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41. Introduction To Visual Basic Programming With ArcObjects (CP-136) Home Programs City Planning Introduction to Visual basic programming withArcObjects. for Introduction to Visual basic programming with ArcObjects. http://www.conted.gatech.edu/courses/city_planning/CP-136.html | |
42. Kosmoi: BASIC Programming Language LANGUAGES MINIMAL BASIC ); ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (ANSI X3.113-1987 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES FULL BASIC ) $79 USD; ISO Standard for http://kosmoi.com/Technology/Computer/Programming/BASIC/ | |
43. Visual Basic Programming A good source for VB beginners, sample code, and instructions http://faculty.juniata.edu/rhodes/intro/basic1.htm | |
44. Basic Programming Techniques edocs WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Programming Guide basic programming Techniques. basic programming Techniques. This http://edocs.bea.com/JAM/v51/program/progtech.html | |
45. Staz Software, Inc. Powerful Macintosh basic programming environment. Compiles very fast PPC, 68k, or Carbon OS X applications and includes a built in debugger. This BASIC development environment has full access to the Mac toolbox allowing you to do just about anything the Mac is capable of. http://www.stazsoftware.com/ | |
46. Featured Visual Basic Programming Training Schools - Computer Training Schools Featured Visual basic programming Schools. Our featured schools provide you withprogram descriptions and request for information forms. Alabama Abbeville. http://www.computertrainingschools.com/featured/visual-basic-programming.php | |
47. Ozer's Programming Projects Example programs and complete projects with source written in Visual Basic. http://www23.brinkster.com/ozersenturk/vb.htm | |
48. Puzzlets : Problem Solving Using BASIC Programming Puzzlets small but challenging puzzles - problem solving using basic programming. PUZZLETSare basic programming objectives that challenge and teach! http://www.fidcal.com/puzzlets/ | |
49. Computer Applications - Programming Courses $495. Introduction to HandsOn Visual basic programming CAPR 2301. $450.Intermediate Hands-On Visual basic programming CAPR 3301. http://www.colorado.edu/ContinuingEducation/capr.htm | |
50. Continuing Education - Sitemap Best Practices Performance Tuning ObjectOriented Design Patterns Object-OrientedAnalysis and Design Intro Hands-on Visual basic programming Intermed Hands http://www.colorado.edu/ContinuingEducation/sitemap.htm | |
51. CodeGuru Forums - Visual Basic Programming http://www.codeguru.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?forumid=4 |
52. Basic Programming Techniques basic programming Techniques. The basic techniques are similar both forthe logistical aspects of programming and for algorithm development. http://www.netlib.org/pvm3/book/node27.html | |
53. VBLinks/Game & Graphic Designing full graphic applications or developing games with DIRECTX is a new horizon of MS Visual basic programming. You can create your imagination and develop it as fast as you design. There is a very useful tutorial to learn more about it. Plus links to other VB/DirectX sites. http://www.vb-links.com/game1.htm | |
54. Tutorialfind - Programming Tutorials 1. Visual basic programming Tutorial Visual Basic - Created 5/May/2001 An in-depthseries of tutorials covering all aspects of Visual Basic, for beginners to http://www.tutorialfind.com/tutorials/programming/ | |
55. PalmOS.com: Page Template Programming Visual Basic for the Palm OS (O'Reilly Palm) by Matthew Holmes, PatrickBurton, Roger Knoell. NS basic programming for Palm OS by Michael J. Verive. http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/docs/other.html | |
56. PowerBASIC: Basic Compilers Site about PowerBasic.Category Computers Programming Languages BASIC PowerBASIC...... Visit the PowerBASIC Web BBS, a message center where thousands of programmers participatein discussions about basic programming, Windows programming, and all http://www.powerbasic.com/ | |
57. P2p.wrox.com - The Programmer's Resource Centre Visual Basic mail lists run by programmers for programmers, provided by Wrox Press.Category Computers Programming Visual Basic Chats and Forums...... Go, View. vb_sap_r3 Visual basic programming for SAP R/3, Go, View. vb_websites_discussDiscussion and information about Visual Basic websites, Go, View. http://p2p.wrox.com/vb/ |
58. RAB Linux Indonesia basic programming. Dasardasar pemrograman dibahas di sini. Anda akandiperkenalkan algoritma terstruktur, variabel, kondisi, menampilkan http://rab.co.id/index.php?stateid=1&id_detail=1007 |
59. REALbasic And Education While the foundation of REALbasic is the familiar basic programming language, itfully implements the techniques and technologies of modern programming methods http://www.realbasic.com/realbasic/education/ | |
60. Teaching Kids Programming Ron Nicholson has FREE Chipmunk Basic, and pointers to other basic programmingpages. (Mac is complete Windows is under development,). http://www.kidsdomain.com/down/program.html | |
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