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1. Oregon DMV -- Teen Driving Oregon's Teen driving laws. Anyone under the age an ODOTapproved traffic safety education course (offered through school diploma or a general Education Development (GED) certificate. http://www.odot.state.or.us/dmv/TeenDriving/TeenDriving.htm | |
2. VA DMV: General Information: Safety: Drinking And Driving DMV safety Drinking and driving Fact Sheets laws. In Virginia, the BAClimit is .08 percent and for a first offense and the administrative http://www.dmv.state.va.us/webdoc/general/safety/drinking/fs_laws.asp | |
3. VA DMV: General Information: Unless indicated otherwise, all new laws become effective July 1, 2002. Individualsunder age 18 may receive safe driving points for attending driver safety. http://www.dmv.state.va.us/webdoc/general/news/newlaws02.asp | |
4. An Investigation Of The Safety Implications Of Wireless Communications In Vehicl Examine cellular telephone demographics, phonerelated crash statistics and police reports of accidents. An Investigation of the safety Implications of Wireless Communications than a more general identifier such as "wireless existing state laws to address inattentive driving behavior. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/research/wireless | |
5. Colorado Safety Association | Driving Safety General driving safety general. D100.02. A Most Dangerous Place (Dowell) D-100.13. Helmet laws Whose Freedom? (Insurance Institute for Highway safety) http://www.coloradosafety.com/video/safetygen.html | |
6. Title 31 - Index Of Chapters Registration and Certificate of Title laws. CHAPTER 319 Theft CHAPTER 31-27.1 Aggressive driving. CHAPTER 31-28 CHAPTER 31-33 safety Responsibility Violations general Provisions http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/Statutes/TITLE31 | |
7. VA DMV: General Information: Safety: Aggressive Driving DMV safety Aggressive driving Working Together. Working together, we can tame aggressive driving. We can reduce hard on aggressive driving and strictly enforce traffic safety laws. http://www.dmvnow.com/webdoc/general/safety/aggressive/together.asp | |
8. Massachusetts General Laws Massachusetts general laws Here are links to selected laws that apply to highway and road safety Chap 89, Sec 2 Passing vehicle traveling in the same direction Chap 89, Sec 4 Keeping to the right while view is obstructed Chap 89, Sec 4B 89, Sec 4B. driving in the lane nearest the right http://www.berkshire.net/traffic.safety/mgl.html | |
9. VA DMV: General Information: Safety: Drinking And Driving DMV safety Drinking and driving Fact Sheets. laws. In DC have per se laws defining it as a DC have administrative license suspension laws. Administrative license suspension http://www.dmvnow.com/webdoc/general/safety/drinking/fs_laws.asp | |
10. NHTSA: People: Injury Prevention: Traffic Law Enforcement driving, occupant protection, speed and other unsafe driving actions, pedestrianand responsible for the enforcement of traffic safety laws and regulations on http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/enforce/general.htm | |
11. CarTipsandMore.com - Aggressive Driving voluntary compliance with traffic laws in general and those criminal acts relatedto aggressive driving. National Highway Traffic safety Administration, Traffic http://www.cartipsandmore.com/aggressive_driving.html |
12. Living/Visiting Romania do not follow traffic laws or yield general information about road safety, includinglinks to specific information concerning Romanian driving permits, vehicle http://www.usembassy.ro/InfoA/living.htm | |
13. Driving In Germany- Traffic Laws & Regulations general laws. However, you may not use a child safety seat in the front seat if Youmust leave your doors unlocked while driving (to facilitate rescue in an http://home.att.net/~texhwyman/regeln.htm | |
14. NSC Issue - Driver Safety adhere to zero alcohol tolerance while driving, comply with safetybelt requirementsfor as more public emphasis is placed on safe-driving laws in general. http://www.nsc.org/library/shelf/gdl.htm | |
15. Gun Owners, General Public Want Stronger Gun Laws, National Opinion Research Cen the gun lobby pushes looser concealed carry laws, the public worries about itspersonal safety. . and 68 percent to those convicted of drunk driving. http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/99/990506.norc.guns.shtml | |
16. Drivers.com - Traffic Laws general ARTICLES AND LINKS ON Traffic laws Can speeding enforcement the best wayto improve traffic safety? to reduce sloppy and reckless driving and improve http://www.drivers.com/Top_Enforcement_Traffic_Laws.html | |
17. DISCUSSION THREADS FROM MEXICO CONNECT'S MEXICO FORUMS / FOROS / CHAT laws and circumstances constantly change Source Forums general Living, WorkingRetiring Toluca; safety - Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta; driving safety - Hermosillo; http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/dtindex.html | |
18. News Channel 10 - News - Attorney General Proposes Tougher Drunken Driving Laws that would toughen Rhode Island's drunken driving laws. the state does not make drivingwith a the National Highway Transportation safety Administration, Rhode http://www.turnto10.com/news/1958445/detail.html | |
19. 2003 Vehicle Code General Provisions And Divisions 1 - 18 Table Of Contents Chapter 1, § § 1110011114, driving Schools and driving Instructors. Division6.7, Unattended Child in Motor Vehicle safety Act. Financial Responsibility laws. http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/vc/vctoc.htm | |
20. III - What Are The Driving Laws In My State? STATE laws CURBING DRUNK driving, Not specifically for drunk driving; Attorney general Transportation,National Highway Traffic safety Administration; Insurance http://www.iii.org/individuals/auto/a/stateautolaws/ | |
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