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61. St. Mary's College Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Library Electronic Resources For more information click here. history, canadas Visual history. Film history an interdisciplinary journal of film and television studies. http://stmc-aux.stmc.ab.ca/StMC-Library/ElectronicResources.htm | |
62. Culture Canada: Canadian History - Exploration And Settlement Canadian Studies. history Settlements Source Government of alberta.Immigrant Voices Source canada's Digital Collections. Immigration http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/8.6.html | |
63. Alberta, Canada Genealogy Links: Genealogy In Alberta. alberta Homepage Lineages' Genealogy Site alberta, canada Lutheran Historical InstituteManitoba, Saskatchewan alberta Genealogy history Articles Peace http://members.shaw.ca/justgen/ab.htm | |
64. Kidney Foundation Canada: Brief History Of Kidney Disease Treatment for end stage renal disease (ESRD) (Figure 1). This trend is not unique to alberta,as the same pattern of growth has been seen throughout canada (Figure 2 http://www.kidney.ab.ca/kidneys/treatments/history/growing_numbers.html | |
65. Kidney Foundation Canada: History Kidney Foundation of canada history. Kidney Foundation of canada Before the 1960's,a person Northern alberta the Territories Branch An alberta Branch of the http://www.kidney.ab.ca/about/ | |
66. An American's Guide To Canada More information Government of alberta; Government of canada's Facts about alberta includes information about the land, history, people, and economy; http://www.icomm.ca/~emily/AB.html | |
67. Alberta Folklore And Local History Collection Title Early missions in Western canada. Contributor English. Source CollectionAlberta Folklore and Local history Collection. Source Series Notebooks. http://folklore.library.ualberta.ca/dspCitation.cfm?ID=388 |
68. Welcome To Victory Church Includes events, goals, ministries, and a history page. Also, has RealAudio sermons. http://www.victorylethbridge.ca/ |
69. Canadiana -- The Canadian Resource Page Montreal Museum of Archaeology and history, Pointea National Gallery of canada (Ottawa);National Museum Kleinburg); Royal Tyrrell Museum (alberta); Royal British http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/clamen/misc/Canadiana/README.html | |
70. Oh Canada: History before Europeans settled what would someday become canada. history and the correctintrepretation of Canadian history. ago, the landscape of alberta was very http://www.ualberta.ca/~bleeck/canada/canhist.html | |
71. St. Michael's Anglican Church - Canmore, Alberta, Canada - About Us - History The Anglican Parish of St. Michael About Us history. You are hereSt.Michael's Home About Us history St. Michael's is truly http://www.stmichaels-anglican-canmore.com/history.html | |
72. Alberta Genealogy And Family History Family history Centers in alberta, canada Contact information including addresses,phone numbers, and hours of operation for Family history Centers located http://genealogy.about.com/cs/albertagenealogy/ | |
73. Genealogy & History alberta Genealogical Society (AGS) Family history in Edmonton Mary's Genealogy TreasuresSouthern alberta Pioneers and their Descendants canada Franco American http://www.yrl.ab.ca/internet_linksGenealogicalResources.htm | |
74. WWW-VL History Index - Canada Historical Series, Agriculture canada; Feeding the World Wheat. A Canadian HistoricalPerspective; history of Agriculture in alberta; Western Heritage Centre http://www.ku.edu/history/VL/CANADA/canada3.html | |
75. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Canadian History Location canada Last checked 20000630 Provincial Museum of alberta Offers a rangeof exhibitions with an emphasis on the natural and human history of canada. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/canadianhistory.htm | |
76. Department Of Computing Science Department of Computing Science. Research areas include algorithmics, artificial intelligence, communica Category Computers Computer Science North America canada...... About the Department Contact Facts Location Edmonton history Facilities Webcam Programs and Admissions University of alberta Faculty of Science. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/ | |
77. The Report Newsmagazine - Online Edition Stories and articles written from a conservative Christian viewpoint about western Canadian education, Category Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity News...... Read the history of the magazine in excerpts musingsDouglas Coupland's Souvenirof canadais a 17327 106A Avenue, Edmonton, alberta, canada, T5S 1M7 *The http://report.ca/ | |
78. No Visit To Alberta, Canada Is Complete Without Tours. Areas Serviced Jasper, alberta, canada Adventures Provided Animal Treks Dog Sledding. EducationalTours; history Tours; Sightseeing Tours; Sleigh Rides; Walking http://www.planetcharters.com/adventures/canada_tours_history-tours_alberta.html | |
79. Syncrude Canada Ltd. The written history of the oil sands dates back over to be one of the wonders of northernCanada. Top of the plant was taken over by the alberta Government to http://www.syncrude.com/who_we_are/01_03.html | |
80. Alwynne B. Beaudoin - Reading The Palliser Triangle - Natural History Hills. In alberta A Natural history, edited by WG Hardy, pp. 117133.MG Hurtig, Edmonton, alberta, canada. AEU SCI QH 106 H27. http://www.scirpus.ca/palliser/sect200.htm | |
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