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81. WVU Libraries: Reference Online almanacs Biography Books Calendars Careers Consumer Information Dictionaries andThesauri Directories Encyclopedias Geography and Travel Government Information http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/reference/almanacs.htm | |
82. Almanacs almanacs Alphabetical List of Links by Subject. AfroAmerican AlmanacBartleby World Factbook CIA World Factbook 2000 Computer Almanac http://www.accd.edu/pac/lrc/almanacs.htm | |
83. Virtual Reference Desk: Almanacs Go to the McFarlin Library Homepage, almanacs. Daily almanacs Majorevents for each day of the year, arranged in calendar format. http://www.lib.utulsa.edu/eresources/refcenter/almanacs.htm | |
84. Virtual Reference Shelf: Almanacs almanacs The Farmer's Almanac Now in its 180 th year, The Farmers'Almanac features links to weather, gardening, astronomy, best http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/vrs/almanac.htm | |
85. Walmart.com - Almanacs You are here Home Page Books Reference almanacs. almanacs. Sort thislist by Top Sellers. Items 120 of 63 Total. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product_listing.gsp?cat=21553&path=0:3920:18833:2 |
86. Walmart.com - Almanacs/Yearbooks You are here Home Page Books Business Investing almanacs/Yearbooks.almanacs/Yearbooks. Sort this list by Top Sellers. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product_listing.gsp?cat=19393&path=0:3920:18600:1 |
87. Online Reference Desk resources. almanacs. 50 States and Capitols. ANYDAY Today in History.Looks goofy, but content impressive. Atlapedia Online. Physical http://library.msstate.edu/resources/internet/reference_desk.asp?keyword=157 |
88. Internet Guide - Dictionaries, Almanacs & Encyclopedias Los Angeles Public LibrarySearching the InternetDictionaries, almanacs, Encyclopedias http://www.lapl.org/inet/dictionaries.html | |
89. VeriMall Category almanacs. Software Hardware Books Audio CDs Home Video Food Drinks Fashion Gifts Special Offers Search VeriMall Entrance http://www.verimall.com/book/amazon/alm/almanacs.htm | |
90. General Reference -- Almanacs & Encyclopedias World almanacs Includes the contents of The World Almanac and Book of Facts, TheWorld Almanac of the USA, The World Almanac of US Politics, and The World http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/almanacs.html | |
91. Le Trait D'Union - Almanacs And Calendars You are here Le Trait d'Union Catalog Book Types almanacs andCalendars. Welcome. Book Types almanacs and Calendars Almanach, http://www.hatier.net/section.php?sectionId=116 |
92. CORE Correspondence Course - Almanacs almanacs. REFERENCE TIP 80% of the tables in the WORLD ALMANAC change eachyear! One of the most useful of the general almanacs is the WORLD ALMANAC. http://www.sjvls.org/sjvis/corr/alm/Ccalman.html | |
93. Almanacs almanacs. Information Please This site features general, entertainmentand sports almanacs. Visitors can search the almanacs or browse http://www.angusog.com/infooverload/almanacs.htm | |
94. CCPL: Homework Help Links almanacs/Atlases almanacs.com This is an online version of the Farmer'sAlmanac. This site contains proverbs, weather information http://www.carmel.lib.in.us/child/chlinks/homework.cfm | |
95. Mongui Maduro Stichting Judaica (almanacs). Our Library, Contents / Collection. Ameringen,ML Israëlitische Almanak voor het jaar der schepping 5667 (1906 http://www.madurolibrary.org/html/library/books/judaica/almanacs.html | |
96. WLTX.com Almanacs Gameday Forecast. Pollen Forecast. Ozone Forecast. Tristate Temps. State Temps.Currently. almanacs. Lake Levels. Tropical Weather. 20022003 Koger Concerts. http://www.wltx.com/weather/almanacs.asp |
97. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Encyclopedias & Almanacs (Reference) Looking for the best facts and sites on Encyclopedias almanacs? This HIGHSCHOOL BEYOND Reference Encyclopedias almanacs. HISTORY http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Ref | |
98. Virtual Reference Desk Almanacs. WMU Libraries. almanacs Fact Books. Daily Almanac Today's facts, figures, and sometrivia as well. Information Please Almanac All the knowledge http://www.wmich.edu/library/ref/vrd/almanacs.html |
99. Encyclopedias Almanacs Encyclopedias almanacs. The Canadian Encyclopedia online. Information Please,includes general, entertainment and sports almanacs; The Columbia Encyclopedia; http://www-sul.stanford.edu/guides/encyc.html |
100. CLASSICALmanac Search CLASSICALmanac Search by months Select Almanac January February MarchApril May June July August September October November December. http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/alm/yr.html |
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