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61. Gao Xingjian: Life As A Literature Laureate | Arts And Entertainment | BBC World gao xingjian Life As A Literature Laureate One of China's best known dissidents,the writer and playwright, gao xingjian was awarded the Nobel Prize for http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/arts/highlights/010316_xingian.shtml | |
62. The Other Shore Brief information on the book and author.Category Arts Literature Authors G gao xingjian......The Other Shore Plays by gao xingjian Translated by Gilbert CF Fong. Aboutthe Book. gao xingjian is the leading Chinese dramatist of our time. http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cupress/html/literature/Other Shore.html | |
63. Arts/Literature/Authors/X/Xingjian,_Gao intelligent search feature. / Arts / Literature / Authors / X / xingjian,gao. gao xingjian Notes by the Swedish Academy. URL http//nobel http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/X/Xingjian, | |
64. Résultats De La Recherche Par Auteur Translate this page Envoyez cette citation à un(e) ami(e) Ecrivain français (Nobel de littérature2000) gao xingjian . La montagne de l'âme un livre de gao xingjian. http://www.citationsdumonde.com/req_auteur.asp?Auteur=Gao Xingjian |
65. Muzi.com | News : Gao, Xingjian Taiwan president hails Nobel winner gao xingjian TAIPEI Taiwan President ChenShui-bian met exiled Chinese Nobel Literature Prize laureate gao xingjiang on http://dailynews.muzi.com/ps/english/29439.shtml | |
66. Theater Workshop With Gao Xingjian Translate this page Theater-Workshop mit gao xingjian. ¸ß Der seit 1987 im französischenExil lebende chinesische Dramatiker gao xingjian (geb. 1940 http://www.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/conf/theater.htm | |
67. Gao Xingjian Nobel Lecture gao xingjian Nobel Lecture 2000 Nobel Prize in Literature. Biography, Lists ofWorks by gao xingjian, Nobel Laureates. gao xingjian. gao xingjian. Newsletter. http://www.literature-awards.com/nobelprize_winners/gao_xingjian_the_nobel_laure | |
68. Galerie La Tour Des Cardinaux - Gao Xingjian Translate this page Galerie d'art La Tour des Cardinaux - vente d'art contemporain à Marseille - représentantexclusif du Prix Nobel gao xingjian en ce qui concerne les arts http://www.cardinaux.com/site/gao.htm |
69. Gao Xingjian Receives 2000 Nobel Prize In Literature East Asian Studies News File. gao xingjian Receives 2000 Nobel Prize inLiterature. October 12, 2000. Earlier Discussions of gao xingjian's Work. http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/documents/2000Nobel.htm | |
70. Bücher Test & Bester Preis Im Besten Shop: Dooyoo.de Translate this page Weiteren Unterrubriken xingjian, gao. Top Bücher. Auf dem Meer (gao xingjian), Aufdem Meer (gao xingjian). Schreiben Sie den ersten Testbericht zu diesem Thema! http://www.dooyoo.de/literatur_presse/buch/_selected/596053/ | |
71. Gao Xingjian: A Literary Journey (e-link=Gao) Although his novel Soul Mountain is all about questioning of literature, Chinesehistory and even language gao xingjian, the first Chinese writer to win http://www.cityu.edu.hk/cityutoday/news/category/outreach/visits/n20010131_02.ht | |
72. Beststar : Gao, Xingjian gao, xingjian. Profile, Gender Male Nationality China Location China Place of Birth China Date of Birth NA. http://www.beststar.com/ee/1/29439.shtml | |
73. Muzi.com | LatelineNews : Photo: Gao Xingjian 97790 English LatelineNews 200010-13 gao xingjian, Chinese-born novelist and Chinese Nobelprize winner gao xingjian says writer must oppose society (2000-10-19); http://news.1chinastar.com/ll/english/97790.shtml | |
74. Gao Xingjian http://www.jacky-craissac.com/gao.html | |
75. Untitled Document 2002 http//www.chineseart.com/Contemporary/volumefourissue3/article2.htm. xingjian,gao. gao xingjian. Madrid Museo Nacional Centro. 2002. xingjian, gao. http://wf.greenville.edu/~kaufmann/sources.html | |
76. Booklist--Gao Xingjian. Soul Mountain. How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine gao xingjian. Soul Mountain. Tr. byMabel Lee. Dec. 2000. 528p. illus. HarperCollins, $27 (006-621082-8). http://www.ala.org/booklist/v97/adult/de2/01gao.html | |
77. Gao XINGJIAN http://www.cercle-bleu.fr/Gao-9606/default.htm | |
78. Auchandirect Librairie Translate this page Auchandirect. Je m'inscris tout de suite en laissant mon e-mail Auchandirect. http://librairie.auchandirect.fr/thematique/litterature/litteratures_etrangeres/ | |
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