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21. The Young Science Library The prinicipal focus of the science Library's collection, one of the largest among college science libraries, is the support of the curriculum in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, computer science, Exercise and Sport Studies, Geology, History of science, Mathemaics, Physics, and Psychology. http://www.smith.edu/libraries/young/scimain.htm | |
22. Eckhart Library A library for the mathematics, statistics and computer science departments at the University of Chicago. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/LibInfo/Libraries/Eckhart/ | |
23. Oxford ComLab Libraries Library facilities at the University of Oxford computer Laboratory. Access to the Radcliffe science Library online catalogues. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/about/libraries.html | |
24. Computer Science Collection Development Policy: LSU Libraries Research Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; computer architecture; InformationScience; Knowledgebased Systems; Object-Orientd LSU libraries will purchase CD ROM http://www.lib.lsu.edu/collserv/colldev/policies/computerscience.html | |
25. Computer Science Library--SUNY-Stony Brook Includes a list of online (free) computer science texts, and links to databases of technical reports Category Reference libraries Mathematics and computer science...... computer science Library Main Library University HomepageUniversity at Stony Brook libraries. May 13, 2002. http//www http://www.sunysb.edu/library/cslibrary.html | |
26. CWI Library - General Information of scientific research in mathematics (pure and applied) and computer science. Followthe links «Fulltext databases and digital libraries» and «Electronic http://www.cwi.nl/library/ | |
27. Computer Science Has Moved -- This Page Will Redirect You Last Modified 12/19/02 djb URL http//ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/computer/comp.htmlComments to askASL@buffalo.edu Back to science Engineering http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/computer/comp.html | |
28. Computer Reference Has Moved -- This Page Will Redirect You which catalogs and reviews research literature in mathematics, computer science,and statistics. Link through at http//ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/e http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/selguides/cs.html | |
29. MU Libraries Engineering Library Electronic Resources All MU libraries Databases (OFFCAMPUS access). CORE DATABASES NAME, DESCRIPTION,Full-text? ACM Digital Library. computer science, computer engineering (journal http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/engr/databases.html | |
30. UVA Computer Science: Library Resources libraries computer science Library, CS related video collection, UVa libraries, UVascience and Engineering libraries, Virgo, Library of Congress, IdeaLibrary, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/brochure/library.html | |
31. UVA Computer Science: Member Links Collaborative Systems, Computational Biology, computer Architecture, computer Vision,Galileo Staff Links, Student Links, science libraries, Other libraries http://www.cs.virginia.edu/member-links.html | |
32. Stanford University CS Electronic And Technical Reports Library Digital libraries Project; About the NCSTRL project; How to participate in thisdistributed library; computer science Technical Reports Project (MIT node) http://elib.stanford.edu/ | |
33. Computer Science Indexes & Databases.WMU Libraries on microcomputing in education, business, industry, libraries, and the home. proceedingsin the areas of biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics http://www.wmich.edu/library/db/computerscience.html | |
34. Chinook | E-Resources By Subject | Computer Science Coverage varies. Available in campus libraries and to students, faculty and staffvia the campus network. UCB libraries Subject Guide for computer science. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/chi/comp.html | |
35. University Libraries | Library Services | Subject Guides | Computer Science UNIVERSITY libraries. Subject Guide for computer science CHINOOK ONLINECATALOG. computer science. The study of computers, including http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/mph/computerscience.htm | |
36. Loyola University Chicago Libraries and journals covering technical and computer topics. Business, Humanities, Reader'sGuide, science and Social of material cataloged by OCLC member libraries. http://libraries.luc.edu/cfpages/subjectpg.cfm?sid=29 |
37. Web Resources In Computer Science, UM Libraries The subject specialist in at the University of Maryland libraries is Julie Arnold Sheis also available to teach computer science classes in the use of library http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/SUBR/resources.computer_science.html | |
38. Computer Science, UM Libraries This page has been designed for graduate students in computer science, with theintent of information on this page may be found on the UM libraries' home page http://www.lib.umd.edu/ENGIN/GRAD/computer_science.html | |
39. Hope College Libraries: Books Published By Computer Science Department Faculty M Biology; Chapel; Chemistry; Communication; computer science; Economics; English;History; Books Published by computer science Department Faculty members, 19992001. http://www.hope.edu/lib/facbib/books/cmp/ | |
40. Kent State University Libraries - Mathematics & Computer Science Library to the Mathematics and computer sciences Library can be arranged by contactingthe Department of Mathematics and computer science, 233 MSB (330672-2430). http://www.library.kent.edu/branches/math/mathlib.html | |
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