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Collaborative And Interactive Tales Writing: more detail |
1. Writing Help Want to get some ideas on the steps in the writing process or just ideas to create a classroom of author? Click on the links below that are all related to writing. stimulate enthusiasm for writing and writing for a purpose. filled with fairy tales, nursery rhymes, interactive stories and holiday http://www.hut.fi/~rvilmi/LangHelp/Writing |
2. Writing Activities Gav and Peloso's interactive Story. helping to create, act out and later to recordon the Internet, in English, a collaborative story. Wacky Web tales. http://www.edu.aytolacoruna.es/aula/ingles/data/writing.htm | |
3. Collaborative Writing tales from the Vault One of the first successful collaborative novels. The No DeadTrees interactive Novel has now been running for over two years and is still http://www.innotts.co.uk/~leo/collwr.html | |
4. Literacy And Technology Writing Train is an online, illustrated, collaborative story project Teachers Helping TeachersAn interactive writing center Edit. to submit wacky web tales that they http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/literacy/writing.cfm |
5. Word Dance Fun Interactive Kids Page Web site for Teachers and Writers collaborative, a resource places for children topublish their writing and art features Fun Stuff, Wacky Web tales, and Brain http://www.worddance.com/links.html | |
6. National Writing Project - Round B Sessions B12, tales of CrossSite Adventures and the C3, Soul-Searching A collaborative Inquiryinto Teacher Harnessing the Power of interactive writing Teaching Skills http://writingproject.org/Calendar/AM/2000/2000fm-sessions.html |
7. Writing.peddle Have students check into the Monster Motel, a collaborative writing project for kids,and write Wacky Web tales This creative and interactive spot in http://www.cloquet.k12.mn.us/was/classroom/fourth/Peddle/writing.htm | |
8. NERCOMP 2003: Balancing The New, The Old, And The Unexpected. collaborative Learning System. interactive writing Spaces Using Weblogs in the writingClassroom. tales from the Trenches Stories of Security, Computer Policy http://www.educause.edu/asp/conf/speaker_list.asp?meeting=NC03 |
9. Previous Letters Of The Month interactive Baby Books. interactive Books. Journals and writing. Teacher Read Alouds.Teaching Challenges. Teaching collaborative Book Reviews. Tot tales. Transitions. http://wildes.home.mindspring.com/OUAL/oldreviews.html | |
10. Blackwell's Best - Online Projects over the world to establish collaborative projects or Kidspired tales Participantswill select a book and as a Modeled/Shared writing or interactive writing. http://www.vickiblackwell.com/projects.html | |
11. A To Z Teacher Stuff Includes a big, bright interactive teaching poster, cross Ex collaborative crayonquilts, cutand-paste Teaching Tall tales Reproducible Stories, writing Mini http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/TeacherStore/Thematic_Units/more3.html | |
12. Good Teaching + Multimedia = Writing Success have formulated a basic plot plan, groups begin writing. will help them createtheir interactive tales on the used to organize their collaborative work on http://www2.edc.org/NCIP/library/mm/Wayland.htm | |
13. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Multimedia And More formulated a basic plot plan, groups begin writing. will help them create theirinteractive tales on the The program, a collaborative project with the Center http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/technology/multimedia.html | |
15. About English - Writing Engage in collaborative planning so that writing forms are taught modelled writing. shared/interactive writing. guided writing. independent writing Fairy tales. Letters to editor http://www.discover.tased.edu.au/english/writing.htm | |
16. Effective Uses Of Technology Workshop com, http//www.childrenstory.com/tales/index.html writing Sites CRAYON CreAte YourOwn Ideas for collaborative/interactive Online Projects Intercollegiate E http://www2.gasou.edu/facstaff/jwalker/tutorials/workshop.html | |
17. Writing Help interactive Story writing A helpful and interesting Manuscript; Teachers and WritersCollaborative; Terrible analogies; Wacky Web tales; Writers' Resources On The http://www.hut.fi/~rvilmi/help/writing_instructions/ | |
18. Allegheny Echoes the old ones play, the tales they tell . they have created in the writing workshops. opportunitiesfor this type of interactive, collaborative instruction exist http://www.alleghenyechoes.com/writing.html | |
19. Redirection Notice Incorporated in it is an interactive map, an extensive guide book, an interactiveindex and a detailed Best collaborative/Community Work. VICTORIAN tales. http://www.info.vic.gov.au/current/History/00history01.html | |
20. Art Tales: A Story Of Collaboration And Integration Museum Education, Art Education , collaborative Learning, Technological intendedas an interactive experience for states We were delighted with 'Art tales'. http://www.archimuse.com/mw2001/papers/sackery/sackrey.html | |
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