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Current Events Y2k Lesson Plans: more detail |
61. MMSD Planetarium: Madison Skies 3/00 for the latest astronomy and space science related events. As you can see above,the current topic as this alignment represents the disaster that y2k wasn't. http://www.madison.k12.wi.us/planetarium/ms_0300.htm | |
62. Understanding The Face Of Globalization: Teaching Resources Squashing the Millennium Bug Assessing the y2k Problem and Boasts a current annualreadership of over a million world affairs and the people who shape events. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CIE/Resources/globalization/globaled.html | |
63. Solar Cycle Update solar maximum dubbed the real y2k problem by Hathaway says that current technologyallows space weather SpaceWeather.com follow the latest events on the http://www.southpole.com/headlines/y2000/ast22mar_1m.htm | |
64. CVC Astronomy Pages Original Papers & Useful Astronomy Links www.cvc.org/2000/index.htm The y2k Problem made ideas for getting students involvedin the current sky nasa.gov/calendar/ - calendar of space events http//www Category Science Astronomy Directories http://www.cvc.org/astronomy/ | |
65. The Columbus Dispatch, NIE Online Based on the information you have read in this lesson and in the newspaper,what are your predictions for y2k? How bad (or not bad) will it be? http://www.dispatch.com/NIEonline/NIEonline1999/current.html | |
66. The Columbus Dispatch, NIE Online far right), the first spot on earth to turn y2k. That doesn't mean local events aren'timportant, however Look in a current issue of The Columbus Dispatch for a http://www.dispatch.com/NIEonline/NIEonline2000/010300.html | |
67. JaeLinks Tons of articles discussing current events. selection of poets and poems, plus lessonplans for teaching meanderings on everything from sex to y2k to Mummies http://www.homestead.com/jaeworld/JaeLinks.html | |
68. Y2K Robert Theobald Articles the news and break through the current emphasis on events will play out quite differentlyif communities see y2k has moved up the timetable for learning this http://www.co-intelligence.org/Y2K_Theobaldarticles.html | |
69. DISASTER RESEARCH 273 at http//www.emassociation.org/y2k.html upto-date information about current firesituations In addition to articles about breaking events, individual sections http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/dr/dr273.html | |
70. Letter4 not typically be considered under the current world scenario. that we must considerwhen preparing for y2k. events such as natural disasters can cause major http://www.doncio.navy.mil/comm/media/infoalert/letter4.html |
71. NEA Today: Resources - October 1999 y2k UniServ Interns The NEA seeks candidates for its who initiated an Internetbasedcurrent events research project experience, and have a current full-time http://www.nea.org/neatoday/9910/resource.html | |
72. Dec Details The Y2K Opportunity - March 1999 Prespectives stop all other projects; devote time to testing; develop contingency plans; reviewand assess business Finally, Dec said, the great lesson from y2k is not http://www.cio.com/conferences/032999_3.html |
73. Social Studies Ellis Island (This site has upcoming events, a genealogy News of the Day (Excellent,current, and complete coverage Bureau (It's coming faster than the y2k bug http://www.gcms.k12.il.us/kummerow/social2.htm | |
74. Media Education Foundation Videos have sprung up to bring alternative perspectives on current events. from which toview the current debate. future of new technologies, Virtual y2k presents 30 http://mediaed.sitepassport.net/videos/index_html |
75. Cover Page y2k readiness programs, both software and hardware that skills and methods beingtaught remain current. of technology training events, technology resources http://www.acorns.k12.tn.us/oot/TechPlan2002/TechPlan2002.htm | |
76. Parents' Source Family Net Educational & Fun Sites on how to discuss current news events with your solve these problems (including theircurrent fight for site contains information on the y2k computer problem http://www.parentssource.com/Net4_ed1.98.html | |
77. Zooko Current Events yummy current events, made fresh daily! skills and knowledge, enabling us to offerbetter service to our current customers I think this is an important lesson. http://zooko.com/old_log.html | |
78. Helpful Links: Science-- Homeschool Christian.com of HS'ing Teens Homeschool events Christian Trivium Cool NASA Web Sites include y2k,Space Place of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of http://www.homeschoolchristian.com/Links/Science/ | |
79. CFO | Surviving A Fall However, with the success of y2k, followed by an provide for revenue losses otherthan for fortuitous events. that they are robust and current, and reviewing http://www.cfoweb.com.au/stories/20011001/12056.asp | |
80. SBC Pacific Bell Knowledge Network Explorer : Online Learning : Blue Web'n : Upd This site is a clearinghouse for y2k information Area History Social Studies (currentEvents), History units and discussion groups on current media related http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/updates98_august.html | |
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