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Canadian Agric Gov: more detail |
81. Quotable & Notable Canadian Women The Rural Womyn Zone Rural Women in Canada Quotable and Notable CanadianWomen. http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/hall_of_fame/jensen1990.html TOP. http://www.ruralwomyn.net/canada_women.html | |
82. Sponsors And Contributors Alberta agriculture, Food and Rural Development www.agric.gov.ab.ca. canadian Instituteof Food Science and Technology Founded in 1951, CIFST is a national http://www.movingthemarkets.org/programsponsors.html | |
83. 155 Queen Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6L1 Toll-Free (800 canadian Commercial Corporation Website http//www.ccc.ca/. Ropin' The Web Albertaagriculture, Food and Rural Development Website http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/. http://www.albertafirst.com/businfo/profiles/_bus_profiles/exgoods.htm | |
84. Links 207. Economics of Single Desk Selling of Western canadian Grain http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/economic/market/sngldesk.html.Public Accounts http://www.farmersforjustice.com/links.htm | |
85. Hog Manure Management: Links To Sites Of Interest Alberta agricultural Research Institute. http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/navigation/agencies/aari/index.html.canadian AgriFood Research Council. http//carc-crac.ca/. http://www.cetac-west.ca/hmm/sites/sitelist.html | |
86. Welcome To The Augustana University College Homepage! Food and Rural Development http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/. Alberta Resource Developmenthttp//www.resdev.gov.ab.ca canadian agriculture Library http//www.agr.gc.ca http://elvis.augustana.ca/resources/Geography.html | |
87. Microsoft Site Server Analysis of canadian requests. 1. net.gov.bc.ca, 359, 26.93%. 2. aecd.gov.ab.ca, 163, 12.23%.3. WAVE.SHAW.CA, 142, 10.65%. 4. gov2-254.gov.nf.ca, 123, 9.23%. 5. agric.gov.ab.ca, http://horizon.unc.edu/usage/2000-10_2001-03/ | |
88. CanadaCommercial.ca - Business Links SITE NAME, ADDRESS. Alberta agriculture, Food. www.agric.gov.ab.ca. Alberta Infrastructure.www.tu.gov.ab.ca. www.canadayellowpages.com. canadian Business Magazine. http://canadacommercial.ca/bresource.asp | |
89. West Yellowhead CFDC Business Links agric.gov.ab.ca. Alberta Environment. www.gov.ab.ca/env/index.html. government ofAlberta. www.gov.ab.ca Business Development Bank of Canada www.bdc.ca. canadian http://www.wycfdc.ab.ca/businesslinks/Default.htm | |
90. Canadian Gov't: Alberta Read original research papers about domestic livestock animals and their products. Examines behavior, breeding, and nutrition. http://www.ezdozen.com/law/canadian_govt_alberta.htm | |
91. Alberta Agriculture, Food And Rural Development - Home Page Government agency with extensive information on agriculture, food and rural development, including data on salinity and soil. http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/ | |
92. Canadian Society For Agricultural Meteorology like souls at annual joint meetings with the Agricultural Institute of Canada andthe canadian Meteorological and Dr. Patricia Juskiw, patricia.juskiw@gov.ab.ca. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~csam/contact/membersh.html | |
93. Job Safety Skills Society - Sponsors http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca. Alberta Learning. http//www.gov.ab.ca/hre/. CanadianAssociation of Petroleum Producers, Shell Canada Limited http//www.shell.ca. http://www.jobsafetyskills.com/pages/sponsors.html |
94. Western Woodlot Conservationist Partner/Sponser Links Alberta agriculture Toso Bozic http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/ CanadianFederation of Woodlot Owners Contact nbfwo@nbnet.nb.ca http://www.mediamatchwest.com/link2.html | |
95. Alberta Venture - The Authoritative Source Of Online Information For Alberta's B Officer Edmonton, 780422-1852 www.agric.gov.ab.ca. Mah Edmonton, 780-427-0265 www.energy.gov.ab.ca. CanadianFederation of Independent Business Dave Kelly, Vice http://www.albertaventure.com/links/ | |
96. AAEA Newsletter, January, 2001 Paul Gervais paul.gervais@agric.gov.ab.ca, Conference Chair, 403556 The Canadianagricultural Economics Association has launched a new electronic publication http://www.aaea.ab.ca/new200101.shtml | |
97. Canadian Bison Association: Links Do you know of, or have a web site of interest to the bison industry? Suggestions for sites to add to this listing are welcome. Email the CBA to tell us about the site. Private sector web sites http://www.bisoncentral.com/cba/links.html | |
98. Canadian Grain Commission / Commission Canadienne Des Grains Randy Clear and Susan Patrick . Mycology, canadian Grain Commission. Revised April 4, 2002 the average level of FDK in CWRS wheat samples collected at the canadian Grain Commission. http://www.cgc.ca/Pubs/fusarium/fusarium-e2.htm | |
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