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61. Minnesota State & Local Government state Lottery Minnesota Tax court MinnStats Office of Cities local Government InformationSystems (LOGIS) Minnesota courts Library of Congress state local http://www.legalengine.com/state/stateminnesota.htm | |
62. Handy & Robinson Attorneys At Law - Links To Legal Resources, Texas of about 3.7 million federal districtcourt civil cases 14,500 users with state ofthe art automated systems. state Bar of Texas Appellate Section New! News http://www.mikehandy.com/lgentx.html | |
63. Senate Fiscal Agency: State Departments- Judiciary court Administrative Office, Judicial Information systems, Direct Trial Salary fortrial court judges (circuit, district is funded by direct state payments and http://www.senate.state.mi.us/sfa/departments/judiciary.html | |
64. The Massachusetts Court System and benefits from the state and all became state judges. of a budget for the TrialCourt, central accounting and procurement systems, and personnel http://www.state.ma.us/courts/admin/intro.html | |
65. New Page 1 by competent counsel in all court proceedings, including and local programs to helpbring systems closer to parents from taking children across state lines to http://naccchildlaw.org/policy/policy_agenda.html | |
66. 18th District Court of Michigan's trial court and appellate court systems, a successful part to such attributes,the 18th district court has become is a member of the state Bar of http://www.18thdistrictcourt.com/pages/62728/ | |
67. Dept. Of State: International Information Programs: Publications: Outline Of U.S Both court systems thus have exclusive jurisdiction in some areas to cover the activitiesof state and local form the basis for future decisions by the court. http://www.usembassy.de/usa/etexts/outusgov/ch5.htm | |
68. Error integrated, upto-date INS data systems would reduce of legal aliens sentenced infederal court declined dramatically it was also observed at state and local http://www.urban.org/immig/alien_justice_sum.html | |
69. Ohio Local Government:Structure And Finance, Bulletin 835-98, Appendix The first General Assembly of the district met in only a few examples of how statedepartments, boards a level of funding for the local court systems that is http://ohioline.osu.edu/b835/b835_15.html | |
70. AJS [American Judicature Society] - AJS Editorial support and assistance for state court activities that strong, effective statejudicial systems are the responsibility for improvement of state and local http://www.ajs.org/ajs/ajs_editorial-template.asp?content_id=26 |
71. INFOTECH AND THE LAW reach of the powers granted to district courts by the contractors generally couldcount on their local federal courts matters as those of the court of Federal http://www.washingtontechnology.com/news/15_11/federal/1714-1.html | |
72. JURIST - Denmark: Danish Law, Legal Research, Human Rights Source US Department of state; CIA World Factbook. High courts, the Maritime andCommercial court of Copenhagen the courts include the justice systems of the http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/world/denmark.htm | |
73. LLRX -- LLRX Court Rules, Forms & Dockets that Web Pacers, Racers and ECF/CM systems require a Find in All fields Search Help Select state. http://www.llrx.com/courtrules/ | |
74. Site Directory Family court. Information systems. Office of General Counsel. Pretrial Services.Research and Statistics. state Law Library. Kentucky Supreme court Introduction. http://www.kycourts.net/Supreme/SC_Main.shtm | |
75. Legal Technology Institute - Electronic Public Access To Court Records - Executi This will require either a custom program to interface with older, legacy court databasesystems or the purchase of a new Web If your court is state or local http://www.law.ufl.edu/lti/research/eparecords/execsum.htm | |
76. Additional Alaska Legal Resources Another very useful tool is that the court System now lets you proposed regulationsand other official notices from the state of Alaska Touch N' Go systems, Inc http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/AKother.htm | |
77. Sub SB 8 - As Reported By House Economic Development & Small Business - 8 Note The state fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. convictions expected, the potentialannual gain in court cost revenues County Criminal Justice systems. http://www.lbo.state.oh.us/fiscal/fiscalnotes/124ga/SB0008HR.HTM | |
78. California Voter Foundation -- 1998 Primary Election -- Cal Journal Analysis Each county has a superior court district, and there In addition to requesting a statebailout of wanted the flexibility to consolidate the two court systems. http://www.calvoter.org/98primary/caljournal/measures/prop220.html | |
79. Federal Gateway To State And Local Government The National Association of court Management. The Urban and Regional InformationSystems Association. of all Federal programs available to state and local http://www.fedgate.org/fg_statelocal.htm | |
80. Catalog Of Federal Domestic Assistance - Related Links by contacting the National Center for state courts at (775 for Juvenile and FamilyCourt Judges at Policy (MV) Governmentwide Information systems Division (MVS http://www.cfda.gov/public/printfriendlyprog.asp?progid=1285 |
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