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41. Courses/Canadian Government POLS 3202 canadian political parties (3 ch) Directed at a systematic studyof the structure and functions of political parties in Canada. http://www.unbf.ca/arts/Poli/cangovt.html | |
42. New Brunswick Legislative Library - Links Conservative Party of Canada New Democratic Party of Canada Political Resources CanadianElectoral Results / canadian political parties Elections Canada Office http://www.gnb.ca/legis/leglibbib/backup/links-e.asp | |
43. Election 2000 Canada (Victoria Telecommunity Network) Return to Contents. Other General Web Sites. canadian political parties~ Les Partis politiques du Canada (Compiled by Alex EH Ng). http://victoria.tc.ca/Resources/elec2000fed.html | |
44. Morrie Sacks Divorce Law - Government & Politics: Canadian Federal Parties Politics main Canada Federal Provincial Native International Commonwealth European Union USA canadian political parties Elections Canada http://www.sackslaw.bc.ca/govparty.html | |
45. Ubcpress.ca :: University Of British Columbia Press 1, no.2 Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics is a valuable resource for bringing togetherexisting scholarship on canadian political parties, and for attempting http://www.ubcpress.ca/search/title_book.asp?BookID=1826 |
46. U Of M: Department Of Political Studies - Course 19.286 19.286 canadian political parties L01 2002-2003 Professor Geoff LambertRoom 528 Fletcher Argue Tel 474-8792 Email geoflam@cc.umanitoba.ca. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/political_studies/info/course_information | |
47. Political Parties In Canada - Les Partis Politiques Du Canada political parties and Elections in Canada Les partis politiques et les élections au Canada Links checked January 24, 2003 Liens vérifiés le 24 janvier 2003 canadian Studies. Sample content canadian Politics, Elections and political parties. Source political Science A http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/politics.htm | |
48. Government & Organizations Main page. canadian Government. political parties http://www1.sympatico.ca/Contents/Government/polparties.html | |
49. FindPolitics.Com - Canadian Politics, Political Websites Directory of canadian political websites including links to parties, and politicians for both federal and provincial juristictions. http://www3.telus.net/tarpan/find/ |
50. Nelson - Political Science -Governemnt And Politics On The Web/Introduction To P You can find much more detailed collection of canadian links at the canadianpolitical parties page of Nelson's canadian Politics on the Web. http://polisci.nelson.com/introparty.html | |
51. Wild Greens Supports Green parties in their electoral pursuits, but believe the Greens need to have a stronger and more public presence when environmental issues are involved. Endorses the use of direct action and civil disobedience for political ends. http://www.wildgreens.ca | |
52. Toronto Sun Federal political parties, Room 055 Montréal, QC H2K 4R5 Tel. (514) 5263000 Fax(514) 526-2868 Web site http//www.BlocQuebecois.org, canadian ACTION PARTY http://www.canoe.ca/Sunlib/fedelec.html | |
53. James A. Gibson Library, Brock University-Political Parties Canada Federal Bloc Quebecois canadian Alliance Party Liberal Party of Canada New Democratic Party Canada Provincial Provincial political parties . http://www.brocku.ca/library/research/politic/part.htm | |
54. Canadian Federal Political Parties canadian Federal political parties Guide picks. Information on theparty leader, members of parliament and political policies of http://canadahistory.about.com/cs/federalparties/ | |
55. Canadian Federal Politics Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan. Yukon, Federal political parties NationalWebsites. The canadian Reform Conservative Alliance. The Green Party of Canada. http://www3.telus.net/tarpan/find/cfederal.html | |
56. Registered Parties & Candidates For 2000 Canadian Elections Altogether, Electons Canada has accepted 1808 candidates for the 2000 elections.political parties, of Candidates. Bloc Québécois, 75. canadian Action Party.70. http://www.sfu.ca/~aheard/elections/parties.html | |
57. Finding Info. About Political Parties/Movements Canadian Politics Guide -- Rober 1968 Provides a compilation of the platforms and policy statements issued by Canadianpolitical parties or their leaders for federal elections from 18671968. http://www.upei.ca/~library/html/canpolpolitical.html | |
58. Canadian Federal Political Parties - Politics Watch | Canada's Political Portal Canada's Major Federal political parties Liberal Party of Canada canadian ReformConservative Alliance Le Bloc Québécois New Democratic Party of Canada http://www.politicswatch.com/parties.htm | |
59. Political Parties :: Elect.ca :: Your Canadian Election Headquarters political parties There are 12 Registered political parties that areeligible to run candidates in canadian Federal elections. Click http://www.elect.ca/parties.php | |
60. Ottawa - Political Parties EMail info@canadianalliance.ca The canadian Alliance is of concerned citizens andpolitical visionaries who a realignment of politics and parties resulted in http://www.ottawakiosk.com/political_parties.html | |
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