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61. News By Date For July 2000 ReutersGreece to further test, destroy any GE cotton crops (03 Jul 00) ClariNetAFP33 illegal immigrants arrested in Bulgaria (Mon, 3 Jul 2000 125010 PDT http://www.hri.org/news/latest/00-07-off-site.old.html | |
62. Economic Research Service Logo Jump Over Nav Bar Search using GMO seeds. Herbicidetolerant soybeans and cotton and Bt-enhancedcotton crops are modeled individually. In each model, pest http://www.ers.usda.gov/whatsnew/issues/gmo/ | |
63. GM Cotton Threatens Biodiversity In China -- The Washington Times Our findings suggest that there is a serious threat to the environment fromthese cotton crops. Xue, who headed the fouryear study for China's State http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/21062002-091831-2483r.htm | |
64. Nature Publishing Group Suspicions were aroused when 30% of cotton crops in Gujarat were unaffected by thebollworm infestation that was sweeping the state between June and October http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nbt/journal/v19/n12/full/nbt120 |
65. Protecting Farmers' Investment In Bt Cotton have used toxic chemicals such as calcium arsenate, Paris green, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT), and toxaphene to rid their cotton crops of insects. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/feb01/farm0201.htm | |
66. Small Farmers And GE Giants In 199899, there were more than 500 suicides among farmers in the Warrangal districtof Andhra Pradesh when their hybrid cotton crops were devoured by insects http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/2143.htm | |
67. Council For Biotechnology Information show that soil, air and water quality are enhanced through the responsible use ofcurrent biotechnologyderived soybean, corn and cotton crops, said Teresa http://www.whybiotech.com/index.asp?id=1805 |
68. Council For Biotechnology Information Looking back at the records I keep on my own farm, I noted that before 1995we used to spray our cotton crops eight to 10 times a year on average. http://www.whybiotech.com/index.asp?id=1711 |
69. PAT CHAT - 7/19/02 literature supports the conclusion that overall the currently commercialized biotechnologyderivedsoybean, corn, and cotton crops yield environmental benefits http://scarab.msu.montana.edu/Extension/PAT_CHAT/7_26_02.htm | |
70. Monsanto Africa Genetically Modified cotton crops Produced Greater Yields and Reduced PesticideUse in India cotton crops in India that were genetically modified to resist http://www.monsantoafrica.com/index.phtml |
71. WINTER ANNUAL COVER CROPS IN A NO-TILL COTTON PRODUCTION SYSTEM IN VIRGINIA WINTER ANNUAL COVER CROPS IN A NOTILL COTTON PRODUCTION SYSTEM IN VIRGINIA. Awinter annual cover crop might alleviate erosion between cotton crops. http://www.actahort.org/books/504/504_10.htm | |
72. CNN.com - Big Dry Cuts Australian Rice, Cotton - Dec. 1, 2002 Australia's longrunning drought has forced more big cuts in farm output, withthe national commodities forecaster ABARE downgrading rice and cotton crops. http://asia.cnn.com/2002/BUSINESS/asia/12/01/aust.crops.biz/ | |
73. Monsanto In India - News Archives On Plant Biotechnology The use of pesticides on Bt cotton is far less compared to nonBt cotton crops.Farmers had to spray heavy dosage of pesticides on the non-Bt cotton fields. http://www.monsantoindia.com/news/news_feb03.html | |
74. Genetically Modified Crops In India: Can Mustard Succeed Where Cotton Failed? Simultaneously, in the Vidarbha belt in Maharashtra, cotton crops planted over 30,000hectares have been widely affected because of the emergence of a disease http://www.kisanwatch.org/eng/features/dec02/fea24_Bt_Cotton_Mustard.htm | |
75. BOLLWORM.NCS In a finding that could have broad implications for farmers'ability to stop pests from decimating cotton crops, scientists from North...... BT TOXIN http://www.newswise.com/articles/2002/12/BOLLWORM.NCS.html | |
76. Boll Weevil Monument This was bad news for farmers in Coffee County, where Enterprise was and is thelargest city, because they all banked on cotton crops something the little http://www.eprisenow.com/bollweevil.htm | |
77. Dryland Grain_cotton they provide. However, areas planted to grain legumes remain smallrelative to the alternative cereal or cotton crops. The cropping http://www.apsru.gov.au/Documents/Dryland.htm | |
78. Cotton And Pesticides 2.4% of the arable land in the world is used for growing cotton; However, 24% ofthe insecticides sold on the world market in 1994 were used on cotton crops. http://www2.gol.com/users/bobkeim/pesticides/cottonpest.html | |
79. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Oracle Web Applications The boll weevil is regarded as a notorious pestpossibly the most destructiveinsect in North America-for its devastation of cotton crops in the southern http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/oracleweb/colophon.html | |
80. Spiders Help Farmers Grow Safer Crops In China, the main cotton pest is the boll weevil also a dangerto cotton crops in other countries. Zhao's efforts to perfect http://www.solutions-site.org/kids/stories/KScat11_sol29.htm | |
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