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Wu Tsao: more detail | |||||
61. §d¦¨¤å Selected Recent Publication tsao, DA, wu, CW and Lin, YS Molecularcloning of bovine telomerase. RNA. Gene 221 5158, 1998. Lo http://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/html/pi/wu_c.html | |
62. Origin Of The Surname Cao, Tsao, Tso, Cho, Tow of Cao*, tsao*, Tso*, Cho*, Tow*. Famous People in History. The 32 nd most commonlast name in China. The ancient king Zhuan Xu had a son called wu Hui, who was http://www.yutopian.com/names/11/11cao32.html | |
63. Courses Course, Credit, Instructor. Adaptive Signal Processing, 3, CH tsao. AdvancedComputer Networks, 3, Jingshown wu. Advanced Digital Signal Processing, 3,SC Pei. http://cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~comm/english/courses.htm | |
64. Faculty Professor tsao, HenWai Ph.D., National Taiwan Univ. Digital Communication Systems,Optical Fiber Communications, Electronic Circuit Design Professor wu, Ruey http://cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~comm/english/faculty.htm | |
65. Âå®v Á¬F¼Ý 3. WenShiann wu, Cheng-I Hsieh, Tsai-Yun Chen, wu-Chou Su, Fen-Fen Chen, Ming-Howu, Chao-Jung tsao Thymic carcinoma-A retrospective analysis Tr. http://www.kfsyscc.org/appointment/dr3.html | |
66. Lightcross ComVentures Patrick Ennis, Ph.D. ARCH Venture Partners Tingye Li, Ph.D. - formerBell Labs and AT T Research Chi wu, Ph.D. Robert tsao - Chairman, UMC. http://www.lightcross.com/corp_info_subs/board.htm | |
67. ASTROD 108. Cancellation of Fiber Induced Phase Fluctuations Between Two Laser Lights ina 26 km Long Fiber, by JT Shy, WT Ni, SA wu, SE Wang, SL tsao and J. wu, pp. http://gravity5.phys.nthu.edu.tw/~ASTROD/ |
68. ´Á¥Z½×¤å J Formos Med Assoc 974716. 4. tsao PN, wu TZ, Teng RJ, Tang JR, Yau TKI. Biol Neonate82(4)217-21. 19. wu CH, tsao PN, ChouHC, Tang JR, Chan WK, Tsou KI. http://ntuh.mc.ntu.edu.tw/Ped/staff/nb/æ¹ä¼¯å¹´papers.htm | |
69. Chinese Gods to bestow poverty or riches on individual families; has also been confused with HoShen (god of fire) and tsao Chèun (Furnace USE FOR Chenwu (Chinese deity). http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/climb/gods.html | |
70. HKFlix.com DVDetails Snake-crane Secret [4-movie Set] Dir Of The Snake And Crane. Film Director(s) wu Ma (Fung WoMa). FilmProducer(s) Tsai Yen, Suai Yu-Fang. Action Director(s) Lee tsao. http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/person.lee tsao/qx/titles.htm | |
71. Amourphous Metals -- Mechanical Properties 78. F. Spaepen, SS tsao and TW wu, Creep and brittle fracture of metallic glasses, Proceedings, EPRIActa Metallurgica Workshop on Amorphous Metals and http://www.deas.harvard.edu/matsci/people/fspaepen/spaepen publications/am-mech | |
72. Publications 6. J. tsao, MS Chapman, H. wu, M. Agbandje, W. Keller and MG Rossmann (1992). Thestructure determination of monoclinic canine parvovirus. Acta Crystallogr. http://venus.med.cornell.edu/publication.html | |
73. Schizothorax S. chrysochlora (McClelland Griffith, 1842) S. curvifrons Heckel, 1838 (Sattarsnowtrout) S. curvilabiatus wu tsao, 1991 S. davidi (Sauvage http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/Metazoa/Deuterostoma/Chordata/Actinopt |
74. Origin Of Family Name The tsao (or Cao, Tow, Tso, Cho) family name comes from the name of a kingdom, tsaowhich Emperor wu of the Chou dynasty bestowed his younger brother, Lord Zen http://www.tsao.org/origin.html | |
75. ? (Su, Wu-Chou, M 7. Lai WW, Chen FF, wu MH, Chow NH, Su WC, Ma MC, Su PF, Chen H, Lin MY 8. *Su WC,Lai WW, Chen HHW, Hsiue TR, Chen CW, Huang WT, Chen TY, tsao CJ, Wang NS. http://imm.med.ncku.edu.tw/TeacherPage/WJSu/WJSU.htm |
76. §d¦¨¤å onset. Int. J. Cancer, 79580587. tsao, DA, wu, CW, and Lin, YS (1998)Molecular cloning of bovine telomerase RNA.Gene 22151-58,. Chen http://www.ym.edu.tw/bio/teacher/wcw.htm | |
77. E Wu - ResearchIndex Document Query TaPeng tsao Rong-Ching (2000) (Correct) component of signal Ta-Peng tsao Rong-ChingWu E-mail tptsao@ee.nsysu.edu.tw Fax No www.iasted.com/conferences/2000 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=E. Wu |
78. §õ´º~ °Æ±Ð±Â YangHan Lee, Le-Pond Chin , Jingshown wu and Hen-Wai tsao, Multi-Star-RingFiber-Optic/Coaxial CATV Networks for Cellular Mobile Wireless Communication http://www.ee.tku.edu.tw/faculty/yhlee.big5.html | |
79. Paper Database Rice development and wuYue culture. YOU, Xiuling, youxl99a.htm, youxl99a.rtf,Dr. W. tsao / B. Gordon, 8/11/02. Dragon and rice culture. http://www.carleton.ca/~bgordon/Rice/paper_database.htm | |
80. IAMA and promote health tsaochiao (gleditsia) Loosens congestion, resolves phlegm, constipationtsao-wu (aconite) Very toxic, antiarthritic, analgesic tse-hsieh http://www.iama.edu/Articles/ChinesetoEnglish.htm | |
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