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Chemistry Biographies L - Z: more detail |
41. WOMEN AND NATURE: Authors' Biographies Authors' biographies. TOP. L Finding a need for popular science books, Marcet tookup writing and published Conversations on chemistry in 1809, a book which http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/SpecialCollections/womennature/sectionpage | |
42. MSU Chemistry - Genealogy Work Area StAndrews refers to the Indexes of biographies at the UTexas refers to AcademicGenealogy of chemistry Faculty at D E F G H I J K L M N http://www.cem.msu.edu/chem_gene_work-area.html | |
43. Course-wide Links General Chemistry Links (Chem At OUC) biographies of Chemists Links. Chemedl is an e-mail list. The master of chemicaldemonstrations, University of Wisconsin-Madison chemistry Professor Bassam Z http://www.ouc.bc.ca/chem/c_links/genchemmisc.html |
45. DATABASES AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES [A - Z] - available after 500pm and on weekends service covers all areas of chemistry andchemical Also provides commentaries, biographies, bibliographies and more. http://www.ithaca.edu/library/htmls/databases.html | |
46. Cat219artsH-Z Translate this page Ensemble comprenant une exposition et un ensemble de biographies. Dédicace autographiéepar lauteur. 1853-1932) won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1909 http://www.ovieuxbouquins.com/cat219/cat219artsH-Z.htm | |
47. Untitled United States Regions States biographies Memoirs Behavioral Sciences BiologicalSciences chemistry Evolution Mathematics H ) ( I ) ( K ) ( L ) ( M ) ( N http://fish.netexpress.net/store/70047/ | |
48. ChemLin - Virtual Chemistry Library Trader Chemical Weapons - Chemists (biographies) - Chlorine, Chlorine chemistry L. andmethods) - Textile chemistry - Theoretical chemistry - Thesis, doctoral http://www.chemlin.de/index_en.htm | |
49. ISA Biographies biographies A H biographies I - Z. chemistry for the Public web site at McGill studiedat the Skowhegan School, the New York Studio School, and L'Universite d http://www.giotto.org/bio_ah.html | |
50. ASU Noble Library - Science Reference Room Biochemistry; biographies; Biology; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Blue Booksfor K, L. Photographs, Aerial; Physical chemistry; Physics; Place Names; Plant Biology http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/scirefrm/ | |
51. Chemistry And Biology In The Internet: Subject Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Betula Bichirlike Fishes Biochemistry Biodiversity biographies- Nobel Prize Winners in chemistry Bioinformatics Biological http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/en/subjectindex.html | |
52. Homework Helper - Individual Biographies of chemistry http//www.woodrow.org/teachers/chemistry/institutes/1992 Twain MarkTwain biographies http//search Walker Black History Maggie L. Walker http http://www.mcallen.lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/indbios.htm | |
53. Science : Experiments & Projects Art biographies Memoirs Business Investing Children's Chemical Activities byChristie L. Borgford, Lee R A Handbook for Teachers of chemistry by Bassam Z http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/SCI028000:16 | |
54. Science : Chemistry : Organic Art biographies Memoirs Business Investing Children's 9th International Conferenceon chemistry of the Organic in the Infrared Region by L. Lang (Edited by http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/SCI013040:2 | |
55. Debye l = Ö(ekT /e 2 Sc i z i 2 ). of the greatest honour possible to him the Nobel Prizefor chemistry. This text has been compiled from the biographies of Debye http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/~eugeniik/history/debye.html | |
56. NOE Chimie Translate this page de la Chimie Sébastien HERMANN History of chemistry Bob Jacobs Histoire de la chimie, biographies de chimistes de la chimie pour l'enseignement Préparation http://noe-education.org/D115.php3 | |
57. Library Of Economics And Liberty: Biographies In Brief D,E,F,G H,I,J K,L M N biographies of famous economists, see the biographies sectionin educated, popular English expository author in chemistry, botany, religion http://www.econlib.org/library/briefbios.html | |
58. Site Index A - Z City info, data, stats; biographies Plus (Wilson) 95,000+ biographies photographs; Studies- Library of Congress; CRC Handbook of chemistry Physics L. http://abish.byui.edu/library/siteIndexContent.cfm | |
59. ABE Marketing BOOKS Music biographies reference scores. Technical sciences chemistry physics telecommunications title index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. http://www.abe.com.pl/ |
60. EJAthens chemistry and Gmelin for inorganic chemistry. L LegalPeriodical A database coveringreferences to A reference source containing biographies, encyclopedia entries http://library.qub.ac.uk/qu_pages/azathens.html | |
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