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Death Penalty For High School Students: more detail |
81. Sourcebook - Table Of Contents, Section 2 juveniles penalty for murder death penalty Gun ownership Performance of the policeHigh school seniors' attitudes drug and alcohol use students' perceptions of http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/1995/toc_2.html | |
82. There Is No Arguing That Derek Daughton, Deitrick Goodwin, And Candice Williams school, and Angelo Brooks of Walbrook Senior high school. the Baltimore City publicschool system, the of the judiciary; ending the death penalty; reducing gun http://www.soros.org/baltimore/Big Release on budle.htm | |
83. Www.delawareonline.com : The News Journal the two accused murderers could face death themselves. say they will seek the ultimatepenalty against Amy Grossberg and her high school sweetheart, Brian http://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal/grossberg-peterson/peterson01a.html | |
84. Chipping Away At The Death Penalty | Csmonitor.com has its roots in a 1958 high court case Next up for death penalty opponents a fightagainst the http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0625/p01s04-usju.html | |
85. Death-penalty Ruling's Effect: New Laws, Trials | Csmonitor.com A homeland readier for 'high' alert Government raises threat We believe the deathpenalty is still a http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0627/p02s01-usju.html |
86. Untitled Document A survey released Tuesday suggests that highschool students see reducingthe number of pupils in each class as the best path to better schools. http://speakout.com/activism/apstories/10038-1.html | |
87. News: Muslim Students Want Holy Days Off Administrators note that their high school is one of the Long Island a place wherestudents speak 21 http://pewforum.org/news/display.php?NewsID=1999 |
88. News: Students Sue Over Messages On Candy Six Westfield high school students who were suspended for This is nothing againstthe school, but the http://pewforum.org/news/display.php?NewsID=1909 |
89. ISBA Bar News, February 15, 2001 Chicago attorney Tanya J. Stanish spent two weeks teaching conversationalEnglish to high school students in Monopoli, Italy! http://www.illinoisbar.org/Association/012-15d.htm |
90. The Southern Digest Online - Students Protest Against War With Iraq The acts of defiance on this campus were part of a coastto-coast effort inwhich thousands of high school and college students cut class, read poetry http://www.southerndigest.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/03/06/3e67853548abc | |
91. Pasco: College Classes May Be Answer To High Schools' Overcrowding The Pasco County school District and PascoHernando Community College are workingon a program that would send scores of high school students to college for http://www.sptimes.com/2002/03/06/Pasco/College_classes_may_b.shtml | |
92. Raise Your Voice - A Week Of Action of the Providence Urban Debate at Brown Unversity will collaborate with the Providenceschool System to sponsor a debate with high school students and teachers http://www.actionforchange.org/week/rhode-island.html | |
93. Index Sacramento County Courthouse to Captial. A march for a moratorioum on the deathpenalty. Essay Contest for high school and Junior high school students. http://users.cwnet.com/jjlynch/Abolitionist/ | |
94. Click10.com - Armed Man Robs Students In School The school board information officer said that a man approached the students whowere in a stairwell at Miami Norland Senior high school on Thursday morning. http://www.click10.com/mia/news/stories/news-197637020030213-140212.html | |
95. WesternMassOfficenews of The Crux in school. students also have weighed in with articles and opinionpieces. The headline on the news article in the high school newspaper read http://www.aclu-mass.org/TheDocket/4WesternMAnews.html | |
96. American Civil Liberties Union : Settlement Ends Attempt To Punish Student For W was undoubtedly connected to Kentlake high school, the speech noted that the schooldistrict presented http://www.aclu.org/StudentsRights/StudentsRights.cfm?ID=7909&c=160 |
97. Free-Market.Net ... Information On Free Enterprise, Individual Liberty, And Libe UN dying a slow death? Court reverses ruling against Massachusetts students. http://www.free-market.net/ | |
98. Trip South 98 Boston, MA (July 6) While classes for most students are over, a group of 15 Bostonareahigh school students are preparing to take their studies on the road http://www.aclu-mass.org/youth/tripsouth98.html | |
99. On Campus 04/13/01--John Artis To Deliver Keynote Address At Annual UT Heman Swe http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/oncampus/01oc_issues/oc010413/oc_artis.html | |
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