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21. NYSSBA Online: Report Says Some California Charter Schools Fall Short (01/11/99) Issues in Education. Report says some california charter schools fallshort (01/11/99). While charter school reform can be exhilarating http://www.nyssba.org/adnews/issues/issues011199.html | |
22. AFT: AFT On The Issues: Charter Schools A 1998 UCLA study of california charter schools found that charter schools rarelyhad clearly defined goals or standards and none was doing more with less http://www.aft.org/issues/charterschools.html | |
23. Charter Schools And Students With Disabilities: Accountability A study of california charter schools by SRI International (Powell et al., 1997)provided data related to the accountability issue that has interesting http://www.ed.gov/pubs/chartdisab/account.html | |
24. Archived: Research Today - Charter Schools: A State Legislative Update In addition, california charter schools are not required to adhere to proposition227, which prohibits more than one year of bilingual education. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/ResearchToday/98-3037.html | |
25. Charter School Accountability Update -- California Charter School Accredation Pr california charter schools have grown so tired of reports of bad apples in theirranks that they have taken the unprecedented step of regulating themselves. http://www.charterfriends.org/cfi-accountability-canec.html | |
26. Charter Schools Calendar March 2729, 2003 Tenth Annual california charter schools Conference Anaheim Sponsored by California Network of Educational Charters Contact http://www.charterfriends.org/events.html | |
27. Charter Schools, Education, Reform, Privatization, Outsourcing, Privatization Wa Crippling California's Schools. by Lisa Snell Related Links. A Sad Charter SchoolStory. (12/3) In the case of K12's california charter schools and the Indio http://www.rppi.org/cripplingcalifornia.html | |
28. RPP International | Charter Related Websites Alaska Department of Education Arizona Charter Schools Information Arizona Departmentof Education california charter schools - California Department of http://www.rppintl.com/divisions/education/charter_links.html | |
29. Charter Schools Process for Approval of a School Charter. california charter schools Lawof 19992 (AB544) California Education Code Sections 4760047616.5. http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/iss/charter/howto.html | |
30. NEA: Questions And Answers A 1997 evaluation of california charter schools revealed that the charter schoolsexamined had measurable academic goals included in their charters. http://www.nea.org/issues/charter/accnt98.html | |
31. Directory Of Charter Schools Online Resource Directories From Free-Market.Net: T california charter schools directory Source Charter Schools Development Center StateCA, Country United States A list of charter schools in California, with http://www.free-market.net/directorybycategory/homepages/T17.4/ | |
32. Delaware Education Research Development Center Charter Schools california charter schools. Throughout 1994 and 1995 control, and parentalinvolvement. Survey Results california charter schools. http://www.rdc.udel.edu/pb9602.html |
33. Charter Schools CANEC currently represents about 70% of california charter schools. For more informationabout CANEC and charter schools in California, go to www.canec.org. http://www.edsource.org/edu_chart_cal.cfm | |
34. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted Academic performance is improving at a faster rate in california charter schoolsthat serve mainly poor children than it is in regular public schools serving a http://www.edweek.org/ew/ew_printstory.cfm?slug=26calchart.h21 |
35. SCOE Schools Department of Education contains an overview of california charter schools includinglegislation, laws, and links to charter resources and other references. http://www.sonoma.k12.ca.us/schools/facts/charter.html | |
36. Charter Info. An online version of the original california charter schools Act of 1992, as wellas other California charter school codes, are available from the California http://www2.visalia.k12.ca.us/packwood/charter_info.htm | |
37. The Heartland Institute Author Pamela A. Riley State CA, Country United States From 1997 to 1998, PRIconducted three surveys, covering all california charter schools that had been http://www.schoolreformers.com/resources/bycategory/in-depth/T17.4/ | |
38. Center On Educational Governance Charters Includes information about california charter schools and state legislationas well as a discussion group focused on charter school issues. http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/cegov/charterschoolslinks.html | |
39. Welcome To Total Education Solutions Arizona Charter Schools Association (ACSA); california charter schoolsDevelopment Center; California Department of Education (CDE http://www.educationsolutions.com/resources.asp | |
40. PRESS RELEASES The 7th Annual california charter schools Conference. March 2326,2000 Burlingame, California. Conference Overview. The California http://www.charterschools.ca/prrl/prrl8.html | |
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