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41. SWAN /All Libraries 1999 3 african mythology / By Geoffrey Parrinder. 1963 8 The Aquarian Guide Toafrican mythology / Jan Knappert ; Illustrations By Elizabeth Knappert. http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,845,847/search/dmythology/dmythology/1,28 | |
42. Mythology BL430 .D5313 1993 The Aquarian Guide to african mythology. 1990. BL1005 .D5313 1993A Dictionary of african mythology The Mythmaker as Storyteller. 2000. http://www.library.ucsb.edu/classes/classics40.html | |
43. BooksMags African Mythology World Literature Literature & Fiction Books Online S BooksMags african mythology World Literature Literature Fiction Books Online ShoppingStore Your one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines Online http://www.booksmags.com/books/shop6133/Literature_Fiction/World_Literature/Myth | |
44. African Arts - Africentric Goods, Services, Artists Africa online. african mythology from The Book of Gods, Goddesses,Heroes and Other Characters of Mythology. african mythology a http://www.clarence-webpage.com/africanarts/vendor.html | |
45. Africa/African American Library Links to history, religion, literature, art and food web sites.Category Society Ethnicity African AfricanAmerican Personal Pages...... Holocust. african mythology Encyclopedia of african mythology. African recipes.african mythology Encyclopedia of african mythology. African http://www.homestead.com/wysinger/africana.html | |
46. African Art Loop hole atop. Intact. Mounted on a plinth stand. 81/4 in L. The elephanthas a sacred animal spirit in african mythology and folklore. http://www.howardnowes.com/af.html | |
47. African Mythology The rainbow is his reflection. BUKU (Various West African peoples) A sky god sometimesworshiped as a goddess. Buku created everything, even the other gods. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/2850/AfricanMythology.html | |
48. Isle Of Fire/ The Exotic Character Of Egyptian Myth Shadow compartmentalizing of the soul, and the chthonic emphasis therein, is immediatelyunderstandable to anyone who's studied West african mythology (eg, in http://www.geocities.com/yewneserser/myth.html | |
49. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 african mythology. african mythology. african mythology. Zulu Information. The ZuluReligion. African Mythological Caracters. Worls Mythology. Afro American Almanac. http://www.udd.nrsbgym.dk/~lf/sinathingi/religion.html | |
50. Part10 This rope is the sutratma or Thread-Self from the Monad to the Personalityon the physical plane. african mythology (A). african mythology (B). http://members.aol.com/maatmythology/part10.htm | |
51. Myth: Sub-Saharan Myth Sub-Saharan. Links to african mythology. A Dictionary of AfricanMythology Harold Scheub provides a collection of 400 stories http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/subsaharanmyth/ | |
52. Resources For Studying Mythology And Religion African. African Story Lines; african mythology in Things Fall Apart materialsfrom a class taught at the University of Texas by Bill ParedesHolt; http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~shale/humanities/literature/religion/religion.html | |
53. A Dictionary Of African Mythology -- The Mythmaker As Storyteller -- Harold Sche A Dictionary of african mythology. New in paper (S02). In this collection of hundredsof tales, Scheub captures the immense diversity of african mythology. http://www.frontlist.com/detail/019512457X | |
54. African african mythology. african mythology. This site offers a list of African Gods aswell as creation and flood myths. Encyclopedia Mythica african mythology. http://www.mccsc.edu/~kmcglaun/mythology/african.htm | |
55. GoSeekIt And MosaicFX Directory - Multilingual Directory Of The (Advertiser Bids $0.01) 2. African Gods African Gods and Their Associates(Advertiser Bids $0.01). 3. african mythology General african mythology. http://af.dir.mosaicfx.com/serf.pl?data=1832 |
56. GoSeekIt And MosaicFX Directory - Multilingual Directory Of The 16. african mythology General african mythology. There is currently no distinctionbetween tribe, culture, or country. (Advertiser Bids $0.01). 17. http://af.dir.mosaicfx.com/serf.pl?data=1829 |
57. Astrology Free And Psychic Readings Online Spirituality adult truth dare adult truth or dare advent meditation advent ritual african americanspiritual african marriage ritual african mythology african ritual mask http://www.cyberspaceye.com/psychic-chat/ | |
58. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 1 african mythology. 1967 2 african mythology / by Geoffrey Parrinder. 19635 Essential african mythology / Ngangar Mbitu and Ranchor Prime. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,862,864/search/dmythology/dm | |
59. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Rodriques. 1996 2 african mythology an encyclopedia of myth and legend/ Jan Knappert ; illustrations by Elizabeth Knappert. 1995 http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,862,864/search/dmythology/dm | |
60. Bantam Interview to help end racism. Why now a book on african mythology? precious gift.Q. How can african mythology heal the trauma of racism? A. These http://fp.premier1.net/cwford/bantam.htm | |
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