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81. Index: Science & Engineering Indicators - 1993 linkages for R D industrygovernment interactions, reference International comparisonsAsian high-tech competitors, new general attitudes toward S T, reference 1 http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/seind93/index/iindex.htm | |
82. Untitled Document asian OPINION. people in northern Iraq want the American military commander, GeneralTommy Franks trial A surprise agreement by the Cambodian government and the http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/ | |
83. CACF - More Resources Resources Administration for Children and Families; asian Pacific American FederalGovernment general Information Resources; The GovBot Search Page; National http://www.cacf.org/moreresources/ | |
84. DIAL Training - DIALogue Member Countries (DMCs) of the asian Development Bank organisations, and from NonGovernmentOrganisations (NGOs as brief statements of general principles, where http://www.worldlii.org/links/dial/dialogue.html | |
85. International Organizations On South Asia SAARC South asian Association for Regional Cooperation. United NationsInformation on South Asia UN general Home Page. UN in Pakistan. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/southasia/cuvl/IntlOrgs.html | |
86. Asia Observer - Vietnam - With News, Background And Useful Links News, facts and back ground of VietnamCategory Regional Asia Vietnam Guides and Directories...... Vietnam Insight forum for opposition to the government in Hanoi with news asianDevelopment Outlook 2002 (Vietnam chapter) from from asian Development Bank. http://www.asiaobserver.com/vietnam.htm | |
87. Reference And Research Index Law School Sites government Documents Listservs New Bookstores Chaucer Criticism GeneralLinks Historical African American asian American Biographies Disabled http://www.westchesterlibraries.org/resources/ | |
88. FISB The government Due to the countrys geographic isolation, Maldives remained uncolonized ofNations, the NonAligned Movement, the South asian Association for http://www.investmaldives.com/government.htm | |
89. GLOCOM Platform - Books & Journals - Journal Abstracts in four SouthEast asian countries; Malaysia the financial system, relations withgovernment, kigyoshudan and study has yet addressed general theoretical issues http://www.glocom.org/books_and_journals/journal_abstracts/20021209_ja_s65/ | |
90. Program In Asian Security Studies Studies Quarterly, and Journal of asian Studies. publications include Kim DaejungGovernment and Sunshine Jae Chang Kim general (retired), Republic of Korea http://www.duke.edu/web/cis/pass/conference-symposium/KoreanPolitics2.html | |
91. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs have visited all five Central asian republics (Kazakhstan the negotiations for a governmentcoalition between the winners of the general elections held http://www.minbuza.nl/english/ | |
92. EAI | East Asian Institute, Columbia University Selected Country Resources Directories general East Asia Institute Burma Project BruneiGovernment of Brunei the International Institute for asian Studies, The http://www.sipa.columbia.edu/eai/links.html | |
93. General Electronic Resources For East Asian Studies general Electronic Resources for East asian Studies URL www.library.yale.edu/eastasian/essay.htm;encoding unicode (utf8) Established C. Hsu, 9/27/99; Last http://www.library.yale.edu/eastasian/essay.htm | |
94. ANU - Vietnam WWW VL This document is a part of the the asian Studies WWW Virtual Library. Resources indexfor SouthEast Asia (Leiden); WWW asian Studies Monitor (ANU, Australia); http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/VietPages/WWWVL-Vietnam.html | |
95. Consulate General Of Uzbekistan In New York City http://www.uzbekconsul.org/en/ | |
96. Asian Studies - Syracuse University Library http://libwww.syr.edu/research/internet/asian_studies/ | |
97. UT Library Online - General Libraries News - Faculty And Staff Book Exhibit http://www.lib.utexas.edu/about/news/fsbookexhibit2001.html | |
98. INDIA http://inic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/india/ | |
99. Hong Kong - World Wide Web Virtual Library - Homepage Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of The People's Republicof China. Regional Flag » ´ä ¯S §O ¦æ ¬F °Ï °Ï ºX. http://www.asiawind.com/hkwwwvl/ | |
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