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81. Ending Violence Against Women, Population Reports, Series L, Number 11 an acquaintance often go unchallenged when men direct them most common forms of violenceagainst women are abusealso known as domestic violence, wifebeating http://www.jhuccp.org/pr/l11edsum.stm | |
82. Campaign Against Domestic Violence: CADV Abuse can also take place in lesbian and gay relationships and is occasionallyperpetrated by women against men. Some facts about domestic violence. http://www.cadv.org.uk/domesticViolence.html | |
83. Cybergrrl: Views: Healthgrrl: Violence Resources For Women SafetyNet - Resources and links, including statistics and a listing of state coalitions against domestic Category Society People Women Issues domestic violence...... men against domestic violence (California) FAQs, statistics, a resource addressbook, hotline numbers, info on Internet agencies, shelters and interstate http://home.cybergrrl.com/dv/ | |
84. Pathways Courses - Substance Abuse And Violence Against Women What men Can Do To End Male violence against Women; Summary. Module 5 Alcoholand domestic violence Introduction; Common Characteristics of Alcohol Abuse and http://pathwayscourses.samhsa.gov/samhsa_pathways/courses/vawc_toc.htm | |
85. Reason and Diversity of Survivors of domestic violence, open until Dec for Everyone, whichaddresses violence in samesex relationships and against men by female http://reason.com/cy/cy111202.shtml | |
86. Domestic Violence Information Manual Domestic Violence WWW run, moderated list dedicated to ending domestic violence and violence against womenthrough survivors, feminists, and profeminist women and men who seek http://www.wise.infoxchange.net.au/DVIM/DVHome.htm |
87. Casa Myrna Vazquez, Inc. - Informational Resources Links bostonchildhealth.org) Employers against domestic violence (www.mintz.com/communty/Docs/Employers%20against%20DV.htm)Gay men's domestic violence Project (www http://www.casamyrna.org/info/links.html |
88. UNIFEM In The Press Rural Communities Educated On Violence turns to explain in detail that the new domestic violence Bill expanded and take intoconsideration acts of violence committed by women against men. http://www.unifem.undp.org/newsroom/clippings/021217_All_Africa.html |
89. Links To Other Online Sources On Domestic Violence, (ACADV) Rural violence against Women. Safety Net domestic violence Resources. Silent Tears,Inc. White Ribbon Campaign men Working to End men's violence against Women. http://www.acadv.org/links.html | |
90. Human Rights: Violence Against Women and equal pay for men and women; hotline to respond to incidents of violence againstwomen government departments and institutions dealing with domestic violence. http://www.rnw.nl/humanrights/html/violence.html | |
91. THE MYTH OF "BATTERED MEN" Trish Wilson critiques the notion that men and women are equally abusive and other myths.Category Society People men Issues violence and Abuse...... primarily by men, whether against male or preventing intimate partner violence shouldfocus Articles* False Allegations * Feminista/domestic violence Article http://members.aol.com/asherah/cts.html | |
92. Family Violence Prevention Fund A national nonprofit organization that focuses on domestic violence education, prevention, and public Category Society Issues violence and Abuse Family violence...... Father's Day, FVPF will recognize men who have a taken stand to stop violence againstwomen and female artists to benefit families torn by domestic violence. http://www.fvpf.org/ | |
93. DADS Against Discrimination - National Home Office the Justice Department. In the same fouryear period, 2% of violenceagainst men was from domestic situations, the study said. . http://www.dadsusa.com/dv.htm |
94. Child Custody And Visitation Decisions In Domestic Violence Cases to child abuse and exposure to domestic violence may be of the women reported threatsagainst their lives In rare cases, men kill children in retaliation for http://www.vaw.umn.edu/documents/vawnet/custody/custody.html | |
95. Violence Against Women Online Resources: Document Library Working with Young men Who Batter Current Strategies and New Directions Welfare andDomestic violence against Women Lessons from Research Author Eleanor Lyon http://www.vaw.umn.edu/library/dv/ | |
96. Domestic Violence Statistics Email education@dvc.org.nz. domestic violence statistics. men's violence againstwomen and children is the most common form of domestic violence in our society. http://www.dvc.org.nz/stats.htm | |
97. Life On Brian's Beat -- Gay-on-gay Violence Resources for gay men and lesbians who are in violent relationships. Description of kinds of abuse Category Society Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual domestic violence...... Samesex domestic violence References (Minneapolis Short of the Minnesota CenterAgainst violence and Abuse. David Island and Patrick Letellier's men Who Beat http://www.web.apc.org/~jharnick/violence.html | |
98. Feminist Majority Foundation Family violence Prevention Fund This site contains valuable information on men anddomestic violence anduseful tips on mobilizing a campaign against violence. http://www.feminist.org/gateway/vs_exec2.html | |
99. AMA (CSA) Report 9 Of The Council On Scientific Affairs (I-94) Full Text 1982. 35. McLeod M. Women against men An examination of domestic violencebased on an analysis of official data and national victimization data. http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/article/2036-2559.html | |
100. Coaching Boys Into Men: Union Men Taking Action Against Domestic Violence COACHING BOYS INTO men Union men Taking Action against domestic ViolenceSometimes the only messages boys get are the wrong ones. http://www.afscme.org/wrkplace/boyz2men.htm | |
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