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41. American Studies Web Resources studies Department at Keele University in the UK. Historical and Literary ETexts(general). A Chronology of us Historical Documents From pre-colonial times to http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/art/amst/americanstudies.shtml | |
42. American Studies Pathfinder American studies Pathfinder, May 2002, Dollar, The Prices and Income in the us, R339.420973. Historical Statistics of the United States colonial times to 1970 http://www.imsa.edu/edu/socsci/jvictory/am_stud02_pathfinder.htm | |
43. Willamette University L College Of Liberal Arts Catalog I. Wallace Jr., Associate Professor, Religious studies and University Latina Voicesin the us (Crosslisted with in the United States from colonial times to the http://www.willamette.edu/cla/catalog/Sect2/courses/latin.html | |
44. Social Studies Covers American history from colonial times to World War I world flags, documentson Benjamin Franklin, us House and Social studies Web Sites for K12 Teachers http://www.sitesforteachers.com/resources_sharp/socialstudies.html | |
45. Life On Plymouth Plantation arts Letter writing; Sentence chart; If You Lived in colonial times by Ann OtherSocial studies Links Thanksgiving Holiday activities (Extension activity); http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/plymouth/ | |
46. Beginning Research--U.S. History news conferences, speeches, special studies, and court from World War II us publicationsscanned documents (with introductions) from colonial times to 1993. http://garamond.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/kkerns/amhist.html | |
47. Teacher Research: Social Studies Projects when the students engaged in a WebQuest about colonial times. How can I meet SocialStudies objectives for or missing material, please contact us with your http://gse.gmu.edu/research/tr/TRsocialstudies.shtml | |
48. Resources Resources for History and Social studies The Political Time Line of America (us)During the Age of Teacher's Corner American Revolution and colonial times. http://www.edutel.org/resources.html | |
49. Web Resources For U.S. History information for the international American studies community A Chronology of us HistoricalDocuments. related to American History from Precolonial times to the http://www.lib.montana.edu/~kempcke/ushistory.htm | |
50. Colby 8th Grade Social Studies colonial times. histories, limited to the lower 48 states of the us but also wasdesigned and written for Germantown Elementary Third Grade Social studies. http://www.colby.k12.wi.us/ms/grade8/socialstudies/hotlist.html | |
51. Fulton Ave. Elementary School #8 some educational programs related to the Revolution and colonial times. makes theday difficult for us, but we In social studies, we are beginning our unit on http://www.oceanside.k12.ny.us/8fulton/ | |
52. Social Studies Lesson Plans By Veteran Teachers Learning About colonial times. Millennium Superheroes My Neighborhood from Space. SocialStudies Lessons for High School. Architecture Has Made us Great. http://teachersnetwork.org/lessonplans/socstudy.htm | |
53. American And Southern Studies EUROPEAN studies 201, European Society and Culture. The us and the World; 283, Theus as a 286287, Womens Experience in America, colonial times to the http://sitemason.vanderbilt.edu/amstud/themajor | |
54. General Catalog - American Studies of the United States, from precolonial times to the and Performance studies 25AC;Women's studies 14, 20 from the two methods series, Examining us Cultures in http://sis450.berkeley.edu:4500/catalog/gcc_view_req?p_dept_cd=AMERSTD |
55. Reading American Studies of American history between colonial times and the Three American Popular Culture;Contemporary us Political Economy Subject Degree in American studies, or if http://www.americansc.org.uk/Eccles/Wolverhampton.htm | |
56. SCORE Teacher Guide: "Title Of Core Work" Social studies Standards. During this unit Students analyze us foreign policy inthe early Republic geography of the story, as it was in colonial times and how http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/SCORE/light/lighttg.html | |
57. Awesome Library - Social_Studies Here Home Classroom Social studies History colonial labor in the usA, startingwith colonial times. Media3, Technologies) 201; us History - colonial http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/History/Colonial_America. | |
58. Social Studies Links usA Page very comprehensive; us history from colonial to modern times; updatedfrequently; state, local social history, wars, presidents. http://www.rcs.k12.va.us/csjh/sslinks.htm | |
59. Palgrave Macmillan: Conferences BOYWIVES AND FEMALE-HusBANDS studies in African-American of South African historyfrom pre-colonial times to 1999. UK and Rest of the world site Contact us. http://www.palgrave-usa.com/home/courselist.asp?CourseID=10&CourseDesc=African S |
60. History HIST 225 American studies II Topics in American studies II. HIST 239/339 The us.andthe Vietnam War A in America Women in Amerca from precolonial times to the http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/nduscat/hist.html | |
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