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41. Computer Science circular approximation methods used by draughtsmen, and of interest to the graphicsand cad community. Copyright © 2002 computer science, Cardiff University. http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/research/vg.php | |
42. Top20ComputerScience.com - Online Directory For Computer Science Education. Covers many CS and some non CS topics. Lists just a few major links for each topic.Category computers computer science Directories...... for computer science Education including Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, MobileCommunications, Internet, computer Scientists, Programming, cad, and more http://www.top20computerscience.com/ | |
43. Microsoft BCentral - SurfPoint SurfPoint Home computer Internet computer science Artificial Intelligence(19), Institutes (3). computer Aided Design cad (43), Parallel Processing (1). http://www.surfpoint.com/Computer_Internet/Computer_Science/ | |
44. Academics At Alfred State College 0633, Business Marketing (AAS). 0593, cad/CAM Technology (AAS). 0581,computer Information Systems (AAS). 0532, computer science (AS). http://www.alfredstate.edu/academics/all_programs.html | |
45. Peter Robinson - General Information Group working on computer graphics, interaction and electronic cad. He is also aFellow, Praelector and Director of Studies in computer science at Gonville http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pr/general/ | |
46. Computer Science Department - Technion - People/Faculty A., and ELBER, G., Three dimensional freeform sculpting via zero sets of scalartrivariate functions , cad, Vol All rights reserved, computer science Department http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/People/Faculty/gershon.html | |
47. Computer Science Department - Technion - People/Faculty computer Aided Design (cad), 33925934, 2001. International Journalof Foundations of computer science (IJFCS), 13(2)201-221, 2002. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/People/Faculty/sheffa.html | |
48. UCF Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series cad Tools and Abstractions for Design Prof. Carlo H. Séquin EECS, computer ScienceDivision University of California, Berkeley Friday, February 6, 1998 3004 http://www.cs.ucf.edu/csdept/colloq/97-98/98-02-06.html | |
49. Binghamton University Department Of Computer Science Home Page Topics computer architecture, parallel systems, VLSI cad, VLSI design;Research Labs VLSI cad Laboratory (Madden); Low Power Research http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/research.html | |
50. TekGuide.net Friday, February 14. cad; Careers; Companies; computer science AcademicDepartment; Computational Geometry; computer Graphics; Conferences; http://www.tekguide.net/computer_science/,computer_science.shtml | |
51. TekGuide.net cad Autocad; Companies; Directories; Education; Electronic Design Automation;Graphic Design; Unigraphic Solid Edge; Viewers. Career; Companies; computer science; http://www.tekguide.net/cad/,cad.shtml | |
52. UCSB General Catalog - Computer Science Elementary use of cad tools for schematic capture, VHDL logic design and simulation. Notopen for credit to students who have completed computer science 30 or http://www.catalog.ucsb.edu/engineer/compeng.htm | |
53. Research Groups. School Of Engineering And Computer Science Theoretical computer science Group. Lab websites Artificial Intelligence ComputationalBiology Lab computer Vision computer Aided Design (cad) computer-Aided http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/research/res_group.php | |
54. The Hebrew University - The Computer Aided Design Laboratory - Public Relations Conference, SIAM, Nashville, 11(1997), submitted to International Journal of cad. TechnicalReport, Leibniz Center for Research in computer science, 8(1997 http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/cad/public.html | |
55. Rice Computer Science Title Rice Computer Science-Colloquia of Technology, Delhi and his Master of science in computer Engineering from NorthwesternUniversity. His main areas of interest include VLSIcad for mobile and http://www.cs.rice.edu/Colloquia/srivast-02-03.shtml | |
56. Computer Science computer science Topics. Algorithms Artificial Intelligence Robotics Audio Multimedia computer Architecture computer Graphics, cad/CAM computer Vision http://library.concordia.ca/collections/subjpages/csintro.htm | |
57. Division Of Computer Aided Design 10 00 Fax +46 (0)920996 92 E-mail info@cad.luth.se. Software Engineer - AndreasNilsson, Software Engineer - Åsa Ericson, computer science - Anna Johansson http://www.cad.luth.se/ | |
58. Professor Mark D. Apperley At Waikato Department Of Computer Science the development of an interactive graphics cad system for electronic circuits, Ireturned to New Zealand to take up a lectureship in computer science at the http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/Staff/mark-d.-apperley-.html | |
59. Prof. Dhiraj K. Pradhan WWW Page to VLSI cad and Test, and Faulttolerant Computing 1997 Fulbright Flad Chair Awardin computer science 1996 The 1996 IEEE Transactions on cad Best Paper Award http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~pradhan/ | |
60. Computer Science Courses For Fall 2003 analysis of current systems and microprocessor design using cad tools, includingVHDL. Offered every spring semester computer science Department, Swarthmore http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/Courses/3.Fall2003/fall2003.html | |
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