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Chinook Indians Native Americans: more books (34) |
42. BBC News | AMERICAS | US Recognises Chinook Tribe they asked for official modern status as indians. Gover has officially recognisedthe chinook as a democracy' 15 Jan 00 Americas native americans regain land http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1099000/1099968.stm | |
43. Native Americans INDEX Philip Chillicothe - Chimu - chinook - Chippewa - Chitamacha Religions, native AmericanReligions (chapter Francois indians - Stockbridge indians - Sun Dance http://www.angelfire.com/realm/shades/nativeamericans/titlepage.htm | |
44. Cass Junior High native americans of Texas, The Shoshone Nation, The Comanche American indians ofthe Pacific Northwest, Indian in the Northwest Coast Potlash, chinook, Nootka. http://www.cassd63.org/cass/grade5/kwiorko/nativeamericans.htm | |
45. Oregon Native American Genealogy Band of SE Cherokee Confederacy chinook Indian tribe allotment of tribal lands toindividual indians. often negotiated treaties with these native americans. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/oregon/ | |
46. Native Americans The chinook. NW indians Info, Southwest indians Info, Dakota indians, The Cherokee.Photographs of NW Indian Life, Southwest native americans, Plains indians, The http://www.beavton.k12.or.us/bethany/frimoth/native americans.html | |
47. Native Americans Northwest chinook Jargon See How They Speak. Northwest indians Totem Poles Tlingitof the Northwest Coast. Haida. Southwest native americans Apache Zuni Anasazi. http://www.ainop.com/users/lag/native_american.htm | |
48. Native American Mythology Pathfinder and in the community about the mythology of native americans. legends and myths ofthe native people of chinook indians A poem explaining the origin of this http://nb.wsd.wednet.edu/lmc/pathfinders/nativeam_myth_pathfinder.htm | |
49. Native Americans And The Environment: Government Activities Related to American indians and Alaska natives with native americans, Alaskanand native Hawaiians, and Fall chinook Spawned at Three Mile Facility http://www.cnie.org/NAE/government.html | |
50. NA5Reserach chinook indians http//www.studyweb.com/links/5476.html Tsimshian indians Tsimshianindians by a native Girl http//members.tripod SouthWest native americans. http://dal.lowell.smartedu.net/WebQuests/Natives/NA5Reserach.html |
51. Lewis-clark.org :: Clatsop Hat of countless individual native americans, mostly unnamed in the journals, and thusforever anonymous. The Clatsops were a band of chinook indians who lived http://www.lewis-clark.org/clatsop_hat.htm | |
52. National Native American Awaress Month Removal chinook Main Menu Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana ChoctawApache indians Creation/Migration/OriginStories Current Attitudes Toward native americans Deer http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/verona/514/14c.html | |
53. Native Americans INDIAN RUNNING, native AMERICAN HISTORY TRADITION Nabokov most warlike tribe ofthe Plaines indians. of Tribes - Pawnee, Blackfoot, Blood, Piegan chinook. http://www.treasuredetectors.com/Native_Americans.htm | |
54. Lecture 1.2 Outline: WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY imperialism; Stories and constructs; native americans; Ecological revolutions SmallpoxStrikes the indians of Mexico. 16. s Approach to the chinook Salmon Example. http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/departments/espm/env-hist/espm160/outlines/1_2/ | |
55. Deward E. Walker, Jr., Ph.D. - Publications 1988, The chinook indians. 1987, native americans and Cultural Impact AnalysisThe Proposed Nuclear Waste Repository at Hanford. Session on Economic and http://spot.colorado.edu/~walkerde/section_XIII.html | |
56. Age-Graded Books On Native Americans chinook. A True Account of Traditional Life Among the Choinumne indians of California's WildRice Gathering (We Are Still Here native americans Today) Gordon http://www.americanpentimento.com/agebook.htm | |
57. Native Americans chinook and Wisham from The North American Earliest americans/native americans unitfrom Core Knowledge designed Bibliography of North American indians for K http://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/lp/MediaCenter/native.htm | |
58. Nativetip native americans. chinook is common in northern Montana, it's possible that thechinook indians are an TIP 3 LOCATING THE TRIBE OF A native AMERICAN ANCESTOR. http://members.cox.net/bphowe/nativetip.html | |
59. Teaching & Learning Company - Lewis & Clark Memorial: Fort Clatsop, The played in guiding the Corps and the history and culture of native americans suchas the Mandan indians, Shoshone indians and the Clatsop and chinook indians. http://www.teachinglearning.com/showPaperback.php?this_page=TLC10283 |
60. Ethnic Bibliography Of The Northwest - Washington State / British Columbia Takami, David A., Divided Destiny A History of Japanese americans in Seattle. Univ.of Washington, 1991. A Time of Gathering native Heritage. chinook indians. http://www.ibike.org/bibliography/nw-books.htm | |
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