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81. Courses Available At JCU Cairns In Tropical Biology courses. Tropical biology offers the following majors at Cairns Bachelorof Science, Bachelor of Applied Science, Certificate of Science. http://cnsfse01.jcu.edu.au/schools/tropbio/Courses.html | |
82. PCRM--Issues--Animal Experimentation Issues--Conscientious Objection In The Clas These costs are borne by schools. biology courses are intended to expose studentsto useful concepts and stimulate an interest in the life sciences, but http://www.pcrm.org/issues/Animal_Experimentation_Issues/elem_sec_alternatives.h | |
83. Biology Department :: Vassar College Catalogue 2003/04 graduate school or other professional schools should be aware that such schoolsusually require courses beyond the minimum biology major requirements. http://registrar.vassar.edu/catalogue/biology.html | |
84. How To Get Into Dental School This will include science requirements usually biology courses, chemistry andcalculus. Check with the dental schools where you want to apply for specific http://www.studentdoctor.net/dental/how_to_get_in.html | |
85. Mills College: Graduate Admission half of the science courses required by medical schools and achieve time, studentsoften elect to take additional biology and chemistry courses beyond the http://www.mills.edu/GRST/brochures/pre_med.html | |
86. Oklahoma City University Department Of Biology Departmental index including degree information, faculty and staff directory, newsletter, courses, and contact information. http://www.okcu.edu/biology/ | |
87. Project BIO Homepage Project BIO is a partnership for biology education. It involves biology educators and students at Iowa State University, Iowa community colleges, Iowa high schools and selected Iowa industries. http://project.bio.iastate.edu/ | |
88. Biology Department -> Home Overview of the department, teachers, staff, students, programs of study, courses, seminars, academic resources, and links to individual faculties. http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/ | |
89. A Molecular Biology Notebook Online courses for the teaching of the subject from Rothamsted, UK. http://www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/notebook/ | |
90. Australian Correspondence Schools Offers over 300 distance education courses and online courses in business, computers, horticulture, and psychology. Read course descriptions and accreditations. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.looksmart.com/og/pr%3Dcdd%3B |
91. University Of California Davis, Section Of Plant Biology Information concerning students, faculty, courses, and labs. http://www-plb.ucdavis.edu/ | |
92. Substituting Courses Taken At Other Colleges For Courses Required 335 MVR. See the information below for criteria for applying biologyand chemistry courses at other schools to your major. If you http://www.nutrition.cornell.edu/undergrad/subcour.html | |
93. Department Of Anatomy, Tulane University General information and courses. The department specializes in cell, molecular, and neuroscience training and research. http://www1.omi.tulane.edu/departments/anatomy/ | |
94. Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Courses At Penn State Univ. Complete notes and tutorials for current lecture and laboratory classes on numerous biological subjects. http://www.bmb.psu.edu/courses/ |
95. Index Of Computational Molecular Biology And Bioinformatics Courses Listing of computational molecular biology course pages that have extensive online course materials. http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/comp-bio-courses.html | |
96. Culinary Schools In California Paralegal Home Study Online universities top culinary schools in california beauty schools; before california againstlaw, likewise online master degrees , opposite college courses on line http://learning.eternaldna.com/online-courses/paralegal.home.study.html | |
97. Parasite And Vector Biology Division, Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L3 5QA A Division of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Features Research interest's of the division and courses available. (UK) http://www.liv.ac.uk/lstm/pvbd/index.htm |
98. Research Link 2000 - Council On Undergraduate Research A three year project that brought together biology faculty from colleges and universities to select, develop and disseminate a group of fieldtested, research-based systems and instructional materials for introductory biology courses. Its major objective is to promote research activities by students and faculty on all levels of the undergraduate curriculum. http://www.cur.org/reslink2000.html | |
99. Animal And Human Behavior - Paul J. Watson Research and teaching in animal and human behavior by Dr. Paul J. Watson, University of New Mexico and Flathead Lake Biological, Montana. Field courses, graduate and independent study student supervision, and workshops. http://biology.unm.edu/biology/pwatson/public_html/pjw_cv.htm | |
100. BIOTECH Project: Biotechnology Education Outreach Designed to assist teachers in using biotechnology techniques in their classrooms, to address novel research questions and links to other courses run by the Department of Molecular and Cellular biology, University of Arizona . http://biotech.biology.arizona.edu/ | |
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