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African-american Studies Canadian Connect: more detail |
62. UFCWS Educational Resource Directory AeroWeb Aviation Enthusiasts Corner. African American Pioneers. AskERIC LessonPlans Social studies. AskERIC Toolbox. Canada Net Pages. canadian Airlines. http://www.ufcws.org/family/a2zed.htm | |
63. Women's Studies Subject Databases For Finding Articles through Achieving Gender Equity. ; canadian Women's Internet history in historicaland women's studies journals; Back to Top African American women writers of http://www.niulib.niu.edu/womens.cfm | |
64. Sociology Resources Web directory indexes sites related to canadian aboriginal, Native for the study ofAfrican American history and Links from the American studies Department at http://www.mcneese.edu/library/int/soc.htm |
65. Intercultural Studies 270 History; Internet Resources for African American History and Sites Diversity EthnicStudies; Oriental Institute includes information on canadian and Native http://www.elmhurst.edu/library/courses/ics/ics270.html | |
66. Intercultural Studies 370 History; Internet Resources for African American History and Center for ScandinavianStudies North Park Peoples - includes information on canadian and Native http://www.elmhurst.edu/library/courses/ics/ics370.html | |
67. Nova Scotia Sites Business Development Centre; African/American/canadian Internet Sites; Universitiesfrom AUCC; canadian University Web Rural High School, Maritime studies program http://www.stfx.ca/people/rmackinn/NS.HTM | |
68. Women's Studies Resources / Rhodes Guide to Women's studies Programs canadian Women's studies of the writings of AfricanAmericanwomen. Halsall History Links / Women's studies Database Living http://www.rhodes.edu/womenshtmls/womensnet.html | |
69. Stanford Drama giving a talk sponsored by African American studies, and co each based on an AfricanAmericancharacter surrounded for British, Brazilian and canadian television http://www.stanford.edu/dept/drama/special.html | |
70. Descriptions Of Sessions And Events: Saturday, November 21 - American Studies As Canada Organizing at canadian Universities COMMENT Robert Kennedy, and the AfricanAmerican Critique of the Ranu Samantrai, Cultural studies, Claremont Graduate http://www.press.jhu.edu/associations/asa/program98/day3.html | |
71. NIE WORLD: Links Especially For Students (Social Studies) Beginning Library Research on African American studies Provides a Kwanzaa is an AfricanAmericanholiday about largest company in canadian history Hudson's http://www.nieworld.com/students/links/socialstudies.htm | |
72. Social Studies Links for Government, fun facts, landmarks, leaders, nations, canadian Provinces and MCPSSocial studies Bookmarks African American, History, African http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/links/history.html | |
73. Nova Scotia Sites Acadian Odyssey; African/American/canadian Internet Sites; African High School, MaritimeStudies program. canadian Internet providers; Atlantic connect, Halifax; http://juliet.stfx.ca/~rmackinn/ns.htm | |
74. GMU Libraries Media Guide: African American History a song with legendary powers to connect those who sany of the young army men, FrenchCanadianboatmen, Clark's Return to African American studies Media Guides. http://library.gmu.edu/subject/AFAM/history.html | |
75. America History Life connect to America History Life bibliographic entries, providing an incomparableresearch tool for students and researchers of US and canadian history. http://lib.nd.edu/eresources/gateway/databases/america_history_life.html |
76. Phillips Middle School Library Homepage Special Collections(Asian Society Collection and The canadian Collection). PhillipsMiddle School Library Updated 03/18/03. connect to your account from home http://www.chccs.k12.nc.us/phillips/mainpage.htm | |
77. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z Å Ö American Legacy Celebrating africanamerican History Culture. American Libraries. CMAJCanadian Medical Association Journal. Comparative Political studies. http://www.pori.fi/kirjasto/ebsco/lehdet.htm | |
78. Women In World History Curriculum's Favorite Links canadian Women's History Biographies, Quote of the Week Isis Our Story Mostly AfricanAmericanbut some African of the listing for Women's studies and links http://w3.iac.net/~pfilio/whl.htm | |
79. Database List Page for United States and canadian history that specialize in African studies or consistently South,Gender, Native American, African American, Revolutionary, Civil http://eres.geneseo.edu/webpage/resources/database.asp?a25=History |
80. Maize USD266 - Elementary Resources Royal canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Learn about the canadian police forces. AfricanAmericanLesson Plans, CNN, National Council for Social studies, http://www.usd266.com/depart/curriculum/resources/elemenatary.html | |
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