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21. African And African-American Studies Callaloo; The North Star A Journal of africanamerican Religious History;slavery and Abolition A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave studies; http://libweb.uncc.edu/ref-soci/afro/aaaweb.htm | |
22. Links To Sources For Early American History Star A Journal of africanamerican Religious History; Slave narrative selections;slavery and abolition, a Journal of Slave and Post-Slave studies; Third person http://www.clements.umich.edu/Links/Histsub.html | |
23. Introduction To African-American Studies August 27/28 What is Africana studies? The Africa in African American READING TV chapters by Roots of slavery in Western Civilization slavery in http://www.as.ua.edu/amstud/studyg1.htm | |
24. PAPERSunlimited.net "African-American Studies / Slavery, Colonialism" Page Resul 3 pgs. 0 f/c. 0b. Filename 2200 Lincoln Position slavery.doc Price$26.85. 2249 African American Abolitionists. (buy this paper) http://www.papersunlimited.net/cgi-bin/display.cgi?subject=African-American Stud |
25. Penn Library-Culture And Ethnic/African American/Slavery Penn Library. African American studies slavery. CONTENTS. http://oldsite.library.upenn.edu/resources/subject/interdiscipline/african-ameri | |
26. PaperFetcher.com - "African-American Studies / Slavery, Colonialismt" Page Resul 47 Search Results For africanamerican studies / slavery, Colonialism. Results1 - 7 of 47. Page 1 of 7 2453 Danticat's Novel as a Form of Victimization. http://www.paperfetcher.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi?subject=African-American Studies |
27. UVa Library: Periodicals And Microforms - African-American Studies Black studies Index (when connected scroll down menu to Reels 1182 Africa and African-Americanpublications Reels West Indies Reels 634-652 slavery in history http://www.lib.virginia.edu/permic/afamstudies.html | |
28. Affiliated Programs Century US Literature and Popular Culture, Cultural studies, slavery and US AssociateProfessor of English; American literature, africanamerican literature. http://www.tulane.edu/~english/affiliate.htm | |
29. Kenyon College / 2000-01 Course Of Study offered in 200102 that meet African and african-american studies Concentration requirements HIST175 african-american History slavery to Emancipation. http://www.kenyon.edu/academics/cos/2001-02/courses/afamer.phtml | |
30. African-American Studies , University Of New Mexico in the Summer Institute in African American studies are africanamerican HISTORYM. 397-200 HIS the institution and practice of chattel slavery, the transition http://www.unm.edu/~afamstds/institute.htm | |
31. KU - African & African-American Studies by African cultures and kinship systems and the institution of slavery in associationwith AAAS 460 Topics and Problems in African africanamerican studies. http://www.ku.edu/~afs/aaa_courses.html | |
32. Subject Guides: African-American Studies The New American studies Web, Race, Ethnicity, and New York Public Library AfricanAmerican Women Writers say about family , religion , slavery or any http://library.citytech.cuny.edu/subjectguides/afam.html | |
33. African-American Chronology on the History of slavery and Racism; Leagues Baseball Online Archives;African American Web Connection AfroAmerican studies on the Web; Schomburg http://www.wlu.edu/~vstanley/newhist/african.html | |
34. African-American Studies Links Conflict of Abolition and slavery africanamerican Mosaic Exhibition Collection;American Identities african-american Resources; African American studies; http://tarver.mercer.edu/weblinks/social_science/african_american.htm | |
35. African-American Studies - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries Thousands of cited references in the area of africanamerican studies are provided.Articles dealing with the Civil Rights Movement, slavery, Black Americans http://www.lib.uwf.edu/eli/Social/AfricanAmerican.shtml | |
36. Library Of Congress, Collections Overviews:American Studies - African-American S all the subject areas covered by africanamerican studies, we may a combined countof the african-american history and and classes dealing with slavery and the http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/colloverviews/afr-amer.html | |
37. Pursuit: African American Resources General studies. Duke University, African American Women, Archival material http//scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/collections/africanamerican-women.html. slavery. http://www.inform.umd.edu/crbs/programs/cast/programs/collaborations/NW/afam.htm | |
38. African-American Studies From Virginia africanamerican studies from Virginia. this study of the struggle for african-americanhuman rights Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction slavery in Richmond http://www.upress.virginia.edu/books/africanamerican.html | |
39. Black Studies Essence Essence, a magazine for contemporary africanamerican women Ouagadougou JouvertA Journal of Postcolonial studies Jouvert is slavery and the Slavetrade. http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subj/black.html | |
40. Beginning Library Research On African American Studies work of it's kind, including a chronology and articles on events, people, laws, andsubjects related to slavery in the African American studies Bibliographies. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/afam.html | |
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