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101. Torchlane Morgan Farm Standing 3 stallions including TL Royal Enchantor. Pictures and details of breeding stock and stock for sale. Abee, alberta, canada. http://agt.net/public/tlffarm |
102. Synchro Alberta The sport governing body established to promote, teach, foster, encourage, and improve synchronized swimming in the province of alberta, canada. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/syncroab/ |
103. Canmore, Banff Kananaskis History Pages In Canmore Alberta Home Directory Canmore, Banff Kananaskis history Pages in CanmoreCanada, Pages. Welome to the Canmore alberta history Pages. http://www.canmorealberta.com/directory/history/ |
104. Cryystal Vision Arabians Arabian horses for show and breeding. Stallions at stud. alberta, canada. http://elboca.com/cv |
105. Market Web Solutions Web design and ecommerce development. Located in Edmonton, alberta, canada. http://www.marketweb.ca/ |
106. McKenzie Brothers Outfitting Trophy hunting in alberta and British Columbia canada. http://www.mckenzieoutfitting.com/ |
107. Scouts Canada, Edmonton 186th - Knottwood Scout Troop alberta troop includes events, program, and links. Also features a scrapbook of photos. http://knottwoodscouts.tripod.com/ |
108. Countrystars Selectively breeding Cockers in alberta, canada. The site features information on how to choose and care for a new Cocker. http://countrystars.nu/ |
109. Alberta And Northwest Conference Official News Information Web Site; The United Church of canada http://www.anwc.net/ |
110. Evaluating Textile Properties Of Alberta Hemp alberta hemp symposia proceedings paper which reviews the use of hemp for textiles and its potential for the alberta region of canada http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/crops/special/hemp/symposia5.html |
111. Almond Acres Brochure site for breeder of Boer goats. Ranch located in Innisfail, alberta, canada. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/boergoat |
112. BPSA Canada (BPSAC) A Traditional Scouting association founded in 1998 with a provincial council in alberta. They are not associated with any other Scout association. http://bpscouts.ca/ |
113. Chinook Region - Scouts Canada Calgary and Southern alberta. http://chinook.scouts.ca/ |
114. Travel Alberta North Canada Information and resources for the traveller and tourist to Northern alberta. http://travelalbertanorth.com |
115. EdmontonTourism.ca - Edmonton History, Historical Information, the value of, a trading post in the rugged prairie of central alberta, a territory towar World War I led to one of the bleakest periods in Edmonton's history. http://www.edmontontourism.ca/history/ |
116. Canada - Alberta - Human Resources And Employment - Workplace Health Safety Provincial department responsible for enforcement and information activities in connection with workplace safety and health. http://www3.gov.ab.ca/hre/whs/ |
117. Happyvale Red Angus, Alberta, Canada Breeding quality Red Angus Cattle in canada since 1941. Top performance bulls and cows. Our cow family legacy proving itself in our calves today. http://www.stewartcattleco.com |
118. Jus' Fine Tennessee Walking Horses Breeders of Tennessee Walking Horses offering young stock for sale. Futurity Champion sire, My Touch of Pride, at stud. Located in Sherwood Park, alberta, canada. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/rjfine1/ |
119. Laser Plasma Group One of the plasma research groups at University of alberta, canada. http://nyquist.ee.ualberta.ca/lp/lp.html |
120. Crescent Moon Ranch Family operated fullservice facility for Peruvian horses. (alberta, canada) http://www.angelfire.com/mi/crescentmoon/ |
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