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Communications & Media Gen Resources: more detail |
41. Next-Gen PBX Performance, Part 2 a) these apps consume more system resources (CPU and construed as relevant to anynextgen PBX Labs, an independent full-service converged communications and IP http://www.cconvergence.com/article/CTM20020304S0003 | |
42. Index - Communications Media Center At New York Law School US centred, but contains some EU information. resources on communications, information and media law. Files include Statutes, Cases, Papers, Conferences and Courses. Also News Bulletins on current events and articles from media Law Policy. http://www.nyls.edu/cmc/ | |
43. Demographics: E-Commerce Among Gen Y: It's A Boy Thing Confidence in online shopping is growing, but most gen Y shoppers likely to use itto keep in touch, and they tend to value all communications media more highly http://cyberatlas.internet.com/big_picture/demographics/article/0,,5901_586571,0 | |
44. CARC Amateur radio, shortwave listening, international news, international radio stations on-line, satellite TV, and other aspects of broadcast media. resources, links. http://www.netsync.net/users/obrienaj/carc.htm | |
45. B.S. In Agricultural Education, Communications, And Leadership gen 102 The Dynamics of Rural Social Life, 3. AGC/HES 320 Survey of Agriculture andConsumer media, 3. Option Requirements. Agricultural communications Option, Hours. http://www.uky.edu/Registrar/bull9900/colleges/agriculture/bsagedu.html | |
46. Wake Up Opening Page An organization of associated Zen Buddhist temples, practice centers and sitting groups. Founded by Abbot, John Daido Loori Roshi. The mainhouse of the order is Zen Mountain Monastery. The order also operates Dharma communications, a media company supplying resources for home practice. Groups of students around the world are joined in the MRO training program through the Society of Mountains and Rivers. http://www.mro.org/ | |
47. MCAI Chicago Chapter Local chapter of media communications Association International. Features support and networking meetings, events and resources for professionals in video, film, distance learning, web design and creation, and all forms of interactive visual communications, along with all associated crafts. http://www.mcaichicago.com/ | |
48. Harris Interactive | News Room - Upoc's Gen Wireless News Bureau Uncovers The "E www.upoc.com) is a mobile communications platform for can gain access to the GenWireless market to branding, market research, new media business alliances http://www.harrisinteractive.com/news/allnewsbydate.asp?NewsID=137 |
49. 2002 Communications Design Conference- Plenary Panels Nextgen I/Os Speeding Interconnects in Moderator Jeremy Bunting Principal CommunicationsAnalyst, Thomas may be heterogeneous networking media within the http://www.commdesignconference.com/events/panel.htm | |
50. 2002 Communications Design Conference- Special Events Nextgen I/Os Speeding Interconnects in Comm with its innovative mobile communicationsnetwork technology the Webmaster Copyright © 2002 CMP media LLC, All http://www.commdesignconference.com/events/ | |
51. I Have An Idea Semester 1 Marketing Principles Writing for Marketing communications ComputerSkills for Communicators media Culture (gen. Ed.) Advertising http://www.ihaveanidea.org/education/entries/00000001.htm | |
52. Com Gen 150 W02 Com gen 150 Integrative Seminar Winter 2002 Tuesdays 355 the problem of ownershipof the communications industry among who owns the media, what content http://communication.ucsd.edu/courses/syllabi/150W02.html | |
53. MAME: Intellectual Freedom/Legislative Issues in 1976 by Dr.Carl Jensen, Professor of communications Studies, for a seminar inmass media at Sonoma please email MAME's Webmaster at mame@mame.gen.mi.us. http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/resourc/legis.html | |
54. Teaching Jobs Inside the gen. personnel in consumer products and services, marketing communications,and the media Job Search Canada Helping media Professionals search for http://dirs.globalesl.net/cat/96104/ | |
55. CSBA Sample Board Policy -- BP 1112 The crisis communications plan may include but not be include local law enforcementand media representatives in ATTORNEY genERAL OPINIONS 95 Ops.Cal.Atty.gen. http://www.csba.org/PS/samples/bp1112.htm | |
56. Law-Enforcement Tech: Online Resources Ziff Davis media. timeline of the NYPD's computer and communications technology improvements gen.,Patrick Hughes, former National Security Agency Director Lt. http://www.baselinemag.com/article2/0,3959,525497,00.asp | |
57. Law-Enforcement Tech: Online Resources Sites Advanced Search Ziff Davis media. of the NYPD's computer and communicationstechnology improvements gen., Patrick Hughes, former National Security http://www.baselinemag.com/article2/0,3959,845084,00.asp | |
58. Tough Customers: How To Reach Gen Y Some examples media such as Teen People magazine and the in nonprofits, and in donationsof time and resources. . In its second annual survey of gen Y buying http://www.bcentral.com/articles/krotz/122.asp | |
59. Business Communications Review - NEC's New IP-PBX Offerings 32 gateway channels used as shared resources for any An Analog media Converter isa gateway module that supports two analog communications devices (2500 http://www.bcr.com/bcrmag/2002/05/p61.asp | |
60. HEGIS To CIP Crosswalk Administrative Serv., Oth. 0601.00, communications, genERAL, 09.0101,Comm., gen. 0602.00, JOURNALISM (PRINTED media), 09.0401, Journalism. http://www.highered.nysed.gov/oris/codes/cipxwalk.htm | |
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