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121. The Spacewatch Project The primary goal of Spacewatch is the study of statistics of comets and asteroids in order to investigate Category Science Astronomy asteroids, Comets and Meteors...... The primary goal of Spacewatch is to explore the various populations of small objectsin the solar system, and study the statistics of asteroids and comets in http://spacewatch.lpl.arizona.edu/ |
122. Howstuffworks How Asteroids Work Main Science Space How asteroids Work. Table of Contents Introductionto How asteroids Work What is an Asteroid? Project http://science.howstuffworks.com/asteroid.htm |
123. Console Domain Review of the Playstation version of asteroids 3D by Keith Dumble. http://www.consoledomain.com/psx/reviews/Asteroids.html |
124. Asteroids The 201 RadarDetected asteroids. This web site is primarily asteroid radardetections. 81 Main-Belt asteroids. 120 Near-Earth asteroids. 1 Ceres http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroids/ |
125. StarDate Online Solar System Guide Asteroids asteroids The name asteroid comes from a Greek word that means starlike. When seen through a telescope, an asteroid looks like a faint star; http://stardate.org/resources/ssguide/asteroids.html |
126. SDLRoids An asteroids clone for Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux with powerups, shields, a physics model, and sound. http://eongames.com/games/sdlroids/ |
127. Astronomy 161 The Solar System Overview with historical background and basic astronomy concepts, details about planets, satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/ |
128. Asteroids! A Free Online Java Game For All. Turn on JAVA! Top100 Game Sites If you are interested in some otherexcellent online game sites, I highly recommend the sites below. http://www.vandaveer.com/asteroid/ |
129. Spaceguard India National studies into the threat posed to the Earth by collisions with asteroids and comets. http://www.spaceguardindia.com |
130. Freefungames - Java Games - Asteroids In the game of asteroids you are a starship commander whom is on a mission to clearall trading routes of asteroids which crash into cargo ships causing great http://www.freefungames.com/applets/asteriods/index.shtml |
131. Our Solar System An overview of the sun, the nine planets, asteroids, comets, and other links. http://www.geocities.com/zinazora/solarsystem/index.htm |
132. A Good Month For Asteroids Go to Science@NASA home page NASA Science News home, A Good Month forasteroids. Asteroid September 2000 NearEarth asteroids. Asteroid, http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2000/ast20sep_1.htm |
133. OpenUniverse open source Win95/98/NT/2000 or Unix/Linux OpenGL Newest NASA data creates a fast 3D display of our home solar system, 25000 stars, galaxy, planets, moons, asteroids and even controllable spacecraft. http://www.openuniverse.org |
134. Asteroids asteroids. About asteroids; asteroids in the News. asteroids are belt.CRYSTALINKS ASTEROID BELT PROPHECY. asteroids IN THE NEWS. CELESTIAL http://www.crystalinks.com/asteroids.html |
135. Michael's Java Games Java arcade game collection. Includes games like asteroids and Tetris. http://cygnus.uwa.edu.au/~craigcor/games/index.html |
136. Report Downplays Threat Of Asteroid Strike CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9707/10/asteroids/ |
137. Satan 's Hidden History - Asteroids Comets Exploded Planets - Megaliths of Cydonia Mars point to intelligence before humankind, but who were the monument builders? Category Society Paranormal UFOs Biblical Perspectives...... The Mysterious Parent Planet. Noted astronomer Tom Van Flandern, discussesthe 'exploded planet' theory, asteroids and comets http://www.mt.net/~watcher/stones.html |
138. NearEarth.net Information on meteor showers, comets, specialized optics, and asteroids. http://meteors.com/joshua/index.shtml |
139. Why Study Asteroids? Why Study asteroids? The scientific interest in asteroids is due largely to theirstatus as the remnant debris from the inner solar system formation process. http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/why_asteroids.html |
140. Gamespot Reviewed by Josh Smith, Rather than alter the Space Colonel's original recipe, Activision has opted to simply outfit asteroids with gobs of bells and whistles. 7.6/10 http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/reviews/0,10867,2546637,00.html |
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