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81. The Shrink In The Classroom / Fighting School Violence // Steven C. Schlozman Psychiatric causes. Violent behavior and the intent to act violently are potential forsocial conventions and rules and manifesting as criminal and antisocial http://www.ascd.org/readingroom/edlead/0210/schlozman.html | |
82. Creating A Real Alternative For Troubled Youth - Pedro Noguera - Education Right His in depth analysis of the causes of and assessment of succesful programs for thatRAP has been successful as a deterrent to violence and criminal behavior. http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/pedro10.html | |
83. Criminal Justice In America--Links--Chapter 21 Crime Times Research reviews and information on the biological causesof criminal, violent, and psychopathic behavior. Genetics http://www.crf-usa.org/links/cja/cja_ch21.htm | |
84. IU, Criminal Justice Department - Undergraduate criminal Justice studies both the nature, causes, and effects of normviolatingbehavior, and the reactions of individuals, groups, and society to such http://www.indiana.edu/~crimjust/Main/undergrad.htm | |
85. Kudos To The Post. VitalSTATS April 1999 23) punctured this facile conclusion. First, no one knows what causescriminal behavior. The study looked at risk factors, not causes. http://www.stats.org/newsletters/9904/kudos.htm |
86. Untitled Document SOC 215 Sociology of criminal behavior An evaluation of the extensiveness andcauses of deviant behavior and a critical assessment of the justice and http://www.ppc.edu/hhs/psychologyd.shtml | |
87. Denver, Colorodo Journal of criminal Law Criminology, 8283118. Co-occurrence of Persistent ProblemBehavior. Prepared for Program of Research on the causes and Correlates http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ccd/denverbib.html | |
88. UM-Dearborn - Criminal Justice Studies equality, and justice. More specifically, the field focuses on thecauses and prevention of criminal behavior. The criminal justice http://www.umd.umich.edu/academic/casl/crim.html | |
89. The Badger Herald Online - PACE's Methods Could Stand Some Scrutiny However, there is no graphical overlay of other possible causes of latenightcriminal behavior to prove or disprove that other factors may be related. http://www.badgerherald.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/02/21/3e55a69dd18cb?templat |
90. ACWL Members New Releases be on examining the nature and causes of murder firearms and lethal violence, thecriminal justice system correlates to homicidal and violent behavior, and a http://www.acwl.org/bookse-h.htm | |
91. Criminal Justice statistics, geographic patterns of crime, types of criminal behavior, and criminological Examinescauses of fear of crime impacts of neighborhood features on http://www.temple.edu/bulletin/ugradbulletin/ucd/ucd_cj.html | |
92. THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF CHILDREN'S POVERTY shows very clearly that illiteracy is strongly correlated to delinquency and criminalbehavior. The longterm investments must go to the root causes of the http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/sociology/pub/qol/vol3no1.html | |
93. The Criminology Mega-Site Even today, there is still an interest in the biological causes of criminalbehavior. See the Crime Times the Biocriminology Newsletter. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/criminology.htm | |
94. Crime-times.org Offers articles that analyze the origins of abusive crime with such important factors as childhood Category Society Crime Abuse...... http://www.crime-times.org/titles.htm |
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