.html | |
53. Grazing Management - Extended Drought by Dr. Jeff Mosley, Extension Range management Specialist, Department of had accessto more soil water and were After an extended drought, however, deeprooted http://animalrangeextension.montana.edu/Articles/Beef/Q&A2001/Graze-drought.htm | |
54. City Of Houston Office Of Emergency Management be considered as part of normal risk management. drought impacts may diminish rapidlyin the agricultural because of its reliance on soil water, but linger for http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/OEM/define.html | |
55. WATER USE MANAGEMENT possible. Place the least droughttolerant zone closest to a water source,in humus-rich soil, dappled shade, or near a water feature. http://www.des.state.nh.us/factsheets/ws/ws-26-4.htm | |
56. SRBC Water Management Program groundwater levels, precipitation, soil moisture, reservoir Implement Consumptivewater Use management Plan Basinwide drought Monitoring In cooperation with http://www.srbc.net/wmprogram.htm | |
57. 33rd Annual BioCycle National Conference To Economic Development And Our water, soil And Energy projects in composting, biogasrecovery, drought and fire s Office of Energy management and Conservation. http://www.jgpress.com/Conferences/33National/Monday.html | |
58. Let's Be Water Smart! The recharge rate is dependent on natural factors like the makeup of the soil, plantcover, slope water Conservation and drought management Plan, Section B http://www.bewatersmart.org/faq.html | |
59. Natural Resources which are very productive under good management practices A Directory to soil andland surveys carried Natural Resources water, Victoria has significant water http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/web/root/Domino/vro/vrosite.nsf/pages/naturalresources | |
60. ICRISAT: Dealing With Drought of rainfed agriculture through efficient use of conserved soil and water resources. Useimproved varieties that resist pests and tolerate drought. http://www.icrisat.org/text/news/2002/dealing_drought.htm | |
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