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Crime Stats Incarceration: more detail |
81. No. 97-2991 948.22(6), stats., does not, by its plain terms, exclude evidence of incarcerationto show inability to pay. It does not define commission of a crime resulting http://www.wisbar.org/WisCtApp2/3q98/97-2991.htm | |
82. LBO-Talk Archive November 2000: Re: Economic Stats (as If Peopl Reply Yoshie Furuhashi re economic stats (as if is mainly that the increasingincarceration of young core public issues pertaining to crime, safety, jobs http://nuance.dhs.org/lbo-talk/0011/1344.html | |
83. LBO-Talk Archive November 2000: Re: Economic Stats (as If Peopl Next in thread Carrol Cox Re economic stats (as if As for the impact of incarcerationrates on of legal costs imposed by Clinton era crime policies (which http://nuance.dhs.org/lbo-talk/0011/1280.html | |
84. New Marijuana Arrest Record (Source FBI's division of Uniform crime Reports, crime in the United States2000, published in October 2001.). Marijuana Arrests and incarceration in the http://www.mpp.org/arrests/arrests.html | |
85. Prisoners' Justice Issues, Facts & Statistics Perspective 8 Abolitionists believe that crime is mainly a consequence of the structureof society. from Instead of Prisons. top. Alternatives to incarceration. http://www.vcn.bc.ca/august10/issues.html | |
86. The Black Panther's "Ten Point Program" - Is This A Joke? and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be freefrom incarceration. (SO NO BLACK PERSON EVER COMMITTED A crime?) We believe http://www.naawp.com/news/black_panthers_.htm | |
87. Crime & Punishment In America of 1984. Currie reiterates over and over that crime rates show no consistentcorrelation with incarceration rates. For instance, New http://hyper.vcsun.org/HyperNews/battias/get/cs446/book/5.html?nogifs |
88. Untitled Document crime agendas encouraged the development of mandatory minimum sentencing and threestrikes-and-your-out legislation causing soaring rates of incarceration http://www.prisoncentral.org/Prisoncentral/Suggestions for Change/ACLU Policy Pr | |
89. Statistics rate of incarceration has increased by 62%. NSW Department of Corrections AnnualReport 1999/2000. AIC, Facts and Figures 1999. home. Drugs crime rates are http://www.crcjs.org.au/statistics.htm | |
90. SexCriminals.com: Sex Crime Fugitive - Dorothy Dee Carlson for their next scheduled appearances, Dorothy Carlson was charged with failure toappear and James Carlson was sentenced to 99 years of incarceration in his http://www.sexcriminals.com/fugitives/1026/ | |
91. Unanswered Questions On Race And Crime more to the point, a serious minority crime problem. is a chart showing the rate ofincarceration for different Problem the stats themselves are deeply flawed http://www.storm.ca/~moparman/globe.htm | |
92. North Dakota Stats http://www.1st-realty.com/community/ndstats.html | |
93. Prison Stats http://www.downtimethemovie.com/prison.htm | |
94. Houston Police Online -- Jail Division medically screens all prisoners upon their entrance to the jail facility and providescontinuing medical services during the prisoner's incarceration in the http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/departme/police/jail.htm | |
95. Houston Police Online period was permitted to pay all outstanding unadjudicated delinquent cases withoutassessment of warrant fees and was not subject to arrest or incarceration. http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/departme/police/nr060500-1.htm | |
96. Detention Division Custody Alternative Facility. This unit is responsible for administering programsin which qualifying inmates may choose an alternative to incarceration. http://www.cocosheriff.org/detention_division.htm | |
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