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Capital Punishment Pros & Cons: more detail | |||||||
21. Capital Punishment Table of Contents. Select a slide or start at the beginning. capital punishment;Theories of punishment; capital punishment pros and cons; Abolitionist arguments; http://www.csulb.edu/~jvancamp/160/9/ | |
22. IDEA Debatabase: Capital Punishment pros. cons. The principle of capital punishment is that certain murderers deservenothing less than death as a just, proportionate and effective punishment. http://www.debatabase.org/debatabase/details.asp?topicID=106 |
23. Law: Capital Punishment Term Paper Help Click to Order capital punishment. Explores pros cons, rationality morality of death penalty. 10c.2s.7p. 19951996 Available http://www.research-assistance.com/hazel-doc/ra-topics/law_capital_punishment.ht | |
24. ASU West Library - PROS And CONS: A Resource Guide the pros and cons of an issue is to add the phrase and debate to your search string.For example search for Napster and debate or capital punishment and http://www.west.asu.edu/library/research/reference/gen_ref/procon.html | |
25. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Death Penalty Pros Cons Debate con statements on the death penalty, links to capital punishment sites,and a chronology of the death penalty in the US pros and cons Text http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=Death Penalty Pros Cons |
26. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Capital Punishment Pro Con capital punishment pro conPro capital punishment-capital punishment cons-proscons About capital punishment-Pro Death Penalty-The pros cons Of capital http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=Capital Punishment Pro Con |
27. Government Research Papers: EduPapers.net It notes how capital punishment helps to save lives and deters criminals. Pages3 Sources 8 Format MLA with footnotes. pros and cons of Absolutism http://www.edupapers.net/research-papers/government-research-papers.html | |
28. Resources For Study And Research - Hot Topics -- Capital Punishment/Death Penalt Opposing Viewpoints for the pros and cons of issues from 1976 to the present, fulltext reports and topical issues relating to capital punishment (such as http://library.stmarys-ca.edu/reference/hot/penalty.html | |
29. Capital Punishment Vignettes from the above book; Death Penalty pros and cons Links to and Crimesof Clifford Boggess - PBS examination of capital punishment through the http://www.lafayettehighschool.org/socialstudies/Main Dept Folder/Class Hotlinks | |
30. Some Thoughts About The Death Penalty I see absolutely no positive side of capital punishment and, as I've mentioned, Isee these days if the teacher insisted on my listing both pros and cons. http://members.aol.com/rowinfo/thoughts.htm | |
31. The Modern Rationalist - February - 2002 DEATH SENTENCE pros AND cons. - P.Arangasmy. Human rights activists sentence.It is also known as capital punishment. Many of http://www.themronline.com/200202m4.html | |
32. TalkLeft: Turow On Capital Punishment the Commission, the members were asked whether any of them opposed capital punishment. andothers as a springboard to discussing the pros and cons of the http://www.talkleft.com/archives/001816.html | |
33. Links To Web Sites And Books Dealing With Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty Stunning moral clarity a profound argument against capital punishment. You can aninsightful, empirically grounded weighing of the pros and cons of the http://www.religioustolerance.org/execut6.htm | |
34. Document Sans-titre Discussion of the pros and cons of capital punishment, or the deathpenalty, written by students. This report presents both sides http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/enseign/anglais/deathpenalty.htm | |
35. Document Sans-titre Discussion of the pros and cons of capital punishment, or the death penalty,written by students. FOR THE DEATH PENALTY. Pro Death Penalty. http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/enseign/anglais/Henry/deathpen.htm | |
36. Capital Punishment: An Act Of Mercy -- Behind The Headlines -- Week Of August 12 Marilyn vos Savant once devoted half of her Ask Marilyn column in Parade magazineto a consideration of the pros and cons of capital punishment, without once http://www.behindtheheadlines.org/2001/aug01/01-0812a.html | |
37. Capital Punishment: An Act Of Mercy -- America's Future -- Week Of March 23, 199 vos Savant recently devoted half of her Ask Marilyn column in Parade magazineto a consideration of the pros and cons of capital punishment, without once http://www.americasfuture.net/1997/mar97/97-0323b.html | |
38. Capital Punishment: A Pollak Library Research Guide Encyclopedia of capital punishment in the United States (2001) OPAC 4; Handbook ofCrime punishment (1998) OPAC RECORD REFERENCE KF386 .N38 1999; pros and cons http://guides.library.fullerton.edu/cap_punish/ | |
39. Social Sciences Unit - Social Sciences - SSTI - Activities 2000 Hand out the Student Information Sheet pros and cons for capital punishment tothe students. Student Information Sheet pros and cons for capital punishment. http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/curr_inst/social/ssti/2000/ian_mcleod.html | |
40. Critical Essays :: Essays 89-1 :: 2003-Apr-4 Euthanasia, 2002. A discussion of the pros and cons of assisted suicide for the terminallyill. 2,008 words, 6 sources, $ 51.00. capital punishment, 2002. http://www.criticalessay.com/lib/essay/89.html | |
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