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1. Juvenile Safety And Crime Prevention Juvenile Safety and Crime Prevention Programs for Youth and Adults.For Youth A variety of program areas such as personal safety http://www.coj.net/Departments/Sheriffs Office/Community Affairs/Juvenile Safety | |
2. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Literature 2 Crime Laboratories United States Vocational Guidance Juvenile Literature1999 1 Crime Prevention 1996 1 crime prevention juvenile Films 2001 1 http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/10,997/search/dCrime prevention -- Juven | |
3. Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention Gang prevention and intervention publications and funding opportunities for programs and communities.Category Society Issues crime and Justice Gangs prevention...... communities in their efforts to develop and implement effective and coordinated preventionand intervention programs and improve the juvenile justice system so http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ | |
4. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council The strategy of the JCPC is to develop a communityfocused, research-based approach to treating the needs of juveniles. http://www.crimefreekids.com |
5. NCJRS - National Criminal Justice Reference Service Lists publications and links on corrections, courts, crime, drugs, international crime, juvenile justice, Category Society Issues crime and Justice...... Safe Harbor A SchoolBased Victim Assistance/Violence prevention ProgramThis bulletin describes Safe Harbor, a promising practice http://www.ncjrs.org/ | |
6. Juvenile Crime Prevention Criminal Justice Commission's largest program involves juvenile crime prevention. To prevent creation of additional http://www.juvenilejustice.com/prevention.html | |
7. The Department Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention Home Page About Us, Intervention/prevention Services, juvenile crime preventionCouncils, Jobs, CPSV, Youth Development/Detention Centers, Youth http://www.juvjus.state.nc.us/ | |
8. Lawlink NSW: Juvenile Crime Prevention Strategic Plan Consultation Report 1996 juvenile crime prevention Strategic Plan Consultation Report 1996. The juvenile crime prevention Division of the New http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/cpd.nsf/pages/jjdcrindex | |
9. Cumberland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Cumberland County crime prevention Council strengthens and supports appropriate programs through incorporating prevention and intervention strategies in a comprehensive juvenile crime prevention effort. By state statute, all counties must establish a juvenile crime prevention Council, commonly referred to as the JCPC. http://www.cumberlandjcpc.org/ | |
10. NCSLnet CJ LetterSchool Violence And Juvenile Crime Prevention Login Here Register Now To access special member content and services, legislators, legislative staff and Foundation for State Legislatures sponsors must log in. (Clear this notice.) NCSLnet Registration Help Forgotten NCSLnet Password? CJ Letter http://www.ncsl.org/programs/cj/cjl51098.htm |
11. New Bulletins Examine Effective Juvenile Crime Prevention And Intervention Progr 3070703. PUBLICATION ADVISORY. New Bulletins Examine Effective JuvenileCrime prevention and Intervention Programs. prevention of http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/about/press/ojp000426b.html | |
12. United Nations Interregional Crime And Justice Research Center (UNICRI) Organization created to advance policy and practice in the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality. Includes a collection of global criminology resources. http://www.unicri.it/ | |
13. Delinquency Development Statements: The President's Crime Prevention Council The Council plays a critical role in bringing together the leadership of Federalagencies with juvenile crime and substance use prevention programs to share http://www.ncjrs.org/ddspcpc.htm | |
14. The Louisiana Commission On Law Enforcement Home Page Provides information on important topics such as missing children network, juvenile justice and deliquency, violence against women, drug prevention, crime victims reparations and criminal justice statistics. http://www.cole.state.la.us/ | |
15. Education America, Criminal Justice Program, Public Safety, Crime Prevention, Ju Potential Careers upon completion of this program include, but are not limited toPublic Safety. crime prevention. juvenile Justices. Loss prevention. Prosecution. http://www.educationamerica.com/eai_00/pages/currpgs/crimjst1.html | |
16. P.O.I.N.T. - Prison Officers Informing Neighborhood Teens - Main Page juvenile crime deterrent program designed to help in the prevention of juvenile crime. http://www.thepointprogram.com | |
17. Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils juvenile crime prevention Councils, The local leadership of the JCPC is key tothe success of juvenile crime prevention , states Secretary George L. Sweat. http://www.juvjus.state.nc.us/Crime_Prevention/overview.htm | |
18. OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book ensure compliance with the juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention Act of 1974, compliance present the Governor's Office of crime Control prevention's Special Report. http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ojstatbb | |
19. Juvenile Crime Prevention juvenile crime prevention. Becky Eklund High Risk juvenile crime preventionCoordinator, Lana J. Holman juvenile Justice Specialist. http://www.ocjc.state.or.us/JCP/JCP.htm | |
20. Juvenile Crime Prevention - Extended Detention Rules Return to the juvenile crime prevention Page, or the Criminal JusticeCommission Page. juvenile crime prevention Extended Detention Rules. http://www.ocjc.state.or.us/ExtDetenRules.htm |
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