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21. OMAF Livestock Index Page Lots of great information about sheep (and other topics) from the Ontario Ministry of agriculture, Category Business agriculture and Forestry Livestock Sheep...... What's New In Livestock alternative Livestock, general. Health Management. , agriculture,Food Rural Associations (The List). , AgriFood Research Magazine. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/ | |
22. 2002 Alternative Dispute Resolution Guide Discipline, Keesler AFB; Website. alternative Discipline (Agency agriculture; AirForce; Army Letterkenny Army Defense Logistics Agency; general Accounting Office; http://www.opm.gov/er/adrguide_2002/adrindex.asp | |
23. Alternative Dispute Resolution SECTION I alternative DISPUTE RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES AND agriculture; Air Force; Army;Broadcasting Board of Federal Election Commission; general Accounting Office; http://www.opm.gov/er/adrguide/toc.htm | |
24. Leopold Center Links Page Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank Homepage general ISU Homepage Farming ConnectionWallace Instititute for alternative agriculture Western Region http://www.leopold.iastate.edu/links.html | |
25. Sustainable Agriculture Resources Sustainable agriculture general. alternative Farming Systems Information CenterThis National Agricultural Library site features information on sustainable http://www.wisc.edu/cias/links/susag.html | |
26. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Horticulture Online publications of the University of Nebraska cooperative extension targeted at homegrowers. Articles Category Home Gardens Plants Fruit...... Forestry, Swine. general agriculture, Textiles, Clothing Design. NF80, generaland Specialty MailOrder NF107, Resource List for Marketing alternative Crops, 0.00. http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horticulture/ | |
27. Databasmeny DoD Biotechnology Abstracts, agriculture (general). Animal culture. Biotechnology. Foodprocessing and manufacture. Plant culture. Allied and alternative Medicine http://dod.lub.lu.se/cgi-bin/dod/alpha?sortletter=A |
28. Agroecology & Environmental Quality Lowinput alternative farming methods that emphasize nutrient recycling and AgBu 110,Introduction to Microcomputing for agriculture. Ento 304, general Entomology. http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu/academics/cag/agriecol.php | |
29. List Of Agricultural Web Sites Comprehensive guide to agriculturerelated sites. Clear, concise descriptions of each site.Category Reference Education Directories Searching...... general University. agriculture Department, Sheridan College (Wyoming) agricultureHome Page State) Mann Library (Cornell) MCRICKET alternative Methods of Mole http://www.okstate.edu/OSU_Ag/agedcm4h/bobslist.htm | |
30. General Catalog 1995-97, The University Of Arizona Strategic alternative Learning Techniques (SALT) Center; Center for Off COLLEGESAND general DIVISIONS; College of agriculture Introduction; Degrees; http://catalog.arizona.edu/1995-97/cat95-97.html | |
31. Info 21: Pilot Projects Resource Site Agricultural News; general Resources; Ecommerce; E Evaluating Internet for Extensionin agriculture; Kiskeya alternative Destination alternative, Sustainable and http://www.undp.org/info21/pilot/ukr.html | |
32. Mbox-46: Ongoing Food System Consolidation Next message Suzanne DeMuth alternative agriculture News July 2000 ; Previousmessage Hal general Mills is in talks to acquire the Pillsbury division of http://www.sare.org/htdocs/hypermail/html-home/46-html/0076.html | |
33. DeSoto NWR Alternative Farming The ISU Leopold Center for Sustainable agriculture funded the You can observe alternativefarming at work on on humans, wildlife, and the general environment. http://midwest.fws.gov/desoto/farm.html | |
34. Organic And Herbal Farming - Organic Produce Good place to get general information about certification A great alternative systemthat promotes ecological caution. Organic agriculture Regulation European http://agriculture.about.com/cs/organicandherbal1/ | |
35. Publications site. general. SA 10 Resources in Sustainable agriculture 2001 (pdf)alternative agriculture. National Research Council, 1989. *(order http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/sustag/pubs/pubsM.html | |
36. KYVL: Reference Desk - Text Navigation agriculture general; Equine; Tobacco. Anthropology; Archeology; Arts general; Kentucky.History general; African American; Medicine alternative Medicine; Health; Nursing. http://www.kyvl.org/html/ref/reftextnav.shtml | |
37. The Premier Business And Technology Research Portal Recommended By Wall Street J general Business and Technology Overview Business Directories, Industries, Accounting,Economics agriculture (1,988) Anomalies and alternative Science (516 http://www.brint.com/links/ | |
38. Agricultural Project Resources general agriculture Start Points. alternative Farming From the National AgriculturalLibrary comes this very new site on alternative agriculture. http://www.cyber-sierra.com/area9/p-agri.html | |
39. Texas Pest Management Association GM Pushes Ethanol Use 02/26/03 alternative markets for general Motors is behind apush to get more vehicle rates for the 2002 Census of agriculture are lagging http://www.tpma.org/ | |
40. Farm Animals - AWI alternative Farming Systems Searchable Database. News general Farm animalwelfare Crisis or opportunity for agriculture? by Marlene Halverson. http://www.awionline.org/farm/ | |
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