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81. Welcome To The Agricultural Research Service The main inhouse research arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Research news, find-a-researcher, consumer and educational information on a wide range of topics in food, agriculture, pest management, and related areas. http://www.ars.usda.gov/ | |
82. ARS News And Information Information Staff, agricultural Research Service, USDA. Communicatingnews and information about scientific research. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/ | |
83. 2003 Online News Archive Of The Agricultural Research Service Information Staff, agricultural Research Service, USDA. Communicating newsand information about scientific research. agricultural http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/ | |
84. City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes A nonprofit society that promotes urban food production and environmental conservation.Category Home Gardens Specialized Techniques...... Farmer. 40% of Toronto Households Grow Food. news Flash November1, 2002 crowded. Traditional agricultural systems are changing. http://www.cityfarmer.org/ | |
85. Farm Real Estate By Farmers National Company Since 1998. Beef Checkoff Claims Cow Meat Demand Success. More informationabout Doane's agricultural Report. Check out FNC news Here. http://www.farmers-national.com/News/AgriculturalNews/ | |
86. MSUcares: Mississippi News Print news (Weekly and archived news features/stories about the life sciencesprepared for news media by the Office of agricultural Communications.) http://msucares.com/news/ | |
87. Agricultural Development And Advisory Service Immediate access to news bulletins, information on research and consultancy topics, business services including Agronomy on Line and Cattlemail, plus advance notice of regional and national conferences and events. http://www.adas.co.uk/ |
88. Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation - File Not Found Kentucky Farm Bureau. news RELEASE. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Hood alsohas been active in other agricultural and civic organizations. http://www.kyfb.com/PressReleaseArchives/re121097.htm | |
89. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Center for agricultural research and development of machinery, equipment, and processes. Provides news, publications and links. http://www.pami.ca/ | |
90. @gWorldwide International ag news, Asia GrainsBuying on hold as war on Iraq starts2003-03-20 032900 GMT (Reuters). US's Rice to visit Kofi http://www.agriculture.com/worldwide/ | |
91. AgNews - Texas A&M University Agriculture Program > News And Public Affairs news about the Texas A Education Publications and Media......Home Daily news Features Issues Interaction Search Site map AgriculturalCommunications Texas A M University 2112 TAMUS College Station, TX 77843 http://agnews.tamu.edu/ | |
92. United States Department Of Agriculture's Home Page agricultural and related information.Category Science Agriculture......agricultural Information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture http://www.usda.gov/ | |
93. National Agricultural Statistics Service For U.S. Agriculture Statistical Inform Publications covering a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, to livestock, to parcels of Category Regional North America Government Statistics......USDA Logo with link to USDA Home Page, US Department of Agriculture National AgriculturalStatistics Service providing timely, accurate, and useful statistics http://www.usda.gov/nass/ | |
94. KOLK - Karoo Oranje Agricultural Co-operative, Home Of Good Popcorn And Grain Pr A modern popcorn facility with both hand and machine sorting to prepare a high quality popcorn cultivated without stress factors under irrigation. The finest equipment available ensures precise quality control and a final product of exceptional export quality. http://www.kolk.co.za/popcorn.html | |
95. AgricultureLaw.com FEBRUARY 2003 ISSUE OF THE agricultural LAW LETTER to reform obstacles to freer agricultural trade. Harbison's first source of timely information and ideas on agricultural policy. http://www.agriculturelaw.com/ |
96. NIAB Independent body specialising in agriculture, horticulture and food. It supplies a number of services including consultancy, training, and technical advice to governments, supragovernmental agencies, agribusiness and farmers. http://www.niab.com/ |
97. A G R I - W E B Online Advice And Assistance For The Farming Industry Focusing on businesses in the East Midlands who are involved in agriculture and horticulture. Various articles and contact details. http://www.agri-web.org.uk/ | |
98. IPGRI - International Plant Genetic Resources Institute - Home Page IPGRI, the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, is the CGIAR international agricultural research centre mandated to work on the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. Website covers all practical and policy aspects many downloadable publications. http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/index.htm | |
99. AgFind.com: Agricultural WWW Search Engine A search engine that searches only agricultural websites. http://www.agfind.com | |
100. Agricultural Marketing Service Home Page Includes six commodity divisions Cotton, Dairy, Fruit and Vegetable, Livestock and Seed, Poultry, Category Regional North America Departments Agriculture...... Process Verification. Peanuts. Mandatory Price Reporting. Resources. MarketNews. Food Purchases. Farmers Markets. Direct Marketing. Federal Rulemaking. http://www.ams.usda.gov/ | |
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