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Crime Stats Hate Crimes: more detail |
21. UCPD Berkeley - Clery Act Publication: Safety Counts: Crime Statistics sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability (hate crimes). Offenses reflect allegedcrimes reported to other Download the crime stats Geographical Area Map http://public-safety.berkeley.edu/csp/scstats.html | |
22. Hate Crimes - Planners From Hell Subject Liars use hate crime stats to advance antidemocratic to be known as itsannual hate crime report. wrote A total of 187 hate crimes were reported http://forever.freeshell.org/hatecrm1.htm |
23. HATE CRIME STATS, HORRIBLE! EVERYONE READ! Name EMail Subject Re hate crime stats, HORRIBLE! In the last 30 years, blackscommitted 170 million violent and non-violent crimes against whites. http://www.atlantanaacp.org/msgboard/messages/385.html | |
24. Re: HATE CRIME STATS, HORRIBLE! EVERYONE READ! Subject Re Re hate crime stats, HORRIBLE! In the last 30 years, blackscommitted 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes against whites. http://www.atlantanaacp.org/msgboard/messages/388.html | |
25. Crime Statistics crime stats in reference to Campus Security Act 1990 Offense, 1999, 2000, 2001.Murder, 0, 0, 0. Motor Vehicle Theft, 10, 9, 10. hate crimes, 0, 0, 3. Arson,2, 0, 4. http://www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/public_safety/campus_safety/stats.htm | |
26. News -- Education Dept. Releases Campus Crime Stats Releases Campus crime stats. The report, which includes crime statistics for over6,300 public and Reported hate crimes, for example, jumped from 1,312 cases in http://www.thehoya.com/news/012601/news3.htm | |
27. Statistics Hate Crime - (National Center For Victims Of Crime) Site Map. Search. Feedback. Statistics hate crime. In 2000, 8,154 hate crimeincidents were reported to the police. (73); Of reported hate crimes, 54% were http://www.ncvc.org/STATS/hc.htm |
28. Crime Stats For University Of Houston - Clear Lake procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of CampusSecurity Policy and Campus crime Statistics Act. hate crimes (by prejudice http://www.uhcl.edu/police/2002stats.html | |
29. Federal Crime Awareness & Campus Security Act - Penn Crime Stats Note The Federal crime Awareness and Campus Security Act also requires the releaseof statistics for hate crimes in the following crime classifications Murder http://www.upenn.edu/almanac/between/fedcrime.html | |
30. European American Issues Forum Bur. of stats, crimes in the US 1997; Bur. of Justice stats, Crim. Victimization,1997; Bur. of Just. stats 1997 and Fed. Bur. of Inv, hate crime stats. 1997. http://www.eaif.org/chron6.htm | |
31. Crime Stats crime stats 19972002 crime stats 1994-96 or detain for questioning anyone committinga crime on the Any reports of hate crimes that occur in non-University http://www.lhup.edu/safety/crimestats.html | |
32. Eastfield College Crime Statistics Reported to Mesquite Police Department **Unfoundedthru further investigation,the crime reported was There were no reported victims of hate crimes. http://www.efc.dcccd.edu/ssi/police/stats.html | |
33. FBI Crime Stats have an image of a vicious, ignorant, gunloving, hate-filled, skinhead Yes, blackscommit more crime against whites (1.58 million crimes per year) than http://www.naawp.com/crime_stats.htm | |
34. David Duke Online - FBI Stats When a nonEuropean Hispanic is attacked for ethnic reasons the crime is recordedas an anti-Hispanic hate crime. The FBI hate crimes report for 1997 records http://www.duke.org/fbi-stats/ | |
35. Page Not Found crime experts strongly suggest that only a small percentage, (approximately10 per cent) of hate crimes or harassment is ever reported to any source. http://www.media-awareness.ca/eng/issues/stats/isshate.htm | |
36. David Duke Online - FBI Stats When a Hispanic is attacked for ethnic reasons the crime is recorded as an antiHispanichate crime. The FBI hate crimes report for 1997 records 636 such http://www.davidduke.com/fbi-stats/ | |
37. Miami University: Documents And Policies: No Hate Journal articles hate crime stats show race is key, The National Law Journal Biasrelatedincidents, hate crimes, and conflict resolution, Priscilla Prutzman http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/nohate/bibliography.cfm | |
38. Joint Center:: DataBank http//www.civilrights.org/lcef/hcpc/stats/overtime.html 1996, the total number ofhate crime incidents reported between 1996 and 1998 hate crimes decreased 11 http://www.jointcenter.org/DB/factsheet/hate_crimes_factsheet.htm | |
39. UCSC - Crimes Stats 2000 Tables with Uniform crime Reporting procedures and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of CampusSecurity Policy and Campus crime Statistics Act. hate crimes (by prejudices). http://www.ucsc.edu/about/crime_stats/crime00t.htm | |
40. UCSC - Crimes Stats 2001 Tables with Uniform crime Reporting procedures and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of CampusSecurity Policy and Campus crime Statistics Act. 4. hate crimes (by prejudices http://www.ucsc.edu/about/crime_stats/crime01t.htm | |
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