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African-american Studies Canadian Connect: more detail |
1. Social Studies 3-5 a wide variety of social studies resources, with an excellent source of informationon africanamerican history canadian Museum of Civilization - Virtual Museum. http://www.teachers-connect.net/edres/ss3-5.htm | |
2. Index To Current Urban Documents connect to Database. covering approximately 500 US and canadian cities and Communitiesof Interest, africanamerican studies, Landscape Architecture, Architecture http://www.library.upenn.edu/resources/databases/about/icud.html |
3. African American Studies Research Bibliography degrees by American and canadian degreegranting holdings in the ETC relevant to african-americanstudies. at the Database of african-american Poetry website. http://www.library.yale.edu/rsc/af-am/bibliography.html | |
4. Africana Studies 100: Issues In African-American Music Africana studies 100 Issues in African American Music Search strategy is a library term for the process of finding information in a logical, stepby-step manner. books covering American and canadian history from pre-history to from black journals. Black studies on disc is available at http://www.library.cornell.edu/okuref/afr100.html | |
5. MSU Libraries - Electronic Resources In Ethnic Studies Access restricted by MSU NetID, ABOUT, connect, African American Review. Availableto Everybody, ABOUT, connect, canadian Journal of Native studies. http://www.lib.msu.edu/dbases/kw/ethnic_studies.htm |
6. African American Studies (UC Irvine Libraries) to all users, UC Irvine access only, How to connect from off How to find African AmericanStudies articles. and dissertations in United States and canadian history http://www.lib.uci.edu/online/subject/afamer.html | |
7. AmCS Resources - Journals American culture and the relationship between canadian culture and Political ScienceQuarterly connect online through JSTOR, Vols. African American studies. http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~hbhist/amcs545/resourcesjournals.html | |
8. Academic Info CATALOG RECORD To connect to this SITE INCLUDES Subject Index African American HistoryAfrican Area studies Australian studies canadian studies China studies http://www.unl.edu:2020/alpha/Academic_Info.html | |
9. Library Research Workshop: African-American Theater SCHOOL OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN studies EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNIVERSITY BUDAPEST, HUNGARY ACADEMIC GUIDE TO ENGLISH AND AMERICAN studies 20012002 EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN studies (SEAS) ELTE Angol-Amerikai Intézet http://www.library.yale.edu/humanities/theater/instruction/afamtheater.html | |
10. MSU Libraries - Alphabetical List Of Electronic Books IP Addresses, ABOUT, connect, African American Poetry Database. to Everybody, ABOUT,connect, British studies Web. Everybody, ABOUT, connect, canadian Federal Government http://er.lib.msu.edu/books_all.cfm | |
11. The University Of Liverpool Library - English & American Literature Electronic J African American review (Dept. English studies (Swets Zeitlinger) Library Catalogue connect Essays on canadian writing (Literature Online) Library Catalogue http://www.liv.ac.uk/Library/subjects/arts/english/englishejour.html | |
12. Underground Railroad Refugess In Canada - Index Page The Road that Led to Freedom An africanamerican Heritage Tour These tours takeyou along the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD to canadian studies Resources Main Page. http://mcsrt.org/resources/ugrr/ | |
13. Office Of Graduate Studies - Fellowship Application Procedure canadian studies, UScanadian Relations, September, website or contact UCD Graduatestudies at 752 Helen T. Carr African American Fellowships, Predoctoral, http://gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/fellows/connect.htm | |
14. Yale University Library: Canadian Studies Major topics include africanamerican studies, ethnic racial organizing, ecology,labor studies, social theory of American and canadian History, covering http://www.library.yale.edu/humanities/canstud/canada.html | |
15. African-American History Resources dissertations on US and canadian History more detailed description; click here toconnect. Information Resources on African American studies Produced by the http://www.lib.msu.edu/unsworth/american/aah/ | |
16. Internet Resources -- Anthropology/Cultures Almanac your internet resource for africanamerican history ; Cybernauts; AsianAmerican Network; Asian canadian site; Best on the Net Multicultural studies . http://wally.rit.edu/internet/subject/cultures.html | |
17. Internet Resources -- History Division, Library of Congress published by africanamerican authors and officialweb site; Bucknell Russian studies Page; canadian Encyclopedia online http://wally.rit.edu/internet/subject/history.html | |
18. UCL: History - Library Resources History and Life US and canadian history, area American studies Web; American RevolutionResearch Page; Resources for Students of africanamerican History and http://www.lib.uconn.edu/subjectareas/hist.htm | |
19. Electronic Journals Subject Search, Durham University Library connect. Info. African American Review. Literature Online 1994. Info. English Studiesin Africa. Literature Online 1998-. connect. Info. Essays on canadian Writing. http://aesica.dur.ac.uk/delores/e-journals/ejournalssubject.asp?Subject=English |
20. Global Youth Connect - Steering Committee the nation's second largest African American newspaper, has work in the Asia/Pacific,canadian, and domestic she studied Latin American studies and Education. http://www.globalyouthconnect.org/Pages/committee.html | |
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