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African-american Studies Canadian Connect: more detail |
81. Welcome To The Consortium Of Latin American Studies Programs as well as to selected canadian and Latin Austin Community College, the AfricanAmericanBar Association Center for Latin American studies, Harvard University http://www.claspprograms.org/notes992.html | |
82. Women Writer Links WOMEN WRITERS' LINKS African American Women's Writers; Brave are organized by stateand canadian bookstores by literary criticism and gender studies focusing on http://www.ruralwomyn.net/links_writers.html | |
83. Chicago Historical Society - History Links Canada, Europe, Mexico, the United States, African American, War, Women's and thecollections of the canadian War Museum American studies Electronic Crossroads. http://www.chicagohs.org/historylinks.html | |
84. Online Ancestors Search ***FREE LOOKUPS*** Plus MapQuest Links Introduction to Genealogy*; *Register of OneName studies*; Christines African-AmericanSearchable Databases to America, 1850-1896 canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s http://www.4genealogyonline.com/ | |
85. City Tech - African American Studies - Faculty - Karl Botchway African American studies. Reading a Development Report on Northern Ghana, CanadianJournal of Botchway is a member of the African studies Association, American http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/academics/deptsites/aastudies/faculty/botchway.html | |
86. Request For Permanent Changes In An Academic Program 9 to 12 African American studies American Indian studies Asian American studies Canadianstudies Chicano studies Cultural studies Film studies http://www.cal.msu.edu/ugrad/comm/changes_info.asp?ID=64 |
87. Canadian Genealogy Africa African American Asia Canada Innu Nation; Resources for AboriginalStudies from the Ontario Register, 1780s-1870s; canadian Genealogy Index http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/canada.htm | |
88. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Starting with Only connect? a witty and http://www.powells.com/subsection/AnthologiesEssays.41.html | |
89. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print highlights those characteristics that connect the various http://www.powells.com/subsection/ArtMiddleEast.html | |
90. Moellering Library Resources: English 200: Literary Studies; Fall 2002 English 200 Literary studies, Prof 111 .S24 1999 The Oxford companion to Canadianliterature Ref N475 1996 The Oxford companion to African American literature Ref http://www.valpo.edu/library/path/fall/eng200.html | |
92. Fachomes American literature) and twentiethcentury canadian literature and the Asian AmericanStudies Program as well as Asian American and African American prose fiction http://www.arts.cornell.edu/womens/fachomes.htm |
93. Social Sciences Bookmarks 6/99 http//lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/african/intro.html. African American Web Connection. MyCanadian Picture Book. Library of Congress Country studies. http://www.cityschools.com/walkergrant/library/soc_sci.htm | |
94. MnSCU Office Of Instructional Technology http://www.oit.mnscu.edu/pages/conference.php?sorttable=sponsors.assocname |
95. MnSCU Office Of Instructional Technology http://www.oit.mnscu.edu/pages/conference.php?sorttable=conference.startdate |
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