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61. Charter Schools: Publications And Articles charter schools in action What have we learned? Indianapolis, IN HudsonInstitute. Flake, J. (1996). Synchronize your watches to arizona time. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/timely/bib.htm | |
62. Charter Schools Update Report 2, 1994 Today, people are looking to arizona, where the voucher issue is very alive ifnot altogether well. Both charter schools and a pilot voucher program are http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/go/94-2caaz.htm | |
63. Education -- Web Resources -- ASLAPR Law & Research Library Div. Measure Standards (AIMS); arizona State Board for charter schoolsAIMS Results for arizona's charter schools; Education Week State http://www.dlapr.lib.az.us/is/gr/education.htm | |
64. Article | Arizona Tops In Charter Schools Report Ranks State Alternatives No. 1 The arizona Republic. arizona tops in charter schools Report ranks state alternativesNo. 1 September 20, 2000. Gannett News Service Sept. 20, 2000. http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/_az_rep-arizona_tops.htm | |
65. NEA: Questions And Answers arizona's charter law was modified in 1996 to allow charter schools to take ownershipof the equipment or buildings they had purchased with public funds http://www.nea.org/issues/charter/accnt98.html | |
66. NPRI Op Ed: Charter Schools: Not The Ultimate Answer, But They'll Help This loose requirement frees arizonas charter schools from many encumberingregulations, such as teacher certification, compliance reviews and mandated http://www.npri.org/op_eds/op_ed01/o_e012501.html | |
67. Charter School Links arizona charter School Association. arizona Regional Resource Center. California.California Network of Education charters. charter schools Development Center. http://www.aale.org/charters/charterlinks.htm | |
68. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted arizona's charter schools A Survey of Parents ;; Class Size and StudentAchievement Is There a Link? (requires Adobe's Acrobat Reader); and; http://www.edweek.org/ew/ewstory.cfm?slug=28charter.h20 |
69. Leona Group, LLC -- What People Are Saying It's about time arizona's charter schools also got the respect they deserve. .Bob Schuster Editorial Page Editor The East Valley Tribune, arizona. http://www.leonagroup.com/faces.html | |
70. Expanding Charter School Movement charter schools continued to be concentrated in a small number of states 50 percentof charter schools were located in arizona, California, Michigan, and Texas http://www.ed.gov/pubs/charter4thyear/a.html | |
71. AFT: AFT On The Issues: Charter Schools charter schools provide more accountability and efficiency than traditional publicschools, recent studies of charter schools in arizona, California, Michigan http://www.aft.org/issues/charterschools.html | |
72. Education World® - K12 Schools : Primary : Charter : North America : USA : Gene arizona charter School Association Browse the association's mission,agenda, schedule of upcoming events and list of member schools. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4459 |
73. Policy Brief: Charter Schools 12, 13 In arizona, charter schools claimed both the highest and thelowest scores on the state's Stanford 9 Achievement Test. Student http://www.ael.org/rel/policy/charter.htm | |
74. 00-03-28 Western Region Charter Schools Conference Of the other participating states, arizona has 357 charter schools since its lawtook effect in 1995; California has 288 since 1992; Colorado has 69 since 1993 http://www.sde.state.id.us/webdocs/Administration/News_Releases/910~01-03_March/ | |
75. Keeping Students Is Uphill Battle For Charter Schools My hunch is that those figures will be changing, said Onnie Shekerjian,vice president of the arizona State charter Board for charter schools. http://www.arizonarepublic.com/arizona/articles/0724charter0724.html |
76. ERIC Digest 118 - Charter Schools 1997). Bostonbased Advantage schools Inc. has contracted to run charterschools in New Jersey, arizona, and North Carolina. The http://eric.uoregon.edu/publications/digests/digest118.html | |
77. ED425896 1999-01-00 Charter Schools: An Approach For Rural Education? ERIC Diges Half were in three states arizona, California, and Michigan. While the number ofcharter schools has increased rapidly since 1991, these schools represented http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed425896.html | |
78. More On Charter Schools (Full Text) a FirstYear Look at California's charter schools. Los Alamitos, CA Southwest RegionalLaboratory. Learning from California's experience, arizona decided to http://www.wested.org/policy/pubs/full_text/pb_ft_more.htm | |
79. LIBRARY LOCATIONS AND HOURS charter School Information Access arizona charter school profiles and report cards,arizona charter school laws and much more. *US charter schools Developed to http://www.ci.phoenix.az.us/LIBRARY/charter.html | |
80. Reason Magazine -- April 1998 Reports the result of the liberal arizona charter school laws and the effect of competition on 'public' school systems in the state. http://www.reason.com/9804/fe.glassman.html | |
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