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41. Religion: Introductory And General Courses statistics and congregation statistics of various religions, churches, denominations,faith religious news stories, as well as more general religion sites, and http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/Internet/intro.htm | |
42. Attorney General: Opinions COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SCHOOLS - TEACHERS - churches - religion - PLACING STUDENTTEACHERS FROM PUBLIC COLLEGES IN RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS It would violate http://www.wa.gov/ago/opinions/opinion_index95.shtml | |
43. Harvard University Press/The Presbyterian Churches And The Federal Union, 1861-1 The Presbyterian churches and the Federal Union, 18611869 Lewis G. Vander 8 $36.95/ £24.50 / E36.95 Add to Cart religion general / Philosophy general. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/VANPRE.html | |
44. Religion general Christian Sources. http//galaxy.tradewave.com/galaxy/Community/religion/Christianity.html indexingservice, provides these links to churches (by state http://ndsl.lib.state.nd.us/subject/Religion.htm | |
45. Dewey Classification 200: Religion and Sects of the Christian Church general historical and Adventist churches 287 Methodistchurches 288 Unitarianism Other religions and Comparative religion. http://www.csd.uwo.ca/staff/magi/personal/books/dewey/dewey200.html | |
46. Wiley :: Reclaiming The Great Commission: A Practical Model For Transforming Den general religion, A model for all Christian churches an uncomplicated anddoable plan of evangelization that can revitalize listless and moribund http://www.wiley.com/cda/product/0,,0787952680,00.html | |
47. Wiley :: Strength For The Journey: A Pilgrimage Of Faith In Community general religion, New York Times syndicated religion columnist Bass delivers the ostensiblegoodsan of her life in eight different Episcopal churches-and even http://www.wiley.com/cda/product/0,,0787955787|rv|2538,00.html | |
48. WebGuest - Open Directory : Society : Religion And Spirituality : Christianity : Top Society religion and Spirituality Christianity Denominations BaptistBaptist Groups general Association of Regular Baptist churches (14). http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christ | |
49. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Problems Of Humanity - V - The Failure Of The Churc which are responsible for the failure of the churches Every religion Buddhism,Hinduism in its many aspects it must be remembered that the general trend and http://beaskund.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/problems/prob1051.html | |
50. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Problems Of Humanity - V - The Regeneration Of The the professional representatives of organized religion as much them eliminate outof the churches those materially 155 ruined world and a general chaos, they http://beaskund.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/problems/prob1062.html | |
51. Stock Photography Stock List: General Topics general Subjects, buildings (exteriors) · grain elevators · gravestones · GreekAmericans · Greek Orthodox religion, churches · greenhouses · Halloween http://www.nowitz.com/stocklist/stocklist-gen.html | |
52. Korean American Centennial Commemoration; Resources Theater. Film and Television. Tae Kwon Do. Adoptees. religion/churches. Children'sBooks. Literature. Dance. general Korean American Links. Asian Pacific American Links. http://www.apa.si.edu/kacc/Resource/Religion.htm | |
53. KidsClick! Religion & Mythology Angels Bible Catholic Church Christianity churches Islam Judaism Morals EthicsMythology religion (general) religions (Eastern) Saints Witchcraft, http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!/topreli.html | |
54. About The UMC - General Commission On Religion And Race general Commission on religion and Race. and relates directly to annual conferences,general agencies, and and indirectly with local churches) through provision http://www.umc.org/abouttheumc/organization/generalagencies/gcrr.htm | |
55. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: General Overview (Presidios, Mission Churches & Settl North America Mexico History History by Chronology Colonial Mexico NewSpain religion Presidios, Mission churches Settlement general Overview. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Art | |
56. The World's Major Religions And Belief Systems bishop in 1784 and held its first general Convention in from the founders' desireto study religion by rule Pentecostal churches, The churches grew out of the http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/OTHERREFERENCE/RELIGION/MajorReligion.html | |
57. Literature general. The richness of Georgian architecture is fully Christianity represents thedominant religion, and the Georgian has been so far the largest of churches. http://www.parliament.ge/CULTURE/GENINF/Cultur.html | |
58. Guidelines For and Overview. Influenced by the richheritage of parent denominations, churches of the United Church of Christ have...... Lay School of religion general http://www.nwoa.org/Layguide.htm | |
59. Religion Resources--Furman University Libraries general Databases, These databases cover a broad range E53 1993, Articles on people,churches, schools and of Eastern philosophy and religion Buddhism, Hinduism http://library.furman.edu/resources/subject/relig/religref.htm | |
60. Shamanism A general overview of shamanism plus newsgroup FAQs. Includes information on ayahuasca and other shamanic Category Society religion and Spirituality Shamanism...... Shamanism generalOverview FAQ. Shamanic ecstasy is the real Old Time religion, of which modern churches are but pallid evocations. http://www.deoxy.org/shaman.htm | |
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