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Crime Investigation Articles & Pub: more detail |
21. Harvard Business Online documents matching your search for term 1 = crime. HBR OnPoint articles includethe fulltext HBR In 1992, a corruption investigation and two assassinations http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/b02/en/includes/browse/topic_brows |
22. CRIMINAL JUSTICE (Quarterly) STATE W7 7 S99. Uniform crime Reports for the United States. Washington,DC Bureau of investigation, US Dept. INDEXES TO JOURNAL articles. http://www.wcu.edu/library/research/social/criminaljustice_bib.htm | |
24. Security Archive - Category: /pub/doc/law+ethics Attorney's Office Hi Tech / Computer crime Team has material How to conduct your investigationand gather the import and export of defense articles and services http://www.cs.purdue.edu/coast/archive/data/categ26.html | |
25. Easyspace-your Perfect Partner For The Web published by Breedon Books, as well as numerous magazine and newspaper articles.His interest in true crime was kindled by his investigation of the http://www.tangled-web.co.uk/crimedigests/digests02/breedenbau02.html | |
26. National Crime Information Center (NCIC) - FBI Information a delinquent act that would be a crime if committed assigned by the Federal Bureauof investigation to an E. Article File Unrecovered stolen articles will be http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fbi/is/ncic.htm | |
27. Criminal Justice Resources Resources: Hate Crime articles or Publications. ways for police to offer effective support to hate crimevictims and the community throughout the investigation and prosecution http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/crimjust/hate.htm | |
28. DevASP Computer Forensics : Incident Response Essentials Book - 0201707195 Computer Forensics Incident Response Essentials byAddisonWesley pub Co Release levelUnix functionality in the process of a computer crime investigation. http://www.devasp.com/store/shop2948/pd0201707195/Books_and_Software/Books/Hardw | |
29. History And Doctrines Of Heretical Nichiren Buddhist Sects an illegal organization, his crime might be After thorough investigation, HigashiMurayama Police Station None of tabloids apologized their mistaken articles. http://members.aol.com/nichiheret/masatomo_yamazaki/ldp.htm | |
30. LIAR, CAJOLER AND SCHEMER Masatomo Yamazaki And Soka Gakkai 198081 Yamazaki wrote several articles in tabloid time, his Request for the investigation became a is a unprecedented malicious crime. Yamazaki appealed http://members.aol.com/nichiheret/masatomo_yamazaki/shoshin.htm | |
31. Pathfinder On Forensic Sciences - The Advocate: March 2001 for the Application of Pathology to crime investigation. crime Scenes and Blood Spatter. By Lawrence Renner of journals and articles, bibliographic assistance http://dpa.state.ky.us/library/advocate/mar01/library.html | |
32. Virginia Institute Of Forensic Science And Medicine: Forensic Training For Crime Overview of nonprofit organization, providing education and training programs for professionals dealing with crime or death scene investigation. articles, glossary, bulletin board for alumni, and calendar for courses in Richmond, VA. http://www.vifsm.org/ | |
33. SJSU Library- Library Research In Administration Of Justice Uniform crime Reports for the United States. (Washington, DC Federal Bureau of investigation,1930 .) ref For magazine articles you can consult the Reader's http://www.library.sjsu.edu/subject/administration_of_justice/researchguide.htm | |
34. Detective Columbo As Theologian - Robert Zerhusen home modRef radio pub conf Catalog. First, there is a murder, leading to a policeinvestigation. The initial explanations of the crime make sense but are http://www.alliancenet.org/pub/articles/zerhusen.columbo.html | |
35. W&D | Publications | Articles articles. BACK. Disclosure of the Results of an Internal investigation Source Reprintedwith permission from The White Collar crime Reporter Author(s http://www.wiggin.com/pubs/articles.asp | |
36. MacPháidín Library - Criminal Justice Guides articles on legal, political, and historical relationship of to society; includingcrime prevention, crime causation, and G., ed. New York Garland pub., 1995. http://www.stonehill.edu/library/Reference/subjects/CriminalJusticeGuide.htm | |
37. Computer Forensics : Incident Response Essentials Department Book Media Paperback Manufacturer/publisher AddisonWesley pub Co ReleaseDate Not the end all, be all of computer crime investigation, but a damn http://www.growinglifestyle.com/prod/0201707195.html | |
38. Roma Rights / Nr2 2000 -- Snapshots From Around Europe Prosecuting discrimination and hate crime in the Czech motivated damage to healthunder articles 221(1 case returned to the police for a fresh investigation. http://www.errc.org/rr_nr2_2000/snap17.shtml | |
39. Crime 2002/11: CRIME FW: [Cyber_threats] Daily News 11/04/02 offer more details on the investigation, nor did cooperate with law enforcement infighting cyber crime. www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/articles/A46872-2002Oct31 http://lists.jammed.com/crime/2002/11/0004.html | |
40. EFF Topics: Censorship http//www.eff.org/Censorship/apple_cdrom_revisionism.articles. by encrypted filesin a recent child porn investigation. to make it a crime to desecrate the http://www.eff.org/issues/censorship/ | |
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