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21. Open Letter To President Meidani: NAAC Concerned About The Mal-Treatment Of The NAAC also feels that it is the duty of the albanian government to protectand represent the interest and the well being of its citizens abroad. http://www.naac.org/pr/2002/03-18-02.html | |
22. Albania Forum - Us Ambassador To Albania, Joseph Limprecht July 23, 2001 albanian government has attempted to remain out of a major involvement in the process,however there is a risk that with the conflict persisting, the Albanian http://www.naac.org/pf/07-23-01.html | |
23. Statement Of Albania To The 24th Session Of IFAD's Governing Council Please allow me to express on behalf of the albanian government and my own, my bestwishes for your election as President of IFAD and on this occasion to wish http://www.ifad.org/events/gc/albania.htm | |
24. Statement By Albania I would like on behalf of the albanian government to thank cordially the PresidentIFAD Mr. Bage for the invitation to participate in this anniversary session. http://www.ifad.org/events/gc/26/speech/albania.htm | |
25. Albania Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,. It is an honor for me to addressthis Special Session on HIV/AIDS on behalf of the albanian government. http://www.un.org/ga/aids/statements/docs/albaniaE.html | |
26. 2001/04/29 01:45 Dualism And Nervousness In Relations Between Tirana And Skoplje On April 12, the same date when Macedonian Prime Minister Ljubco Georgijevski askedthe albanian government to help by interceding with the Albanian political http://www.aimpress.org/dyn/trae/archive/data/200104/10429-003-trae-tir.htm | |
27. 2001/08/07 00:49 Is Macedonian Crisis Moving Towards The Albanian Border? one in important offices in Tirana, whom the AIM contacted, knew whether a Macedoniannote of protest had truly been sent to the albanian government, which the http://www.aimpress.org/dyn/trae/archive/data/200108/10807-004-trae-tir.htm | |
28. SUMMARY: Corfu Channel (Preliminary Objection) Judgment - 25 March 1948 Ireland instituting proceedings against the Government of the People's Republic ofAlbania; on December 9th, 1947, the albanian government requested the Court http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/library/cijwww/icjwww/idecisions/isummaries/icc | |
29. 1.1: Corfu Channel (UK V. Albania) Albania. On the other hand, it held that the mines could not havebeen laid without the knowledge of the albanian government. On http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/library/cijwww/icjwww/igeneralinformation/ibboo | |
30. Albania: Country Free Of Terrorists, Officials Say However, she says that the albanian government in cooperation with the intelligenceservices of the US, Italy and other European countries subsequently http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2001/09/23092001101212.asp | |
31. Albania: Corruption Bill Aims To Investigate Property Claims Of Top Officials Of Top Officials. By Alban Bala. According to a recent survey, thealbanian government is the most corrupt in Southeastern Europe. http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2002/06/12062002141200.asp | |
32. NATO Speech: EAPC MoD Albania - NATO HQ - 8 June 2001 Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The albanian government is followingthese developments with great concern. Since the beginning of http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2001/s010608o.htm | |
33. NATO Speech: NATO HQ - 7 December 2001 aspects. The albanian government is committed to maximally increaseits efforts to strengthen the Albania's border control. The http://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2001/s011207p.htm | |
34. IPLS SERVICES - Legan News From Albania Parliament on May 3, 2000. This meeting open the official path to therelations between albanian government and Civil Service Commission. http://www.ipls.org/services/legal/l00051625.html | |
35. OVERVIEW The AlbaniaEU Energy Efficiency Centre began as an action under the SYNERGY Programmein April 1993 and in November 1995 the albanian government adopted it http://www.eec.org.al/Overview.html | |
36. ALBANIA-EU EEC under the SYNERGY Programme in April 1993 and was officially established in November1995 with the full support of European Commission and albanian government. http://www.eec.org.al/ | |
37. Ethnic Albanians In Greece-The Offical Stance Of The Greek Government On The Que While the Greek political leaders demand from the albanian government to recognizethe minority rights of the Greeks in northern Epirus, they vehemently deny http://www.mfa.gov.tr/grupa/ac/ack/05.htm | |
38. ATA Homepage - News on Tirana roads; Clark arrived in Kosova on Friday evening; Attemptsof albanian government to protect forests; Bajram celebrated in http://www.telpress.it/ata/000108/hdlines.htm | |
39. ATA Homepage - News Jan.02, 2000 News Year 2000 Albanian Bank credit for albanian government to amountto 6,9 billion leks TIRANE, Jan 2 (ATA) By E.Metaj, The Bank of Albania http://www.telpress.it/ata/000102/nata0005.htm | |
40. Albanian Government To Set Up Special Taskforce For Talks With EU albanian government to Set Up Special Taskforce for Talks with EU.TIRANA, Albania Albania will establish a taskforce in light http://www.balkantimes.com/html2/english/020519-GEORGI-010.htm | |
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