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21. Shofar FTP Archives: Orgs/canadian/canada/justice/ethnocultural-groups/ecg-001-0 This implies that the dominant groups in canadian society are also ethnic groups;they are majority ethnic groups, often referred to as the charter groups http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/orgs/canadian/canada/justice/ethnocultural-groups/ | |
22. Cultural Practices In Conflict With Canadian Law Recognizing existing polygamous marriages of immigrants and providing spouses with the benefits and Category Society Relationships Alternative Lifestyles Polygamy...... some second generation canadian-born people, continue to maintain some of theirtraditional customs and social practices. The majority ethnic groups in Canada http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/canadian/canada/justice/ethnocultural-groups/ecg | |
23. Kootenay - Ethnic Groups - Italian Introduction Like other immigrant groups, Italians contributed many wonderfulaspects of their culture to canadian society. Today, canadians http://www.fortsteele.bc.ca/exhibits/kootenay/ethnic/italian.asp | |
24. ERIC FONG - Publications The Effects of Group Characteristics and City Contexts on Neighborhood QualitiesAmong Racial and ethnic groups. canadian Studies in Population 24(1)4566. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~fong/publications.html | |
25. ERIC FONG - Presentations Eric Fong, 1994 Birth Outcomes among Major ethnic groups in Canada Perspective ofRacial Residential Segregation American and canadian Experiences. Presented http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~fong/presentations.html | |
26. ClayGate 305.8-.9 : Ethnic & Occupational Groups Social groups 305.800971. 305.800971, canadian Information By Subject 305.8Multiculturalism. 305.800973, Yale University Library American ethnic Studies. http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/305_8.htm | |
27. CRTC Releases Report On Ethnic Services: Canadians Enjoy Access To A Wide Variet An ethnic group is defined as any culturally or racially distinct group other thanthose groups comprised of to be of French, British, canadian, or Aboriginal http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/NEWS/RELEASES/2003/r030130.htm | |
28. Report On The Carriage Of Ethnic Services By Canadian Broadcasting Distribution of ethnic services 3.2 Defining Sample Markets 3.3 Distribution of canadian ethnicpay and market charts in the Appendix 4.2 Service to ethnic groups in large http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/publications/reports/ethnic2003.htm | |
29. Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. of the canadian Social Structure; ethnic Composition of canadian Population; Conclusion. ofRelationship between Migrant and Established groups. http://www.thompsonbooks.com/55077102.html | |
30. Center For The Study Of Population - Papers > Florida State > 1999 attributable to changes in the sizes of various ethnic groups. We find that mostof the increases between 1986 and 1991 in canadian ethnic origin responses http://www.fsu.edu/~popctr/papers/floridastate/1999.html | |
31. Ubcpress.ca :: University Of British Columbia Press David Odynak, canadian Studies in Population. How To Order In Canada, orderyour copy of ethnic groups and Marital Choices from UNIpresses at http://www.ubcpress.ubc.ca/search/title_book.asp?BookID=1500 |
32. Top 25 Ethnic Origins In Prince Edward Island, Showing Single And Multiple Respo Although the increase in the reporting of canadian ethnic origins may haveimpacted the reporting of single ethnic origins for many groups, English, Irish http://www.statcan.ca/english/census96/feb17/eo1pei.htm | |
33. Ethnic Origin, 2001 Census origin question gave 25 examples canadian, French, English largest number) of singleethnic origin counts respondents were replaced with more specific groups. http://www.statcan.ca/english/census2001/dict/pop040.htm | |
34. Oxford University Press race and ethnic relations; nationalism and race; sociology of ethnic relations;ethnicity and minority groups; ethnicity and the canadian state; identity and http://www.oup.com/ca/isbn/0-19-541746-1 | |
35. Background Information For American And Canadian History Background information for American and canadian History (Encyclopedias, handbooks,etc.) Information on ethnic groups and multicultural issues in the United http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/his/guide/amhist.html | |
36. Page Not Found all canadians, especially those in minority groups of age, sex, race, colour, religion,ethnic background, sexual be passed on to the canadian Human Rights http://www.media-awareness.ca/eng/indus/radio/legislate/canleg.htm | |
37. Page Not Found insuring a more equitable portrayal of people of color in canadian advertising ads,trade cards and product labels representing more than a dozen ethnic groups. http://www.media-awareness.ca/eng/issues/minrep/getinvolved/advocacy.htm | |
38. Chair In German-Canadian Studies It interacts with the Germancanadian community in Winnipeg, Manitoba and the restof Canada German-canadians are one of Canadas largest ethnic groups. http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~germcan/ | |
39. Cataloguing : Subject Analysis : Canadian Subject Headings ethnic groups Library of Congress Subject Headings, canadian Subject EquivalentHeadings. ArabsCanada, Arab canadians. ArmeniansCanada, Armenian canadians. | |
40. Encyclopedia Of Music In Canada not only the English, French and Aboriginal roots of canadian music, but the manyother cultural and ethnic groups which also comprise the canadian people. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/4/17/index-e.html | |
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