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41. KorbibSubjects75 Politics and government, general Politics and government, Handbooks Politics andgovernment, History Politics and government, Index Politics and government http://memory.loc.gov/asian/korbibSubjects75.html | |
42. Asia Observer - News, Background And Useful Links A start page for observers of asian affairs providing news, background and useful links. Separate Category Computers Internet Sites Using ODP Data A...... Kong's tough times Facing a huge deficit, deflation and gloom, the government hasoffered asian culture, art, history and society Asia's Best general News Site http://www.asiaobserver.com/ | |
43. UC Davis General Library Home Page Electronic Publishing Initiatives, Peter J. Shields Library Biological and AgriculturalSciences East asian Languages Collection government Information Maps Category Reference Education Davis Libraries and Museums http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/ | |
44. Asia Intelligence Home Page Arthur Waldron, Director of asian Studies, AMERICAN including reports that are notcirculated outside the US government. . Roger Pritchard, general Manager, DHL http://www.asiaint.com/ | |
45. Agreement On The Use And Maintenance Of Premises Of The ASEAN (i) the government means the government of the Secretariat means the Secretariatfor the Association of South East asian Nations ARTICLE 2 general PROVISIONS. http://www.aseansec.org/1269.htm |
46. World-Wide Web Resources - Countries Excluding The U.S. Access to social, economic and general data from official sources. asianNet, includesinformation about asian business, government, education, arts http://www.uky.edu/Subject/countries.html | |
47. Globalization Research Center - General Resources - Globalization Research Cente Home Research Centers Globalization general Resources News/Journals CountryGuides government Directories. asian Sources Online A matchmaking Web site http://www.cio.com/research/global/overview.html | |
48. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle the nature of civil society and civic culture in general. edited by students of Schoolof government, Regent U Peite Lien (U. Utah), asian Americans in the US http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2726 |
49. Nepal Home Page Bibliography of asian Studies(BAS) Country BrowseNepal Various records on Deevio- Info On Nepal - general information about Nepal. government and Politics http://www.nepalhomepage.com/dir/general/ | |
50. Government Publications And Maps: International Governmental Organizations Maintained by Northwestern University Library. Mostly governmental organizations.Category Society Organizations Directories...... Association of Southeast asian Nations http//www.aseansec.org/; Helsinki Commission Baltic Europe http//www.coe.fr/index.asp Directorate general I - Legal http://www.library.northwestern.edu/govpub/resource/internat/igo.html | |
51. Asian Pacific American Firsts American to head a county (King County, Washington) government in the US battalion;to date, the most highly decorated asian American soldier general Shinseki. http://www.capaa.wa.gov/APA_firsts.html |
52. Consulado General De Chile En Nueva York etat of 1973 the government led by general Augusto Pinochet difficulties experiencedby many asian countries since to this situation the government, during the http://www.chileny.com/02economy.html | |
53. LAOS Government general Laos government. Laos Virtual Library Laonet WWW Virtual Library asian Studies WWW Virtual Library The WorldWide Web Virtual Library http://www.global.lao.net/laovl/gov.htm | |
54. ICARP - Afghanistan for K12 asian and asian American studies. with links to parties, organizations,government, media, and to travel information and more general information on http://www.icarp.org/afghan.html |
55. General Information About Korea Calendar sun clock As in many asian countries, Korea uses both the During nationalholidays, government offices and most businesses are closed, although many http://www.lifeinkorea.com/Information/general.cfm | |
56. General Diversity Resources Issues general Diversity Issues pertaining specifically to Non-government Organizations(NGO) Web sites and asian American Writers Dictionary of Literary http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/General/ | |
57. General Education Requirements Undergraduate Catalog University Of Maryland Coll Chapter 5 general Education Requirements. AMST 298C, Introduction to asian AmericanStudies (also as AAST 200) (D). GVPT 100, Principles of government and Politics. http://www.inform.umd.edu/ugradcat/requirements/social.html | |
58. Asian American Net: Kyrgyzstan maps/images, politics/policy, and general info. AdmiNet Kyrgyzstan government,parliament, political organizations asian American Net welcomes your comments http://www.asianamerican.net/kyrgyz_main.html | |
59. Asian American Net: Turkmenistan Elections, government, information center, resource page. Links on general info,business economics asian American Net welcomes your comments/suggestions. http://www.asianamerican.net/turkmen_main.html | |
60. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 3. Pursuant to general Assembly resolution 54/261, it has been agreed that one b)asian States 4. Each head of State or head of government or head of delegation http://www.un.org/millennium/documents/ares_54_281e.htm | |
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